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Anyone can say anything they want on the internet and elsewhere for that matter.

The Library of Congress lists Louis Lunch in New Haven, CT as being the first to serve a hamburger sandwich beginning in 1895. The evidence supporting that is erroneous at best and their listing by the LOC was lobbied heavily by local officials.

The fact is, there is documented proof that Fletcher Davis was serving them out of his joint in Athens, TX in 1880 well before Louis Lunch.

Still, another joint in Wisconsin run by Charlie Nagreen began selling hamburger steaks between 2 slices of bread in 1885.

The above are examples that people will believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts and for whatever reason.
Our Father who art in heaven please forgive those that have beat this horse to death for they no not when to just shut the f%$k up. .



Dude we have to have something to bitch and cry about. it's the drama queen way. LMMFAO

but you are right so i am going to just ignore this thread and leave it to others that want to kick the horse after it's dead.

9 more posts in the same thread, if only part of this thread were true and factual, certainly the underlined part was not.
Came across this info concerning the testing which answers why they have no individual pod testing and why the testing is showing only a 200K SHU range ( Source ):

The testing has been done on small batches of the pepper which are grown in hot houses and fields in York County. The peppers are ground and mixed together to get an average reading, he said.

So it seems they are actually combining many peppers and then using that mixture to test the SHU of - so there are no individual pod results to get a range from or to release test info on !
Good catch JDFan.... If they didn;t do any single pod test how can they claim a 200,000 variance on heat...
They did more than one test. Not 50 lbs at one time. "But he has tested the “Carolina Reaper” for more than five years and has been getting consistent results."

Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2012/08/25/4213101/is-locally-grown-carolina-reaper.html#storylink=cpy#storylink=cpy​
They did more than one test. Not 50 lbs at one time. "But he has tested the “Carolina Reaper” for more than five years and has been getting consistent results."

Read more here: http://www.heraldonl...y#storylink=cpy
yes, but i think what is in question is the method of the testing, its multiple pods at once rather than lots of individual pods. If you test 50 pods off the same plant you will get a varying SHU units for the pods. but if you mix all 50 into a powder you will only get 1 result, so to claim that the average is 1.4M is not really truthful. As a backyard grower if i had my individual pods tested i will not get a consistent test resuly of 1.4M +-200K as the grower is claming

and my understanding after reading the post by JD is the Moruga(sp?) tested a high of 2M not 1.2 or were they meaning the average and just left that meaningful detail out?

i wish these guys the best but as more and more info is coming to light there are more and more questions about the numbers they are claiming.

Sure, and then maybe Jim Duffy should call the moruga "one of these was the hottest pepper" since they are all not the hottest pepper.
yees maybe he should, but he had the golden bullet! the one that tested hotter than any other. just like in sports, a sprinter is not awarded the world record for being the most consistent runner, he awarded the record for that 1 race were he was faster than anyone in recorded history.
so to the masses a very consistent pepper would appeal to all. and i would buy some seeds. according to guiness you need that magic bullet to claim the titel of WORLDS HOTTEST, but by the way Ed has his pods tested this number will never be reached, unless they start testing individual pods.
yes, but i think what is in question is the method of the testing, its multiple pods at once rather than lots of individual pods. If you test 50 pods off the same plant you will get a varying SHU units for the pods. but if you mix all 50 into a powder you will only get 1 result, so to claim that the average is 1.4M is not really truthful. As a backyard grower if i had my individual pods tested i will not get a consistent test resuly of 1.4M +-200K as the grower is claming

and my understanding after reading the post by JD is the Moruga(sp?) tested a high of 2M not 1.2 or were they meaning the average and just left that meaningful detail out?

It was 50lbs not fifty pods over a period of years. Running 6-8 pods at a time by creating a slurry that would be about the same SHU as the average of the same pods as if they had been tested individually, so no deception. The plus or minus would be the variation from test to test. 50lbs would be a lot of testing over several years. This way would give you a better ideal of how hot a typical pod from that strain will be.
The results are what is being submitted to Guinness. I assume that method is ok with Guinness otherwise they would not accept the results.
As for individual pods or pods off a single plant, I see little point in comparing them when rating a strain. They do not represent the entire strain just the individual plant or pod, and only represent an individual variation.
Testing pods for years on a plant that was only created 5 years ago seems odd. They been testing since the beginning?
Would it have been stabilized enough in the early years for any test result to be valid?
So many questions -- so few answers ! After seeing the method they are evidently testing it would seem they are trying to get Guinness to develop a new category for their testing method instead of trying to compete with the existing record -- which could explain the delay in getting any news from them. (even though he states he paid the $4000 to get quick turn around)

