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How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

I knew the good luck couldn't last :( All my plants new growth is wrinkly and fuct :( Thats ALL plants except the jalapenos and the newest pot ups. After 2 days of rain and high winds I let them dry out, then gave them a feed yesterday.

Either being waterlogged has really messed with them.... or they have been invaded with mites, but I wouldn't expect bugs to affect them across the board at the same time.

The rain has probably released built up salts or something and they are in serious nutrient overload... and I just went and fed them again yesterday thinking the rain had washed everything out :banghead:

Looks like I'll just be flushing for a while and everything will stall for a while.

No pictures cos I can't stand looking at it.

On a good note I noticed a tiny Magnum Habanero proto pod.
ALL of my chilli's except for the 2 big jalapeno plants in the back yard haeve wrinkled and deformed leaves...

I stopped trying to worry about why as i dont know why...

They are growing slow as a wet week though but i put that partially to repotting/planting them then they take a while to get back into growing mode...

And just for the record, my 2 fastest and largest chilli plants are the 2 jalapenos i never looked after....
My only ones not affected are the Jalapenos which are in the plain old sandy dirt that was already in the raised bed. I think it is buffering them against the water and nutes. The Bhut Jolokias in the same bed are all really wrinkly and not doing as well. I harvested the Jalapeno seeds from store bought pods and they were probably bred for easy growing.

Or it might just be an annuum vs chinense thing. I've just realised that the naga jolokia purples are fine and they are the only other annuums planted.
i havnt had much luck with chinense at all :( maybe they are much harder to grow that annums??

Here's a rather bad photo of the Hab I had that went gangbusters after I just lobbed a few seeds in a random pot and forgot about it. Sadly it was destroyed by parrots a few months later.


Now everything I have just sits at teensy-weensy seedling stage for weeks and weeks. I must be overwatering.
I knew the good luck couldn't last :( All my plants new growth is wrinkly and fuct :( Thats ALL plants except the jalapenos and the newest pot ups. After 2 days of rain and high winds I let them dry out, then gave them a feed yesterday.

Either being waterlogged has really messed with them.... or they have been invaded with mites, but I wouldn't expect bugs to affect them across the board at the same time.

The rain has probably released built up salts or something and they are in serious nutrient overload... and I just went and fed them again yesterday thinking the rain had washed everything out :banghead:

Looks like I'll just be flushing for a while and everything will stall for a while.

No pictures cos I can't stand looking at it.

On a good note I noticed a tiny Magnum Habanero proto pod.

Moooo.... get some pics up.

Whatever it is, sucks to hear, man! :( I hope it's nothing major and you kick it's ass! :hell:

Rain can cause BIG flare ups in broad mite. I'm not sure why but I've seen it happen. Strangely, not all the time it rains, only sometimes. Might have something to do with moisture in the air or something, I dunno... the buggers thrive in humidity.

(And seriously get some pics up... I should be able to tell you if it looks like broad mite or not.)
Here are my seedlings that are giving me consternation. The larger ones were planted a few days over 2 months ago. The damage that you see is caterpilars and I have now been squishing them every morning so that seems to have abated.

The seedlings seem to have reached about this size and stopped. Is this normal?

one thing i notice about yours are they are all nice green but quite leggy.

My plants are a bit pale however they are all short and squat....any explanation for that?

my razamataz looks more like a ground cover and my naga/butch t's are like a little fern thing...
nemspy from first look I'd say not enough drainage in the soil. That is what I've found to be the root problem most of the time when chilli plants don't grow.

But some more info might be helpful.

What soil mix are they in?
How often do you water them?
When you go to water them is the soil completely dried out?
Have they ever been limp and floppy when you go to water them?
how many hours of sun do they get?
They are in Osmocote Premium Potting Mix - Professional (or something like that)

I water them whenever they look dry. Usually every few days. I wouldn't say they are completely dried out when I water them all but they sometimes are getting there.

