How are everyone's plants doing in this heat?

Mine are getting roughed up right now. It's still 94F here at 7:30 PM. :eek: At first it was just the ones in the buckets, but now the ones in the ground are taking a beating too. They look half dead during the day and don't start to perk up until about sundown. Growth and pod set has come to a screeching halt and they've dropped quite a bit of leaves, I'm getting a lot of ripe pods every day though. Fortunately it's supposed to cool down a bit after Friday, and hopefully we'll get some rain it has been about a month. I don't how you Texas people deal with this for months at a time. :eek:
I've been watering mine every day after work, they have been pretty wilted, though no leaf loss that I've seen. After I water them they perk back up, the pods seem to be doing well enough though. But yeah it sucks, I think it's been at 100 for about the last week.
Mine are curling. New bed in back is full sun. Some varieties I have learned will be in the old bed next year where they get sun 60% of the day. Leaves are curling all over on top
The PNW is having the opposite problem, too Cold! The last week has been depressing, cloudy, rainy, highs around 65°f or so. Last couple days have been better though, getting into the seventies with a bit more sun and drying out. All my peppers are making miniature little pods, have not gotten a full size one yet! I do feel for everyone back east that are dealing with 100°f plus weather.....
they were wilted but now there fine i just watered the and they all went AAAAHHHH!! WOW ITS HOT

Yup had 95+ for like 6 days now and ive had to move my buckets to the front(west) side of the house cuz there home on the south side they were toast by 9-10 am with close to 100 degree bright sun they have done well this week with just evening sun from like 4-8 and partial sun threw the trees from like 1-4 still watering heavy everyday tho the humidity is horrible here in iowa ive had all flowers drop and even had 2 small pods drop which is alright cuz all 6 plants have at least 30 pods on them a few have over 50 anyway yea this heat is getten old fast it looks like we have till at least sunday to deal with upper 90's so total will be 8 days in a row with 95+ good thing i got central air its been workin overtime :P
I am totally surprised. the jal's and the cay's are a bit wilted, but my in-ground habs have exploded. The pods have almost doubled this week, and I haven't had any flower drop.
I've moved mine underneath a tree's canopy so they get no more than a couple hours of direct sunlight a day and they've all been looking great. Even the Rocotos are still setting pods. They only start wilting after three or four days of consecutive 90+ temperatures... which has been the case for most of July. Thankfully, up until recently it has rained enough that I've hardly had to touch the plants.

... but it would seem I'm one of the exceptions here.
Heat index on Tuesday was 130..way too hot for anyone or any plant. So far they are hanging in there. We're having a break so maybe a couple cooler days before the next heat wave. It's been a crazy year, too cold and wet to plant until late, aphid attack, ended up buying carribean reds and a few others. Now the heat!!! The super hots I received from midwest chilihead are doing remarkable in all of this. I know I will probably have to buy peppers this year but that's ok. I'll be happy with what I get. I foresee a LOT of overwintered plants this winter.
Apparently a new record for July 21st for here was set today. I got on and it said today: 98F, record: 96F. :eek:

I was thinking about moving all the pots up close to the west-facing back of the house. They're all kind of in that area, but some are a good 10-15 feet off the wall. The ones only a couple feet from the wall are doing much better than those further away. Then again, after tomorrow it's supposed to drop to the mid 80s, so maybe I'll just make them tough it out for one more day. :D I'm hoping when this heat drops they'll put some growth back on I'll get another major flush of ripe pods before it gets too cold. Once it cools down I'm going to give them some Liquid Karma and see if that helps them bounce back.
San antonio has already had around 12 days in the triple digits, not to mention the heat index with the humidity. My plants wilt in the day and perk right up in the evening. I keep mine well shaded, they get an hour or 2 of early sunlight and then it's shade the rest the day.
Apparently I misread the weather report, it's not going to cool down until more like Sunday/Monday, so I'll definitely be doing some rearranging tomorrow. The midwest actually has it worse than the south right now as far as the heat indices go. The humidity is awful, the second I step outside it's instant sweat everywhere. A 130 degree heat index is still a hell of a lot better than a 10 degree winter day though.
I believe we here in the DFW area are on day 17 in a row of 100+........ I'm watering with drip irrigation, garden gets 1gal (per every 12in down the rows) every day. Once a week I also run the sprinkler to completely cover the whole area. The walkways between rows have 2inch cracks! I have 5 buckets (5gal) with peppers too. Those get water in the morning and again in the evening. I water those with the hose so I'm not sure the amount, I keep it on the low side so they don't get root rot though.

Bugs are about to be a real pain. The good: I have say 30 baby assassin bugs (pretty bright orange!) camping out on my Pequin. The bad: in a week squash bugs found and them decimated my 6 beautiful yellow crooked-neck plants. DE doesn't seem to faze them AT ALL! Bought a sprayer and neem oil to try and run them off, fingers crossed. My poor watered garden is flashing in bright neon lights "DINNER!"