• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Hot-N-Heavy 2010

Here it comes!!

Paul's freezer has reached capacity........so it MUST be time to can some peppers!!! :dance:

This year, I grew 5 orange habanero plants and 3 cayennes. I've mainly been dehydrating my habaneros for powder...like this:


But, I did manage to stuff some of the little beauties into gallon-size freezer bags......along with the cayennes:


Sooooooooo.....whithout any further delay......let the mayhem commence!


Into the SS sink we go for de-stemming. Just look at those little beauties!!


YESSSSSSS.......396 orange rectal bombs.......and they're ALL MINE!!!

How do I know there are 396?


Because I COUNTED them!!!


Here's a gratuitous shot of my 60's model Waring blender and ANOTHER 100 habs drying in the RONCO:


to be continued....

I love the show! :clap:

Paul, you are on fire my friend and I bet your house has such a wonderful aroma ATM. :lol:

I always thought when water bath canning, you wanted the water at least an inch over the lid of the jar...

Thanks, compadre!!!

I'd think that if you completely submerged the jars, they'd break open and make a terrible mess. I've always done it this way. ;)

Why aren't the kids in school? Nice sauce ,Hoss! I mean boss! That's not right either. What do I mean? Perhaps some wine will clear my mind.

Thanks, sweetie!

The kids are out for election day so America can vote-in the next batch of crooks. :scared:
They wouldn't break open, that is how you water bath can to kill all of the nasties. I just never skimp on using proper canning methods, could save one's live someday. However, reading your process, you should be okay since you boiled and sterilized everything before hand. Just something to think about next time. ;)
They wouldn't break open, that is how you water bath can to kill all of the nasties. I just never skimp on using proper canning methods, could save one's live someday. However, reading your process, you should be okay since you boiled and sterilized everything before hand. Just something to think about next time. ;)

I will try that next time. ;)
BTW....I thought you said you couldn't grow anything...:think: It looks as if that statement was an understatement. :rofl: Nice haul!

If I try....it fails....if I dig a hole and stuff in a seedling.....they grow into mutants.

Go figure....

By the way....that's only about half of this year's haul. The bulk of the habs went into making about 2 pounds of powder. I love the powder!!! :clap:
Best thread award. Gold medal all the way. The best looking Hot Sauce I have ever seen. But that guy in the pictures. I hear they are coming to lock him up in the looney bin. haha.

Thanks for Everything. You made my day!
Pauly, I knew you had something sexy on under that funky bathrobe! A Bikini! I was missing it in the first posts!

I agree with pepperfreak on the boiling water bath. The jars should be submerged. Nothing to worry about with your stuff since it's been cooked to ba-jeepers and back :) .

You sure you wanna put all them cayennes in the dryer? Nice bright red puree to go with the hab~~~~

Keep that picture of Brandon as blackmail for when he's in HS and getting chopsy about something. You can tell him you'll post the picture on Facebook or something. Not that you would, but it pays to have leverage ;) :lol:

looking forward to the rest of the fun at the Circle-H.....
btw, Pauly, do you not have a proper set of canning tongs/jar lifter?

---(oh this is too funny! I was looking for an image of the jar lifter tongs and came up with this one from Amazon. What's wrong with this picture???)

btw, Pauly, do you not have a proper set of canning tongs/jar lifter?

---(oh this is too funny! I was looking for an image of the jar lifter tongs and came up with this one from Amazon. What's wrong with this picture???)


Looks like a girl doing a handstand...;)

Nah...I only can a little each year and I usually make due with what I have on hand.

If it's any consolation, while the jars were in the water, I had the lid of the pot on. Surely the steam did it's job......AND everything had already been boiled.....including the tongs and funnel.
Hot-N-Heavy: Day 3

It's a good bit quieter here this morning. The kids are back in school and it's a rainy November day here in KY....

But the Circle-H kitchen is HOT!!!

Here is a good starting shot. This is all the powder I've ground this year so far (minus the jar Tim took home....and what I've ALREADY UDSED!) plus the habs that have been drying:


They almost look like candy!


Into the trusty grinder we go....



Ten seconds later, Knock the powder off the sides with the back of a spoon:



Wait about a minute to allow the "dust" to settle....and it looks like this:


I'm using a ziplock bag for the newly ground powders.......as I have RUN OUT of containers to put it in! :lol:




On deck:

Running out of jars is a Good Thing! Side effects of a bountiful harvest.

You could go to the Dollar Store and buy some of their cheap chili powder, dump out their stuff and fill 'er up with the good stuff!

Can't wait to see the cayennes...they're gonna be purdy!

Btw- How long do you wait before opening the grinder, 2 swigs of beer or 3?
:beer: :rofl:

Love it, Pauly! It's all beautiful.