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so that's valid but you have to pay to download the info on it. And it's funny how people were complaining about the price of the reaper seeds. I for one do not beileve a pepper can get that high. Until it's proven by guiness i'm not buying this 2 million stuff from any pepper that exisits period.

Its already been stated that the TS Moruna has reached 2 million by a reliable lab.
Its already been stated that the TS Moruna has reached 2 million by a reliable lab.

Well the reliable lab reported that a sample sent to them topped 2 million. Whether or not it was actually a Moruga is between a student of CPI, and Jim Duffy... Jim I don't trust, and CPI has/had skin in the game... The student had a grade on the line also...

Maybe it wasn't some f1 cross, maybe it really was a moruga that had a genetic mutation. Either way, that particular pepper plant is gone forever before anyone else could coroborate the story because CPI, the student and duffy (or some combination) had the test plants destroyed. *shrug*

we've been round this mulberry bush before. Its interesting to note that CPI still claims on its website the Bhut is the hottest in the world, and though there are rumors of hotter, they still believe the Bhut is the hottest. So take that for whatever its worth. CPI doesn't even seem to be putting much stock in the record.
OH and btw I'd like to add that after talking to PepperJoe a little bit, he has been nothing but nice to me personally.
So maybe if anybody got an ngry reply from him, it might have been from accusing him of stuff before giving him a chance...

I've only talked ot him a little, but he's a member i'd stay in touch wit,=h.
I didn't accuse him of nothing, I just stated my opinion on a few points on this pepper. Just because I have questions/opinions about your product doesn't give you the right to flame/insult me in a PM. Also the HATER posts he posted here just confirms that he has no respect for his customers and if you don't agree with him you must be a hater and flamed for doing so.
What is the actual cause for the delay in releasing the results?

They have apparently been testing for years to develop an average and so any final last test additions to the set won't change the average of two years worth will it?

Are they trying to test every pod they have hoping one of them will spit out a one time highest scoville score, and thus get the guinness record?

Are they waiting for guinness to evaluate data and return a record or not record verdict? If they are waiting for guinness they can easily publish what they sent to guinness can't they?

Are they waiting for the lab doing the testing to finish more testing? There have been figures mentioned, such as two year average and a spread of 200,000 so they must have already gotten some result to look at. Why haven't they released those?

Is the delay simply a marketing ploy to fuel the controversy and drive up sales?

All these actual questions need actual answers, not more flaming, hating, recrimination and ego piss-fights.
R there really this many pages, anyone is free to message me or call, but know I work from 530 am til 3 and have a nine month old, besides 30 acres of fields. So if I don't answer I'll call you back. As soon as I get a soft copy of the updated data we r sending to Guinness , I will post it here first, joe is a good man, thanks for being there brother
Cool. Can't wait to see Ed! I'm also interested in the data for Trinidad peppers having Asian descent.
All I was saying is that maybe everyone needs to just back off the whole HP series questioning a little and let it unravel as it does. Obviously, harping on it isn't getting anyone in this thread any information. A few reviews from our members will have to suffice for as long as they want. TBH regardless of the reason for their delay in official paper releases, this has been one of the biggest marketing successes ive seen in a long time. Everyone is talkig about it and whether most people like it or not, they have a business and it isnt their job to get out records, or send cheap seeds/plants to people.> TBH I HAVE paid $2 per seed for a certin wild non crossed tepin and although it was annoying at first, I have 2 plants and 6 more seeds. Im gonna have thousands of seeds soon! So its not expensive. Especialy if it took years of work. But if you dont like it, just wait till it comes out next year frmo other members who have them.. TIs like the brainstrain/moruga fiasco but 10x worse.. NOBODY has proof that brain is different than moruga still..... And its been a hell of a lot longer than this hp thing has been going on. I say either buy it or not, and enjoy it for the heat and flavor and the cool look of it if you do buy it. If not, you wasted a WHOLE $15 bucks!?! Put the plant on ebay and ull get probably double that.

