How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

megamoo said:
No it was linked to by someone, can't remember who, I think on the winter-summer in oz thread roughly a year? ago.   If you have hours to spare and the patience of a statue you could comb through it.  Maybe there is a way to search a thread for links that could cut the time down?
Sad news dude.  I've got some sort of fungus attacking my overwintered Brainstrain right now.  I'll probably have to spray some chemicals and if it survives there will be significant recovery time.  It's heartbreaking because it was my best plant.
Awesome!  I feel like a proud parent ;)
Sounds like a good idea.  I've got lots of excess and was going to post something up about free seeds but didn't have time with all the xmas craziness. 
I'll go through what I have available and make a list.
We can get a master-list post going listing what's available and who has them.
I'm down too. I haven't got a lot of varieties though.
Purple Bhut - 18 seeds
Aji Lemon - 1 seed (bad germ rate)
African Birdseye - 12 seeds
Carolina Reaper - 10 seeds
Cayenne - heaps
Jamaican yellow - 12 seeds
Orange Hab - 16 seeds
Red Hab - 22 seeds
Jalapeño - heaps
Numex Twilight - Tons
Peach Ghost Scorpion - 8 seeds
Butch T - No seeds, but three plants starting to set fruit
Purple Tiger - Heaps
Rocoto - 30 seeds (more in the way)
7 Pot Brain Strain - 6 seeds
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise - 7 seeds
Red Devils Tongue - 4 seeds
Yellow Seven pot - tons
Group shot of about 60% of my balcony chilli garden this morning.
Hey guys looks like everyone seems to be doing well! Been on holiday for the past 2 weeks and came back and my plants have burst into life! Lots of jalapeños, Thais and cayennes harvested also Hungarian black and black pearl and some of my weird jalapeño crosses! I'm pretty sure one of them must be crossed with a Bangalore torpedo as I've never seen pods like this on any other plant?

That's what I picked this morning and there's alot more close to ripening!
However..... I'm still having trouble with all my superhots... They've all grown nice and bushy whilst I was away with plenty of flowers but they still seem to be dropping flowers I haven't had 1 single pod set yet.... Is there anything I can do to help them set fruit?

Do yourself a favour and don't pick your Hungarian Blacks till they turn a really dark red. They are a particular strain that tastes 1000x better ripe.
My entire crop right now. It's been a little cool down here in Bunno this week, but as it picks up to around 30 again some of these more compact plants should shoot up.

Here's one of my two Black Habanero plants. Really happy with how it's looking. This corner of my balcony is the best grow location I have.
Had a week of overcast weather here, so I went and bought a couple 48W CFL's for the seedlings.
I haven't watered my plants in the garden beds for nearly a week too. All the rain we've had in Kal from the cyclone helped out. A dose of seasol tomorrow I reckon.
Andy21 said:
However..... I'm still having trouble with all my superhots... They've all grown nice and bushy whilst I was away with plenty of flowers but they still seem to be dropping flowers I haven't had 1 single pod set yet.... Is there anything I can do to help them set fruit?
All the planets will need to align, you have to hold your tongue just right, cross all your fingers and toes....
I dont know I'm yet to find how to make a super hot consistently hang onto its flowers.  I've had it happen and made tons of pods hydroponicly but I can never seem to re create what I did.  Seems like alot of conditions have to be perfect.
Anything that isn't superhot I can make alot of pods on.  superhots are too temperamental.
Hi Guys, just wanted to post some photos. Built a shadecloth greenhouse for my smaller plants and a top sheet for the big plants and herbs.



Plants seem to enjoy it.
Super David said:
All the planets will need to align, you have to hold your tongue just right, cross all your fingers and toes....
I dont know I'm yet to find how to make a super hot consistently hang onto its flowers.  I've had it happen and made tons of pods hydroponicly but I can never seem to re create what I did.  Seems like alot of conditions have to be perfect.
Anything that isn't superhot I can make alot of pods on.  superhots are too temperamental.
Having the same issue here, i.e. flowering super hots that are not setting fruit.  Could all use a lesson from Megamoo - he's not having any troubles getting pods!
Krissyme1 said:
Hi Guys, just wanted to post some photos. Built a shadecloth greenhouse for my smaller plants and a top sheet for the big plants and herbs.

