flavor Hot Pepper Taste, and my introduction

And Foreigners
Welcome Steve. I also highly reccommend Fatalii(or Devil's tongue), as well as any choc C. chinense, and scotch bonnets.
BTW, Jalapeno M is only 3500 to 6000 SHU, not 25000
The pumpkin peppers I grew were not habs but turned out to be ornamental eggplant:(
For out of this world flavor, tobago seasoning takes the motherhumping cake.

I shit you not. I am yet to be completely convinced that it is a pepper.
cheezydemon said:
For out of this world flavor, tobago seasoning takes the motherhumping cake.

I shit you not. I am yet to be completely convinced that it is a pepper.

be an interesting pepper to taste this one..growing Roberto`s Cuban and St Bart's Seasoning cannot wait for a taste test and the SUN lol to shine :rolleyes:
Ok, I wasn't sure since I haven't grown either of these. Do you think the "super datil" is also the same pepper, or something very similar? It sure is close in appearance.
I see. Well, on another note, I decided to cut open one of my "pumpkin habanero" pods from a plant I bought from pepperjoe. WOW is that little bastage hot. To give you an idea, I licked my fingertips after touching it very very briefly. My mouth lit up like lighter fluid! This is one of the hottest peppers I have come across in a long time. They are taking very long to turn orange, but they are full of hab scent and scorching heat!
Steve973 said:
I see. Well, on another note, I decided to cut open one of my "pumpkin habanero" pods from a plant I bought from pepperjoe. WOW is that little bastage hot. To give you an idea, I licked my fingertips after touching it very very briefly. My mouth lit up like lighter fluid! This is one of the hottest peppers I have come across in a long time. They are taking very long to turn orange, but they are full of hab scent and scorching heat!

Well that`s good news lighter fluid you say like choc/Peach hab heat ? :)