And I dont wanna take sides here, I am being as objective as I can, but I dont se whythere is so much hate and bashing and bitteness on a PEPPER FORUM... jeeze.. Just eat the darn things, suffer for a coulpe minutes, and smile while doing it. or DONT! lol
All these actual questions need actual answers, not more flaming, hating, recrimination and ego piss-fights.
They do need answers. Just not neccesarily when YOU want them.

I have bought the seeds, if there is anyone who should be screaming for test results, it should be me. You know what? I'm prepared to wait. I'm not making accusations or complaining about price. It was a risk of $15 for some seeds that I'll probably make my money back at a farmer's market next year. These test results are not the end of the world for me. Will your whole world come crashing down if it only averages 1.3 million instead of 1.4? What is everyone so impatient about?
Why hasn't he released the results? How about because he doesn't live his life or run his business based on the whining of a bunch of people in an online forum who haven't bought the product. Perhaps he has a full time job, a family, and a new business putting out what he believes is a quality product and didn't realize a bunch of anonymous internet posters would pitch a fit because "the price is too high" or "my definition of hottest is different from yours" or "you haven't released the paperwork in a time period I find acceptable".

"But I'm a potential customer." Boo hoo. There are 6 billion "potential" customers.

It cost too much so there were complaints. They released it early, so there were complaints. They added free shipping and there were complaints. Test results not released yet? Complaints. See a pattern here? Why should they pay any attention to what is said here? No matter what someone will whine about it. If I were Pepper Joe or Ed, I never would have posted here. Pepper Joe was wrong when he called people haters. I would have said WHINERS.

I bought seeds. I received seeds. I took the small, non life altering gamble that they will deliver results based on a standard they have clearly defined. I think I can live with that.
They do need answers. Just not neccesarily when YOU want them.

I have bought the seeds, if there is anyone who should be screaming for test results, it should be me. You know what? I'm prepared to wait. I'm not making accusations or complaining about price. It was a risk of $15 for some seeds that I'll probably make my money back at a farmer's market next year. These test results are not the end of the world for me. Will your whole world come crashing down if it only averages 1.3 million instead of 1.4? What is everyone so impatient about?
Why hasn't he released the results? How about because he doesn't live his life or run his business based on the whining of a bunch of people in an online forum who haven't bought the product. Perhaps he has a full time job, a family, and a new business putting out what he believes is a quality product and didn't realize a bunch of anonymous internet posters would pitch a fit because "the price is too high" or "my definition of hottest is different from yours" or "you haven't released the paperwork in a time period I find acceptable".

"But I'm a potential customer." Boo hoo. There are 6 billion "potential" customers.

It cost too much so there were complaints. They released it early, so there were complaints. They added free shipping and there were complaints. Test results not released yet? Complaints. See a pattern here? Why should they pay any attention to what is said here? No matter what someone will whine about it. If I were Pepper Joe or Ed, I never would have posted here. Pepper Joe was wrong when he called people haters. I would have said WHINERS.

I bought seeds. I received seeds. I took the small, non life altering gamble that they will deliver results based on a standard they have clearly defined. I think I can live with that.

The answers probably needed to come when they were promised to come. I didn't set the timetable, and if their dates changed maybe that should be the first question to be answered. When will the test be made available?

I'm not screaming for results or making any negative comments about the price. In fact I think the only mention I made of the price was they have a right to charge what they want.

I've just said that there are some legitimate questions that need answers and all they are getting is vague advertising.

I've also said that the test results are not as important as the way the chilli has been marketed as the hottest. If they know its the hottest just show the test proving it. It's not rocket science. It's not difficult or painful to do. But it hasn't been done so the question is asked why not and when will it be done?

I'm only not purchasing the seeds because I won't have the room to sow any more for at least six months. If in that time the verdict from other growers is a positive one I'll probably get them.

I'm not whining or hating, and I've got time for the answer, but a whole bunch of people are buying them at the `hottest ever` premium price. All the proof of it being the hottest ever is `we're busy with family and business to prove it` or `its up to the other part of the partnership` or `we are waiting for the results from `some undefined place`? `. One thing for sure is that they are not too busy to receive the money for the seeds and post them out.