The problem I see with the method they used for testing would be what happens if the blending of the powder results in just placental material from several pods being tested or a disproportionate amount of that material (ie. cut 50 pods up grind the bottom half of them all first then the top half with all the placental material on top and get your test material from the top portion) -- seems that could distort the results more than grinding a single pod at a time and selecting a portion of that material to test.
I don't think the test methods or record categories were developed with this degree of precision in mind. I thought the other day that you could grow a superhot chilie and harvest a whole plant load worth of pods. Cut all but one in half and using a syringe suck up the visible capsiacin then discretely inject it into the whole pod. Submit that baby to be tested and you'd get a single one off record. Would that fool the testing proceedures? From what I've heard of the test it would. Its like doping for chillies ;)

There's a saying, "It's easy to make a lot of money, if ALL you want to do is make a lot of money."

If there was a single world recognised chile pepper organization they could establish a standard of testing and clearly define the parameters of each record. As well as clear up species classifications, which strains are related or not, the origins of different chilies etc. Any chile pepper submitted for a record would have to be grown under the same conditions by an unbiased third party.

There are many organizations but not one recognised authority, so the disputes will continue and claims of new strains and hottest by this manner of testing vs that will continue.

I think the single one off high score chilli is deceptive because the one chilli that got that score was destroyed to conduct the test. So the record should say the hottest chilli ever recorded was a member of the TS Butch T strain for example. It deserves to be recorded but if you are looking to replicate a score in your own garden you should look at an average because you are far more likely to get that result. Seed vendors shouldn't sell the butch t or moruga with language that says "this is the hottest chilli ever", its misleading and bad business practice.

There should be two distinct and separate records established. The hottest individual chillie pepper measurement and the hottest strain on average. They are both valid records.

It sounds like the hp22b has the hottest strain on average, but no one has been testing this way before. They have been just going for the hottest individual measurement.

edit: I'm paraphrasing a lot of comments that have been expressed in this thread already. This is just my opinion.
Maybe they...

Oh I give up.

There can never be any pepper ever from here on out that can lay the claim to hottest variety. We can't even decide on what constitutes a correct testing method, and if we could there would be arguments over the results.

Enjoy your peppers, people.

I'm out.
Testing pods for years on a plant that was only created 5 years ago seems odd. They been testing since the beginning? Would it have been stabilized enough in the early years for any test result to be valid?

I too was wondering what the meaning of the average would be if it was calculated over 4 years using data from testing from say F1 or F2 through to the F8 pods. The message we get from the news release be it intentional or not is the average was calculated over 4 years.

I do see how an average would be useful for hot sauce makers. My superhots that were too painful were used to make sauce.
Megamoo Yes what we need is a universal testing standard all done at the same lab. The peppers would be grown and collected by an objective person who would send them to the lab. That's in an ideal world. I all so agree there should be 2 records.

JDFan I'm assuming that whole pods were sent and used. Do you have any evidence otherwise? You can always come up with all kinds of what if this or maybe that, but how many are likely? It seems your including the lab and everyone in some sort of conspiracy without any evidence.

armac I should have used the word generation. Since with a green house that could double to 10. Several generations (4-5) would that make you happy?
Came across this info concerning the testing which answers why they have no individual pod testing and why the testing is showing only a 200K SHU range ( Source ):

So it seems they are actually combining many peppers and then using that mixture to test the SHU of - so there are no individual pod results to get a range from or to release test info on !

My understanding is that it takes about an oz of peppers to be able to test it... I also understand that its a puree usually... Because they check for the pct capsaicin per oz, having multiple peppers of multiple heat doesn't really affect the test (IE the test isn't going to say, well my first bite was 1.3m shu, but then it really ramped up blah blah) Multiple pods may raise or lower the average across the oz, but one way or the other the amount of capsaicin in that oz is finite and measurable.

Anyone can cheat at anything, at any time, and probably get away with it. But frankly, this thread has descended into nastiness. Where is the "huh - thats cool, good job Ed" at? Everyone is quick to assume he's out trying to screw the world through theft, or manipulation...

Don't you think that if he were trying to manipulate the results, he would have aimed higher than 10,000 shu?
Heck ! Maybe I missed it somewhere in this long thread ..... But did Ed get or is he going , to get a (PVPA) for this one ?

Like Frank Garcia did with the Red Savina .

I mean if is that darn unique in (heat) and its a product of the USA .
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