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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

Mr t


And my table Chilli
Here are the photos of my wrinkly messed up plants. I'm fairly confident it's because of overfeeding, and its completely my fault. I get impatient and want to do something to get them going, and forget when I last dosed them so end up over fertilising.

They were going alright until we had a big storm and lots of rain fall. I think the rain released all the fertiliser that was in the soil... = overdose. It affected plants in every part of the garden all at the same time, but only the ones I had been feeding for a while. The brand new ones seem fine.







This is a Bhut Jolokia that's been in the garden from the first test run, its the only bhut thats done anything. They always looked like this, not very happy plants. It's a really low, bushy sprawling plant.

Finally making some pods though :)

Magnum Habanero starting to produce too :D

M8 they will be as big as ur hand before u know it , I think u got way to much poo on them it will just make the soil toxic have u got a ph kit?

What's up with this weather , plants won't know what's going on ?

Damn must the be dreggs of beer that are making that thing grow so big. I will have to start sharing my beer with my plants. :beer: One for you, one for me. :D My Butch T's are less then half the size of that. Think you will need to watch that keg doesn't get too hot once the summer starts to kick into high gear.
Ud be surprised it stays pretty cool , I think coz it's shiny it reflects the heat , the plant seems to love it

Got in from work and most of the plants have dropped all there flowers

The sticks r taking off




Impressive... but this is how we grow our Butchies in Queensland...

(That's not a Butchie, THIS is a Butchie)


And we ain't even need no fancy kegs or nothing! :P

Haha but seriously though, that thing is going off! Mine was a little runt in it's first year... not that you would believe it now.

I knew the good luck couldn't last :( All my plants new growth is wrinkly and fuct :( Thats ALL plants except the jalapenos and the newest pot ups.

I don't reckon they look THAT bad. They still look a thousand times better than your plants last season. ;)
M8 this is still a baby u wait till it starts to grow upwards ull be able to see it from Queens-land
Just W-ait A-while , still got a few new tricks up my sleeve don't forget it is my first season!

And hold on what's fancy bout a keg is so bogan it's beyond bogan

Ps that is a nice plant
M8 this is still a baby u wait till it starts to grow upwards ull be able to see it from Queens-land
Just W-ait A-while , still got a few new tricks up my sleeve don't forget it is my first season!

And hold on what's fancy bout a keg is so bogan it's beyond bogan

Ps that is a nice plant

Yeah, nah, I meant yours is going off! That is awesome for a first season plant. Mine is three years old (and in the ground with heaps more leg room). ;)

It's a plant... in a keg... bogan or not, that sh*t is fancy in my books. :P

I'll be keeping an eye on the horizon.... :lol:
Yeah, nah, I meant yours is going off! That is awesome for a first season plant. Mine is three years old (and in the ground with heaps more leg room). ;)

It's a plant... in a keg... bogan or not, that sh*t is fancy in my books. :P

I'll be keeping an eye on the horizon.... :lol:

U do anything special to over winter it or just let it do its own thing
wow thats alot of poop :)

Im going to stop fertilising for a while and see if he curl stops....
Blue flames my capsicum dropped a bunch of its smaller pods...is it due to the heat we had last 2 days??
wow thats alot of poop :)

Im going to stop fertilising for a while and see if he curl stops....
Blue flames my capsicum dropped a bunch of its smaller pods...is it due to the heat we had last 2 days??
Yeah I reckon it the sudden changes , it been up and down the last few day
Its not the poo. Although it looks like they are sitting deep in crap there is very little in the actual root zone. I excavated around each plant and put in better soil mix because they weren't going very well in the soil. Plus younger plants in pots are nowhere near the poo and showed the same wrinkling. Its because I overdosed them with liquid ferts.

I know the poo ain't helping but that was a completely different over feeding incident :P

I've been waiting and watching for the flower drop thing to start but nothing yet. :pray:
U do anything special to over winter it or just let it do its own thing

I just prune right back in autumn/winter (whenever the plant finishes up it's current round of production for the summer season), feed and then just let the things grow.

Here is Butchie back in August after his haircut (on the left)....


Same garden today....


Not bad for four months, eh? :D

He had a late haircut due to his willingness to put out all winter long for me. I think he was still putting out a few new pods in August at the time I decided enough was enough and it was time for a haircut before spring arrived.

Winter pods from last winter (before haircut)....





I love Butchies.... they are great plants. I find they can be a bit touchy when it comes to setting their first lot of fruit but once they get going, they don't stop!
The 3rd pod looks gr8 true to form did u find the summer pods grew more true to form than the winter ones

Mr moo have u used cal mag for the leaf crinkle ? Might give it a shot on mine , they r growing but like mutants
The 3rd pod looks gr8 true to form did u find the summer pods grew more true to form than the winter ones

Mr moo have u used cal mag for the leaf crinkle ? Might give it a shot on mine , they r growing but like mutants

I thought about it but first I'm going to flush them for a while. If they don't start growing normal then I will. Just checked them all out and quite a few have tiny pods starting. :)