I think most people would have done this the other way round. First get all the paperwork done and show the proof with the claims - then sell the product.

edit: If it had been done this way then we wouldn't have wasted so much time talking about it :P
So just to talk about people reviewing pods for Ed. He has no problem with people releasing info. Some of us know things we have been asked not to repeat and I have told him I won't. But when it comes to heat, flavor and what he told me they tested at I tell people. I have tried 6+ "different" strains of the Hp22B including the A Strain
( Carolina Reaper ) some of the pods taste good others don't, some pods happen to be much hotter than other strains. I know I don't have a lot of respect here but I have tried almost every type of super hot and the 2 hottest pods I have ever had. A Brown Moruga from Judy and one of Ed's Hp22B's I think it was the G Strain. Ed is a good guy and if I thought he was a scam and just trying to screw people I would not want my name involved with the guy. I seperate myself from the OTHER guy. I understand what everyone is saying but I think a lot of questions will be answered soon. Now about the cross ( what is a Hp22B I don't know if we will ever know and why should we. Do we really need to know?
Just want to comment on single pod testing (eating), that you can see every day on YouTube.

I have experience with this and can tell you that you never will be able to say in a objective manner that a pod with test result 1.400.000 is hotter then a pot with 1.000.000.
It´s just fun for the people visiting the YouTube videos and the matador has shown how tuff he is, but nothing to compare heat of peppers in a objective manner.

Back to the dispute:

Why not communicating all infos about the strain?

If it´s a cross and the parents are known, why not comunicating what has been done?
Nobody will be able to get an identical result if he does the same crossing.
All this new superhots are heterocygotes and crossing will give a wide range of different hybrids. You can spend the rest of your live to select and stabilize all the hundreds of possible new children.

If there are data, why not communicating to the customers.

The customers are here and it´s the first rule of a serious seed producer and vendor to communicate all available data if he claims a new record.
And this before launching the sale!!!
If they would have offered just a new Primo selection looking like all the Primos sprouting like mushrooms at eBay and other second line seed shops, nobody would pay 9.99US$ for this pig in a poke.

If I would stand up tomorrow and claim to have a new record candidate would you belief me without any hard facts?

Well the reliable lab reported that a sample sent to them topped 2 million. Whether or not it was actually a Moruga is between a student of CPI, and Jim Duffy... Jim I don't trust, and CPI has/had skin in the game... The student had a grade on the line also...

Maybe it wasn't some f1 cross, maybe it really was a moruga that had a genetic mutation. Either way, that particular pepper plant is gone forever before anyone else could coroborate the story because CPI, the student and duffy (or some combination) had the test plants destroyed. *shrug*

we've been round this mulberry bush before. Its interesting to note that CPI still claims on its website the Bhut is the hottest in the world, and though there are rumors of hotter, they still believe the Bhut is the hottest. So take that for whatever its worth. CPI doesn't even seem to be putting much stock in the record.
I totally agree. IF the testing was right this would be all over the news right? I don't buy it one bit. I have had peppers that are way hotter than any mourga i tried. Even Chile Pepper Pete (RIP) told me in an email that he didn't believe that the mourga could be the hottest or any Trinidad Pepper for that matter. He believed that with the right nutes and growing conditions that the Nagas could be hotter.

've literally gotten hundreds and hundreds of emails regarding this question, What about Guinness ? We submitted stuff to them awhile ago, our contact sent requests to Dr. C at University and we've done all the required work. In the time that's taken, we decided to add another year's of testing to the data. I was at the Lab today with the good Dr making plans for this years tests, he informed me
that mid-september, after the DNC, we'll get the docs off to Guinness and out for Peer Review. To our knowledge, we will be the first to submit multiple years of data and statistical averages. The team and the Chiliheads we are partnering with want us to release the peaks and one offs for the last five years, but I am still praying on that. It's my call and no one elses. Guinness was not our focus and we're really focused on what we're doing. My promise to all of you is that as soon as I can release the data, I will. Thanks for being patient.

This is Ed's statement of facebook last night under Puckerbutt Chile Company.
Just talked to ed, and I have been told he is waiting for new data to come in. The current data shows an AVERAGE of 1,474,000. I shot back a message asking for the peak, growing conditions, and a few other things.
Just talked to ed, and I have been told he is waiting for new data to come in. The current data shows an AVERAGE of 1,474,000. I shot back a message asking for the peak, growing conditions, and a few other things.

Is that a True Avg. or a Statistical Avg. (any outlier results are discarded due to "possible contamination" before or during testing) ? Anyone can take a few hundred tests and report only the handful of results that support the conclusion they want to achieve. (which is why third party independent lab testing is more reliable than in house testing !)
Is that a True Avg. or a Statistical Avg. (any outlier results are discarded due to "possible contamination" before or during testing) ? Anyone can take a few hundred tests and report only the handful of results that support the conclusion they want to achieve. (which is why third party independent lab testing is more reliable than in house testing !)
Dunno. I wonder, did you ask the same thing about the Moruga test? It seems to me as if some people just are not willing to call this the new hottest. Whatever. I'm done with this thread, if you care about what I have to say, watch my review on Friday.
This is the greatest thread ever.....it's like a bad soap opera or a reality tv show...

Hey that's a good idea for a reality tv show:

The Pepper Wars on the Food Network.

Where we watch as entrepreneur chili heads attempt to get the record for World's Hottest Chile...
What is the actual cause for the delay in releasing the results?

They have apparently been testing for years to develop an average and so any final last test additions to the set won't change the average of two years worth will it?

Are they trying to test every pod they have hoping one of them will spit out a one time highest scoville score, and thus get the guinness record?

Are they waiting for guinness to evaluate data and return a record or not record verdict? If they are waiting for guinness they can easily publish what they sent to guinness can't they?

Are they waiting for the lab doing the testing to finish more testing? There have been figures mentioned, such as two year average and a spread of 200,000 so they must have already gotten some result to look at. Why haven't they released those?

Is the delay simply a marketing ploy to fuel the controversy and drive up sales?

All these actual questions need actual answers, not more flaming, hating, recrimination and ego piss-fights.

Saw this posted on the facebook.

PuckerButt Pepper Company

13 hours ago
I've literally gotten hundreds and hundreds of emails regarding this question, What about Guinness ? We submitted stuff to them awhile ago, our contact sent requests to Dr. C at University and we've done all the required work. In the time that's taken, we decided to add another year's of testing to the data. I was at the Lab today with the good Dr making plans for this years tests, he informed me
that mid-september, after the DNC, we'll get the docs off to Guinness and out for Peer Review. To our knowledge, we will be the first to submit multiple years of data and statistical averages. The team and the Chiliheads we are partnering with want us to release the peaks and one offs for the last five years, but I am still praying on that. It's my call and no one elses. Guinness was not our focus and we're really focused on what we're doing. My promise to all of you is that as soon as I can release the data, I will. Thanks for being patient.
I've literally gotten hundreds and hundreds of emails regarding this question, What about Guinness ? We submitted stuff to them awhile ago, our contact sent requests to Dr. C at University and we've done all the required work. In the time that's taken, we decided to add another year's of testing to the data.

From the Guinness website:
The Standard Application is totally free and requires 4 to 6 weeks to be processed. If your claim is of an urgent nature you are welcome to choose the Fast Track Application, which will enable you to receive a reply in only 3 working days. To find out more about Fast Track, please read this service description.
The only way this makes sense is that they didn't make the cut on the first go, and are trying again by collecting a wider sample for a higher statistical average. If they were sure they had the numbers to beat the current record holder on the first try, they could have spent the approx $800-1000 on a priority review and had the record weeks ago. Maybe that's why they are selling the seeds now, to pay for the priority review and also to help pay off some of the lab fees, which must be adding up now after all the testing they've done.

This has to be really frustrating for Ed, who has been working at this for years and feels he is so close he can taste it...
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