Today some of them were limp when I went to water.

They are sitting under a skylight on the verandah,they only get a few hours of direct sunlight but quite a lot of indirect - it's never dim or anything where they are except for night time.
Cheers guys for the Baggies info. I'll be looking at all those places mentioned.
Thanks again

Check out this link http://www.greenharvest.com.au/PestControlOrganic/ExclusionProducts.html#FruitProtectionBags

And check out the waxed paper exclusion bags. They are piss easy to put on ... I should know I used to put them on apples on trees in new Zealand to stop insects and blemishes (not fruit fly as new zealand doesnt have them but wasps) for a job for a while and we were paid by the bag. Not too bad a price and they have a built in twist tie

Critique please tell me whats wrong :)

I used seasol and the powerfeed for veggies (the two matching products) maybe i use them too much. I normally fertilise on the weekend...cause i noticed that some of the healthy plants are getting a bit crinkled leaves now after fertilising 3 weeks in a row...

Planted in good life soil, except for the ones in the ground.

Some are bushy but very short.

Bear in mind these have been growing for 2months or so....

Also are chillis like tomato's??? Should i be pulling off those little sprouts that pop up in the forks of the branches to encourage taller growth?? the hot fish etc show below is getting really bushy down low.



Bushy razzamataz




my biggest superhot...

I would only feed at half strength if you are feeding every week or you might get too much salt buildup and overfertilise
They are in Osmocote Premium Potting Mix - Professional (or something like that)

I water them whenever they look dry. Usually every few days. I wouldn't say they are completely dried out when I water them all but they sometimes are getting there.

Today some of them were limp when I went to water.

They are sitting under a skylight on the verandah,they only get a few hours of direct sunlight but quite a lot of indirect - it's never dim or anything where they are except for night time.
I had the same problem using that osmocote stuff. It has water crystals in it. Mine came back when I stopped watering as much. Once a week at most.
I had the same problem using that osmocote stuff. It has water crystals in it. Mine came back when I stopped watering as much. Once a week at most.

Even if it looks dry and they go wilty during the day? IT's going to be hard, but ill try to hold out from watering lol.
I have loads of wrinkly / deformed / weird looking leaves on a heap of my plants. I have stopped worrying about it though, and the plants seem to be growing ok so i'm just killing the odd aphid here and there now.

Are thrips much of a problem to chilli plants...as i seem to be over-run with them at the moment. Not so much around the chilli plants, but when you walk through the garden there's hundreds coming out of the grass.

Is that something to worry about? If so, is there any remedy?

The seedlings seem to have reached about this size and stopped. Is this normal?

Mine seem to stall too....but i reckon it's just me being so impatient!
I had a load in small cups that seemed to stay the same size for an eternity...but i looked at them last week and thought "wow, i really better pot them up.."!! I reckon they are still growing as normal, but it's just that you get obsessed about them and are already thinking about the pods it's going to produce!! lol
I'm thankful i have quite a few plants producing pods now, so that i almost forget about the smaller ones....and then before i know it, they ain't so small any more! :)
Also are chillis like tomato's??? Should i be pulling off those little sprouts that pop up in the forks of the branches to encourage taller growth?? the hot fish etc show below is getting really bushy down low.

Nooooooo... bushy is good. ;)

Even if it looks dry and they go wilty during the day? IT's going to be hard, but ill try to hold out from watering lol.

Despite it being said that chillies love full sun, they can be real babies under it. When the sun is really intense they will wilt regardless of how well watered they might be. On the flipside though, they are masters at bouncing back after a big ol' wilting session.
Super hots grow super slow and the nights r only just starting to warm up give em time the will come on but if u try to rush them ie bomb them with ferts it does more harm then good . All my plants have got leaf probs but sick of trying to work out why , just gunna let them do there own thing

Lol at Least u got leaves I've got a garden full of sticks

Just got in from work and had a night mission , here is som blurry Perth pod porn