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How much Epsom salt?

I've looked around a bit on the internet and found some conflicting info.. also with with the measures since the measures are metric, US as well as Brit (imperial) measure...
I've heard half a teaspoon per gallon (not sure us or imperial) I've heard 1/4 TBSP or tablespoon per gallon, I've heard 1/8th of a tbsp per 4 liters....arrgh...

so... as this is a purely pepper oriented site... what is the best range of epsom to water and do the numbers change if it is poured in the soil or sprayed on the leaves?

once and for all...

Is it 0.25 (1/4) of a tea-spoon (tsp) of epsom salt to 1 US Gallon (3.78541178 liters) or 1 Imperial gallon (4.54609188 liters)

Also... as far as source..I found some epsom salt crystals that say they are 100% natural mineral magnesium sulfate and don't have any additives, but I didn't see them in a plant store, they were in the pharmacy section of my supermarket...

one other question....

I actually saw on another site where a guy said for tomatoes and peppers, grab one of your Cal-Mag mineral supplements that you would take yourself and crush it up and mix it in with 500ml of warm tap water and let it sit for a day or so, stirring it up every so often... (seems expensive to me at the cost of vitamins these days but would it work in a pinch?)

My plants probably could use the calcium too.... but I dunno... my cal-mag vitamin supplement has vitamin D in it too...perhaps that would help since my plants are indoor plants and don't get enough sun (that's a joke!)
But would 333mg of elemental calcium, 167mg magnesium actually work if dissolved in 500ml of water??

seems like a bit of Bull-Fertillizer to me :lol:
here, i'll make it simple for you with local input to your area.

go to the real canadian super, in the pharmacy section, you'll find 2 bags of epsom salts. blue & green. buy the blue bag $3.29. the green has lavander oil mixed in, so don't buy it.
go to walmart, in the garden section you will see E-Z sprayer vapourizer spray bottle 455ml. $1.99, buy it. then 2 aisles over where they have the boxed bone meal, blood meal and compost accelerator you will see dolomitic lime box by green earth. $5.98 buy it.

when you get home, fill the spray bottle with good ole calgary tap water, take 1 teaspoon of the epsom salt and mix it into the spray bottle. circle it around until it mixes and each time before using swirl it around to circulate the water. your done. tonight, before bed, lightly mist your plants, done drench them, lightly mist them. i do one shot from the top down, one shot from bottom upward. do it every 4th day. if you see spots developing on your leaves do every 7 days.

the dolomite is granular and can be sprinkled on top of your soil or mixed in. i also have this in a water mix for my dwc.

now, here is a bonus for you. drive out to sunnyside greenhouse and for $9.99 buy the 15 litre bag of worm castings, if you are on a bike take warning it's heavy. if that is too much, you can buy a 5 litre bag of composted worm casting at the hillhurst sunnyside farmers market from a company called worms at work for $10.00. you can even buy the entire setup to vermicompost in your home, worm bucket and worms from them.

have fun.
I have been using 3 tsp per gal of water in a 2 gal pump sprayer bi-weekly. The yellowing on a few of the superhots is almost completely gone. No complaints, seems to be getting the job done.
I just throw a bit in the watering can, if i had to guess there would be around 13547 individual crystals.
To that i add some water from the tap, around 10 seconds worth when the handle is half open.
Wow.. way to be a dick about giving an answer..

sometimes it matters how things are done... since I am new to this and looking for ideas as to what works.. I don't need a-hole responses like this...

post elsewhere if you don't want to help

I just throw a bit in the watering can, if i had to guess there would be around 13547 individual crystals.
To that i add some water from the tap, around 10 seconds worth when the handle is half open.
Maybe you Canadians should grow some weed instead, smoke it and relax. That was my attempt at humor! Nova's a great guy and goes out of his way to help a lot of people on here. But he IS a funny guy! Best of luck guys!
I add 1 tbl per gallon of water and water my plants; if they're in a pot, I sprinkle a tsp on the soil and when I water it just disolves: PS Nova really was just being funny, N!O REALLY, LOL