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if that is the case then they need to add the word "average" to the claim so it should be "worlds hottest average" so people are not fooled. if they do this then we will see just how well the average is wanted as opposed to the hottest

Sure, and then maybe Jim Duffy should call the moruga "one of these was the hottest pepper" since they are all not the hottest pepper.
It comes down to faith. Ed is a godly man and will do what he feels is right. Let the man pray about. Do you have faith in what Ed Currie has said? Give it sometime.
FAITH : 1. Belif that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
2. Confident belif in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
But they are marketing to the masses, not their best friends and loyal customers. I'm sure this will be a learning experience for them.

And as for the hype, I don't think it was planned it's too much of a fiasco. This story would have gone much much further with the proof, including local news and newspapers.
To be honest when your in business, selling items with a certain description.......worlds hottest......praying does not constitute a good business plan.

Hard data.........good business plan.

Faith is great, but in the marketplace numbers speak. Also having ten guys tell us "the pepper is hot" is kind of ridiculous, of course it is hot, but is it THE hottest, numbers tell the truth. An individuals taste or feeling is subjective.
I've tried a few of the reapers and its up there with the hottest I have ever had...and I have had the butch t, moruga, brain, etc, etc.I think on any given day any one of these (plus a few others) could set a record.

Finally, thank you very much! Someone who has tried all of these and can compare. I offered to sample one of these as well, but I asked Joe, so maybe that was my mistake, he never wrote back again after I asked him that.
We have what is becoming a "hot pepper club" where we meet every Monday night and eat hot pepper materials all night. We also compare any new peppers we get in, with others, but mainly do it in pieces and not whole peppers. It makes it much easier to compare in the same night, and usually, we have about 8 opinions to compare as well. I can see why some of these people say that once you get to a certain heat level it is hard tot ell, but I don't see why people have to eat whole peppers to use as a comparison. Using a given amount of material from different peppers is good enough, at least for a fun experiment.
It appears as if they have sent enough peppers to you guys so that we can get a good idea. as I said about 12 pages ago, if these peppers are hotter than the other ones I'm growing now (and they taste good), I'll be very happy. I'm sure I'm not growing any record breaking individual peppers, but they ARE pretty dam hot!
if that is the case then they need to add the word "average" to the claim so it should be "worlds hottest average" so people are not fooled. if they do this then we will see just how well the average is wanted as opposed to the hottest
Go to their website. When you buy from them they explain the standard they are growing to. That's all they need. I believe it is more dishonest to claim hottest when only one or two have reached the hottest but the rest don't. That would be like claiming the Toyota Corolla is the fastest car because someone won Nascar with one.

It comes down to faith. Ed is a godly man and will do what he feels is right. Let the man pray about. Do you have faith in what Ed Currie has said? Give it sometime.
FAITH : 1. Belif that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
2. Confident belif in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

From a legal and marketing standpoint, it doesn't matter how Godly or decent a man is (and I don't doubt he is) if he is making a claim to get people to buy his product, he needs to supply the proof.
I messaged Joe and told him I would do a review and comparison on video for all of you guys as well if he wants and can get me a pod to try on camera. No reply yet since I just sent it... This is one of my videos just so you can get an idea of what im working with heat comparison wise... And yes I would have a bhut and possibly some others within reasonable time of the reaper to get a fair assessment. Im looking for brains morugas butch t's and primos to compare as well.. I CAN pay for pods but I dont want a whole box.. just a few fresh of each and maybe some isolated seed.
TBHJ IM more interested about the taste of this pepper rather than its heat because anything 1m (bhut) and up is searing and somewhat tastenumbing so the flavor is more important to me..
Finally, thank you very much! Someone who has tried all of these and can compare.

No problem. I received the peppers from Ed and he didn't impose any conditions on what I could or could not say / do or even ask me to review them, just sent me some peppers to do with as I please. I have no skin the game, from one hobby grower to masses I would just say it's damn hot pepper that's pretty tasty too. Didn't wreck my stomach like most of the 7 pots do so that was a nice surprise too. My neighbor had some too and basically arrived at the same conclusion that I did.
This horse will make good sausage. Thanks for beating it to such a pulp :lol:
You can do a 1000 pod reviews and it will not matter. The lynch mob wants the data on it and they want it now! :)
just beat it...beat it
You would think we had a bunch of MJ fan's on this thread. :)
OH, I know people want the data, but seeing if it is as searing AND as good tasting as they say will be nice as well.. You cant test on a scale for flavor, and you cant see it in someones face either if you only have numbers.. Remember, each pepepr burns differently.
i have tried 30 kinds of superhots(butch t, brainstrain,morouga..etc). Pod tested 7 whole pods and the hottest to me is the 7 pod Brown. Try it, you'll see. You can get seeds from Pepperlover. I'll give hp22b it's chance to top the 7 pod Brown.

Let's go lynch the peep's at home depot for selling habs as world's hottest.yeah....
i have tried 30 kinds of superhots(butch t, brainstrain,morouga..etc). Pod tested 7 whole pods and the hottest to me is the 7 pod Brown. Try it, you'll see. You can get seeds from Pepperlover. I'll give hp22b it's chance to top the 7 pod Brown.

Let's go lynch the peep's at home depot for selling habs as world's hottest.yeah....

LOL I see those World's Hottest Pepper habs. SMH... Oh well.. to normal people a hab is way to hot to even lick anyway.

Ive tried several myself including bhut, dorset naga, douglah, yellow 7, and yellow scorp...and more...

Hottest was a bhut tbh.. The barrackpore was very close if not equal in the mouthburn, but the bhut then gave my face a bad sunburn feeling for 30 minutes or so startign AFTER the mouth burn went away!
i have tried 30 kinds of superhots(butch t, brainstrain,morouga..etc). Pod tested 7 whole pods and the hottest to me is the 7 pod Brown. Try it, you'll see. You can get seeds from Pepperlover. I'll give hp22b it's chance to top the 7 pod Brown.

Let's go lynch the peep's at home depot for selling habs as world's hottest.yeah....

I can't waite for mine to get here lol
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