flavor Hot Pepper Taste, and my introduction

Hey Everyone!

I just signed up for this forum, because I love hot peppers, too. My favorites are mostly cultivars of c. chinense. This year I have about fourteen different varieties growing, but only 2 plants are chinense cultivars.

About hot pepper taste - most peppers seem to have only a little "green" pepper flavor along with varying levels of heat. This is my first year of growing peppers, and I grew so many to hopefully experience a lot of flavors. Unfortunately, none of them compare to the Datil peppers that I am growing this year! Those things instantly became my favorite, at least so far. Here's the list of what I have:

bolivian rainbow
pumpkin habanero
jalapeno m
Tohono O'odham chiletepin
thai sun
brazilian starfish

Jalapenos always taste great, along with the pimento as a nice alternative to bell peppers, and you can't go wrong with poblanos. Everything else has varying degrees of heat, but not a whole lot of unique flavor. Have the rest of you experienced this? I would love some recommendations for peppers with unique flavor, whether chinense or anything else. Next year, I may just concentrate on datil, fatalii, and devil's tongue. If I am feeling extra adventurous, I will try naga jolokia or some other naga.
I'm growing Datils and Super Datils too this year. They should be ripe in a couple weeks. Now I can't wait to taste them.

I grew Brazilian Starfish last year and it was the best tasting peppers I ever had. It started off with an intense fruity sweet flavor and had a creeping medium heat. Almost a dessert pepper.
I tried some of these before they were fully ripe, so I will wait until I have some really ripe ones before forming my opinion totally. Tabasco are supposed to have a lot of flavor, from what I have heard.
First of all welcome aboard from Ohio.I like all hot/sweet peppers & I like to have all new variety every year to extend my collection of specially hot peppers & like to breed different peppers to make new species it is fun to create new one at least ones a year.
Welcome form OZ Steve.

I grew the Tabasco last season and it was great. Lots of flavor and juicy.

And very very prolific, I grew 2 plants and i filled a 10 litre bucket with fruit (and they ripened late in the season). The heat hits you within a few seconds and keeps hitting you for a few minutes.

Watch this Vid.

Yeah, I saw many of your videos on youtube! I am definitely not that brave. I love hot food, and I love hot peppers, but I prefer to cook with them or make salsa. Occasionally I will eat a whole pepper, but I usually try the small varieties. They can be scorchers for sure, but I think it's a mental thing that tempts me to try them since they are so small. The chiltepin and the thai sun pack a massive wallop for their size.
Welcome!Here's some of my odd answers:

bolivian rainbow- (I almost made a rainbowberry joke....but held back), BV's taste kinda sweet. I actually used this pepper to start out my heat training many years ago. Lots of seeds though.

tabasco- tastes EXACTLY like the hot sauce minus the vinegar. I shit you not. If you hate tabasco (and most of us do), then this pepepr probably ain't for you.

jalapeno m- never heard of it, probably just like a jalapeno, sweet.
Jalapeno M is 25,000 Scoville on average, compared to a regular jalapeno, which weighs in at a (somewhat less) mighty 2500-5000. Mine do not seem to be terribly hot, though. Perhaps I should let some of them mature to red.

I don't mind tabasco in some situations. I like it on fries and in the cheeseball that my wife makes.
Wow, I just opened up my third datil pepper of the season to salvage some seeds for my friends. I have them sitting on a paper towel to dry, and the fragrance is wonderful and really strong considering that just the seeds are sitting here. I would recommend this type to anybody who likes chinense peppers!
Welcome aboard, mate!

I'm one of the exceptions, I grow Tabasco peppers every year, I love them for adding to my hot sauce and my salsas. When they ripen fully, they do taste pretty much exactly like Tabasco sauce.

If you ever think about it, I'd love to see pics of your pumpkin habs. That name is bringing so many images to mind.
Fatali rocks. Period. :)

Chocolate habs have a unique flavor too.

Hab flavor w/ brutal heat, and tastes almost like semi-sweet chocolate. (surprise)


Oh, and IMO, the Naga Morich is the tastiest Naga. Sweet and fruity then the pain.

The Bih has a delicate flavor, but is so stupid hot ya can barely taste it b4 yer mouth and throat explodes.

A Dorset is basically a Morich, and a Bhut is basically a Bih. Sutble diff's ya, but that's the short of it. :)
Welcome from Fort Worth
Steve973 you have excellent taste Fatalli and datils are my fave pepper`s and a lovely selection of others..go Datil go love em :)
bjs2006 said:
I'm growing Datils and Super Datils too this year. They should be ripe in a couple weeks. Now I can't wait to taste them.

I grew Brazilian Starfish last year and it was the best tasting peppers I ever had. It started off with an intense fruity sweet flavor and had a creeping medium heat. Almost a dessert pepper.

Super Datils please tell me more..how Different to normal Datils :)
Potawie done a thread on these i think..Pumpkin pepper and said they tasted terrible..Weather its the same one iam not sure..:rolleyes: