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I will let you guys know what he tells him. If he tells me some and asks me not to release the info or what ever, then i will not. I have given him my word, not going to brake it. Oh and if this thread just turns back into a bitch fest then i'm not even going to ask him. You guys have a good night.
Sorry I didn't mean to sounds bitchy or anything and to tell you the truth I probably won't get the pepper even if paperwork does come out on it becuase I've already got way to many super hots, I don't even have the current official guiness world record holder :D .
Whatever man, if he does not want to talk...fine. if you do not want to post what he says....fine. His giving out some basic information would only benefit him down the road, if he plans to introduce any more peppers.

You guys are not doing me or the board a favor. I simply asked you because you seem to communicate with him. Nothing more.
Armac, you asked me with respect about asking Ed and I said I would and give you the answers that I'm told. Don't have a prob with that. Just don't want to deal with the drama. I'm not the PR guy, I'm just a friend and a pepper nerd. I know you understand what I'm talking about. Really did not want to post on the thread, but saw an untrue statement about Ed. Don't like people "feeding the hog". Will update when I have some info to give. :)
He edited his post out but it's quoted. So I guess we know who was telling the truth.


Edit: Said same thing.
Thats pretty funny, now you see me now you don't. Don't like people hopping on waves that others have set. Could smell the bs before I called Ed. Its sad what people will do to have a spot light on them.
As far as ANY Drama I've read,I think it was intentionally started by Pepper Joe for sales purposes.
He kept the posts about the seeds always at the top of several sites for a long time.
He used ANY method to keep his subject alive - including insulting and threatening people...via Email or otherwise.

ANYTHING that would keep the seed sales up.

It was done in a way that either just kept sales going up and walked the line between more sales or less sales.
Claims that people are attacking him for the sympathy sales and MAYBE get idiots like me (at first) sucked into posting on his posts about the way I was treated by him when I wasn't happy about the seeds I purchased from him in the past and his,so called customer service at the time I bought the seeds I got from him.
Either way,he is putting OUR/YOUR $ in his bank account.

He is truely the P.T.Barnum of seed sales.

It cracks me up seeing people post about $15.00 or whatever as an acceptable price for a seed pack as being no big thing-a small price to pay.
In the long run it boils down to a fool and their $...
The vendors don't care what anyone says as long as the wallets flop open and the $ is headed their way.

Yes I have recieved the seeds for trade from a couple people but it doesn't mean squat.
Doesn't hurt the vendors.
Some where along the line they collected some ones $.
So get off your high horse about not supporting whoever, you and I supported the vendors indirectly.

Just because you didn't buy from one vendor or another doesn't mean they both aren't going to the bank with other peoples $(the best kind).
I pretty much stopped posting an any of P.j's posts.

It wasn't because of his Threats,it was because if I did I was only keeping his crap alive on the net.

Why would anyone take any of his threats seriously anyway.
It would cost him more in Lawyers fees just to not get the $ he might get out of it from some chile heads.
Like we have enough $ to even be worth suing us for.

He would also risk being counter sued for similar stuff which would cut into his profits.

These guys aren't stupid.
Any post is a good post,it kept sales up.

As posted before,Take the $ and run...

My problem with P.J. is from when I bought seeds from him years ago and was told that I was mistaken when they grew some other pepper variety.After knowing I didn't mis lable my plants I re grew plants from the same seed pack AND gave others the same seed and they grew the same thing I got the first time.
I bought about everything ,at the time P.J. sold.
I am now threatened as a stalker and Hater because I don't like the guy and post like wise.
I NEVER went to his blog but do post my opinion only after he posted crap on the net.
I did participate in his sales posts before I figured out he needed ANY one to keep his stuff at the top of all the sites he was selling seeds at.
Now I stay away pretty much.
It's a no win.
He is a snake oil salesman and you can't hurt him or his buddies by posting anything about them.
In most cases they already have your $ so bitching only keeps his posts alive and there are too many people that post good reviews before they find out they were taken or sold unstable ,overpriced seeds.
They know there are A LOT of people out there that will buy ANYTHING with the hope of getting what was advertised - see the Viper etc. that only grew what it should every couple hundred seeds or?

IF they have another variety they can hawk next season as being hotter ,like they insinuated,they could care less if the guys who bought the reaper didn't get a stable plant.
People are actually bragging about getting Yellow instead of red pods.
So in the long run the vendors are winning - sell anything and the buyers will make it easier to sell snake oil.
Gotta get the yellow version now. LOL
It seems that since P.J. posted early that they had stability problems then released the seeds a couple months later that they know the seeds are not stable.
A couple months doesn't seem like enough time to check out the stability of the crop grown after the first one they hawked.

To me it boils down to P.J. and friends had or has a good enough marketing plan and was and is right about separating chile heads from their $.

Only way these guys could have not made $ is if only a few people bought seeds and spread them around Via SASBE,which will probably happen next season but I bet P.J. has that covered already-time to start sales posts about the next super duper hot soon.
New version,Yellow colored or whatever.
We'll see.
Feel kinda sorry for him. But if you are old enough to eat peppers, you are old enough to know better than to fib. Especially when there's a good chance of being caught.
Before Robert Slade Russell is witchhunted perhaps he can explain.

We really don't need a second drama going in this thread, there's already the other one, and some answers coming soon... so everyone hold tight and keep it civil and maybe it will all be settled. :)

Not that is it uncivil... just sayin'.
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