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How I am gonna quit smoking!!

I found a present by the front door today

Not as good as the snacking on jalapeno sunflower seeds program! :lol: Ive cut down considerably and hope to be all done by the end of the month.G/f and I are taking a trip the 26th thru 29th fishing and I am not taking any smokes so if I havent quit by then I will have when we get back
I fell off the wagon last night. I hadn't had a smoke since a week ago, then last night my buddy Tommy calls me to go meet him at the gin mill. Sure as sh*T, he buys 2 rounds of shots and i'm already chain smoking by then. Damn....
You can do this Sickmont. You'll be amazed at the difference in your health within a couple of months. You can breathe! No hacking and coughing in the a.m. Food tastes better, your sense of smell returns. Just can't say enough.

I smoked for 28 years, my pops for 65 years. Lung cancer got him at 80. Doc said the rest of his body was in great shape and who knew how much longer he could have lived.

I've been smoke free for four years and I still get wicked cravings but they totally disappear within a few seconds. I used the patch for 11 days and then stopped it and went cold turkey.

Being smoke free rocks man. I know you can do it. Best of luck to you!