• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

How do you pollinate a flower?

Yeah they speak all funny though, kind of sing-songy. They seem to be able to sing though, I'm like a drowning cat when I sing with my Kent/london accent.
Watch out RB, the anti-intellectuals are formed up and waiting to pounce..........

Somebody will opine shortly how ignorance of their native language is a virtue.
My native language is Ripleyese. Our pets are called dogs (with a long "O"), there is President Bush with a long "U", we worsch our clothes, and we draw water from the faucet. Our cars didn't have trunks, they had boots and them there people who were from out of town talked funny. But we did raise mangoes though most people call them bell peppers.

When I first moved to Cincy, my boss didn't want me telling people I was calling from the city. I didn't realize how different I sounded until I had to call people in Amarillo and they thought I was a local boy!

i just took a peice of tissue made a hard cone and just kinda mucked up all the pollen and kept going from one flower to the next and over a few times just a like a bee would do sorta seems to work i got more peppers on there
Forgive my re-opening this old thread, but I am interested in Cross-pollinating 2 different peppers. Is it possible to cross-pollinate with a Q-tip, without self-pollinating in the process?