Plants seem to enjoy it.
The pics are small but the set-up you have looks huge and some of those plants are on the large side too.  What are you growing in the bottom photo?
Rainman said:
Sad day today.  All the chilies that were planted in the ground where my old tomatoes once were had a hoard of black spots sweep over them in between my watering.  The established fruiting plants (jalapeno, mexi-belle and cayenne) looked like they were coping, but all the smaller seedlings were hit massively hard and new growth was all black and shriveled :(
Figured it was either severe BLS or Phytopthora Blight, so I have culled all infected plants in the hope spores have not been blown across the yard to my favorite plants.
Grow list has been decimated, leaving the following still alive (I have now sprayed them all with copper as a precaution):
Orange Habanero x 1
Chocolate Habanero x 1
Trinidad Scorpion (Yellow) x 1
Bhut Ghost x 2
Butch T x 1
7 Pot Douglah x 1
7 Pot Jonah x 1
All infected and destroyed:
Orange Habanero x 1
Jalapeno x 3
Yellow Wax x 1
Banana x 1
Mexi-Belle x 1 
Cayenne x 1, 
Chipolte x 1
Peter Penis x 1
Sweet Capsicum x 1
Serrano x 1
That's what I figured, but I wondered if there was some advantage I was missing.  On a side note, I'm seeing much faster growth since I cut the base of the organic pot off, so that's something I guess.  
Ok, off to mourn my loss :(
That's a real bummer there Rainman.
Mine have gone to shit too, I have been away a couple of weeks and geared the plants up with lots of watering and double shade cloth.
Expecting a hot one as usual the bloody weather went really mild and now my plants are overwatered, leggy and some are starting with Blackspot!
Ahhh the fun of growing.
megamoo said:
No it was linked to by someone, can't remember who, I think on the winter-summer in oz thread roughly a year? ago.   If you have hours to spare and the patience of a statue you could comb through it.  Maybe there is a way to search a thread for links that could cut the time down?
No problem there Moo. Sorry I haven't got back to ya earlier, just got back from fishing up Cervantes.
Micca302 said:
That's a real bummer there Rainman.
Mine have gone to shit too, I have been away a couple of weeks and geared the plants up with lots of watering and double shade cloth.
Expecting a hot one as usual the bloody weather went really mild and now my plants are overwatered, leggy and some are starting with Blackspot!
Ahhh the fun of growing.
No problem there Moo. Sorry I haven't got back to ya earlier, just got back from fishing up Cervantes.
Well I had a bit of a search for this soil article Moo mentioned.
I came across this which I think is along the same lines that Moo talked about
I'm still reading it but very interesting. Talks about drainage, capillary action etc.
I think the one I read was whatever it was copied from... the link doesn't work for me.  Basically the same stuff.  Perched water table equals capillary action vs gravity flow potential.  Therefore the best soil mix is based on a correct and constant particle size.  I want to try out the wicking idea.
It is very interesting stuff and makes sense but I have read in other places to not use pine bark in soil mixes for chillies because it locks up nutrients, sucks away the nitrogen or something. 
On the other hand I have also read an article about ramial chipped wood, which is chipped twigs and branches that are 7cm or lower in diameter, being the best natural mulch/fertilizer available.  I think it has to be a certain kind of wood too, deciduous, hardwood ?  So a month ago I prepared a three veggie beds in my front yard and gave them all the same soil mix except one had some compost I had made primarily from wood chips.  Planted some corn and so far the plants in the compost bede are huge and the others are struggling to get going. 
Obviously composting the wood chips makes them better to use in mixes.  Might have to get some pine bark for soil mixes in the future and see how it goes.
The wicking idea sounds interesting. Also the pot-in-pot idea.
I wandered about the pine bark. I did a bit of a search and seems like you said the composted form is the way to go.
Might have to look into it a bit more sometime.
I find it amazing how one day can really impact on how my chillies look. Last night had a strong easterly blowing down here and today was hot and my plants look a little scorched around the edges and depressing today. I've seen this before, though. They tend to bounce back quickly.
Like some others, I haven't had a single superhot set a fruit yet. The best I have going is some red habs and a single fatalii.
Well the hot snap today fried about 6 leaves on my Douglah and caused it to drop the lone tiny pod that I think was about to set - gutted.
The two Fatalii I have dropped 4 leaves each... have one pod still sanding though, so fingers crossed on that one.  
Gave them all their weekly feed and a good dose of water so hopefully they are still happy enough.
Is it common for the lower, larger older leaves on a superhot to yellow and drop off - not seeing any adverse effects on any of the mid and upper foliage so assume its still healthy?
On a side note, the wife cheered me up buy buying a kilo of orange habs - I've not had any for ages as all the local shops were out of stock.  Going to make some sauces and some spicy fish tacos for dinner tonight :)
I'm getting pretty regular yellowing and dropping of lower leaves across most of my plants.  But they are dropping very slowly and not faster than the new growth so I'm not that worried. 
It means that a mobile nutrient is deficient and the plant is taking it from the older leaves to feed the newer ones.  If anything I've been overfeeding them so this is probably something to do with a slight pH nutrient lockout.
If it gets any worse I've got some dolomite lime to spread on the soil.
Most of them wilted in the afternoon today but they should be ok.  It's forecast 40 on Sat. :(