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In a slightly related note, we may need to be careful because Pepper Joe has been posting on Facebook about how he is going to sue some tomato growing website and get their site taken down.

Apparently someone on the site complained about the way he uses images posted there without permission in his advertisements and it turned into a major drama.

I would unlike his Facebook page, but his newsfeed is like watching a car accident I just can't turn my head away from
Where there's smoke there's fire .... its all a matter of who ends up getting burnt (in this case it would seem at this point in time to be the growers... in the long run once the truth comes out it could well be the fire starters ..). let's hope someone can douse the flames with the truth before any major damage is done is all I can say.
Will the truth is old boy Never talked to Ed Currie like he said he did. And why did he delete his post? You can still see what he wrote on page 31 in my response to his untrue statement. Scammer Spammer! Oh stalker as well. I asked him before to leave my friends alone and stop begging for pods.
So the info the "pepper-slayer" posted, was it false or just second hand information he gleaned from other sources?

To be honest this is exactly why Currie should have an avenue to get out the real info, that would eliminate the postings of lonely people who feel the need post untruths.
i had talked to ed on facebook, i asked him about his peppers he told me he had 4700 in his green house, there where people on thp talking trash so i told him ed had 4700 plants. i also took info that was wrote up about Ed and the testing of his peppers and how he submitted to the Guinness book and how he had paid a lot of money to fast track it.

Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell
Hey Ed, Is it to late for your peppers? Also is it ok if i make you a photo useing the reaper photo you have?
Ed Currie
sure, and no, I have @ 7800 plants going in the warehouses

Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell
If you can/will give me your phone Number and i will call you.
Ed Currie
ok, 803-1517-****, dont pass it out

here is where i got the info from that i passed along to those on thp that was bashing and doing all the negative talk.

I deleted my comments before because after what Steven said i knew there would be a lot more drama.

i had talked to ed on facebook, i asked him about his peppers he told me he had 4700 in his green house, there where people on thp talking trash so i told him ed had 4700 plants. i also took info that was wrote up about Ed and the testing of his peppers and how he submitted to the Guinness book and how he had paid a lot of money to fast track it.

Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell
Hey Ed, Is it to late for your peppers? Also is it ok if i make you a photo useing the reaper photo you have?
Ed Currie
sure, and no, I have @ 7800 plants going in the warehouses

Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell
If you can/will give me your phone Number and i will call you.
Ed Currie
ok, 803-1517-****, dont pass it out

here is where i got the info from that i passed along to those on thp that was bashing and doing all the negative talk.

I deleted my comments before because after what Steven said i knew there would be a lot more drama.


Wanted to get a quote in here, for the last part, you have been known to delete stuff.......
What a crazy and Stupid conspiracy theory.
PM me with your mailing address and I'll gladly refund that purchase from years ago.
Even though we have no record of it.

If anything that you mouthed off about is REMOTELY true, we'd be out of business.
We're far from it.
You totally lack any business aptitude based on that silly posts.
Most people will see through it.
A few people will jump in 'pile on' and agree with you...but my customers and 46,000 Facebook fans would staunchly disagree with that ridiculous post.
Go read what our customers REALLY think at the Vendors Vault. We keep our REAL customers 100% happy.
But again, we'll gladly refund that old purchase. Tell me how much you spent and your mailing address.

Again, NOT getting sucked in to this foolish drama...some people have way too much time on their hands....and resent success.
Ed Currie is way smarter than me because he REFUSES to even read the silly Drama. Ed got so mad at some of the early posts on the Carolina Reaper he refuses to come on THP. Again, he's way smarter than me.
When I updated him about the pod variation Ed laughed and said "Man, have you grown the Moruga and Butch T".
Then I thought about it and he was right...these SuperHots have only been around for a Decade or so. Cayennes and Jalapenos and Habaneros have been around for hundreds or thousands of years.
Of course you're going to get pod variation...we ALL know that...not just from Pepper Joe's or PuckerButts...but from any seed company. There is a quote about 2 other seed vendors with pod variations on another THP post recently...out of respect for them I won't mention their names.
Most of my customers love some pod variation.
If a few don't like it...we'll replace the seeds or give them a refund.
I'm also going to put a disclaimer under the SuperHot pics at my website "Pod variations can and will occur".
I love Freedom of Speech and would fight to protect our founding fathers principles...but the problem with the internet is that anybody can get behind a computer keyboard and bash a person or company.
That's just wrong man.
Again, I'm NOT going to continue with this nonsense (it's NOT because I'm backing down)...It's because we have way too many important things to work on.
But I had to respond to an absurd and unfounded post.
Here's some pics of different colored pods ON THE SAME PLANT.

different color and shape Chiles ON THE SAME PLANTDale @ bakers.jpg

DIFFERENT pepper pods same plant bakers seeds.jpg

different shaped chiles SAME PLANT bakers.jpg

i read back and seen where i made a mistake in what i said.

"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I talked to Ed Curry today (12-12-12) and here is a question and his answer. [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]So why hasnt this pepper been awarded the world record yet? Well that takes time too, and money. It is being processed as we speak. There has been a lot of hype surrounding this pepper, lots of people have been doubting whether it was for real."[/background][/background]

[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]When i said i talked to ed 12-12-12 i should have added this comment [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"[/background][/background][background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Wednesday[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]4:52pm[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Ed Currie[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]sure, and no, I have @ 7800 plants going in the warehouses"

and should have posted the link to the question/answer i gave from the article .

I made a mistake, i didn't tell a lie [/background]
Funny, I talked to Ed on the PHONE and he said that he has NEVER talked to Mr. Slade NEVER. Don't trust anything that comes out Mr. Slades mouth. Very sad stuff. Don't have to lie to make people like you.
LMMFAO here is the mail where i had a conversation with ed, if you want my log in info to read my mails i'll be more than happy to give it to you or do you want a screen shot ??? I am a nobody so my conversation i had with him must mean nothing to him.

i ask you this, why would he give me his phone number if we have NEVER talked

[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Hey Ed, Is it to late for your peppers? Also is it ok if i make you a photo useing the reaper photo you have?[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Wednesday[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]4:52pm[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Ed Currie[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]sure, and no, I have @ 7800 plants going in the warehouses[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]5:16pm[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Slade Demon Pepperslayer Russell[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]If you can/will give me your phone Number and i will call you.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]5:24pm[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Ed Currie[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]ok, 803-1517-****, dont pass it out[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]You are just trying to cause drama just like you did between me a Ted , i know your game man, i am me and nothing else i don;[/background][background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]'t tell lies to get people to like me, [/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] "What other people think about me is none of my business" i am the same person on the internet as the person you would meet in real life [/background]
Ed should be mad, he should be mad the introduction of his hard work was turned into a spectacle. All anybody wanted was numbers and information. If he would not release that info, then he should consider this fiasco an opportunity to learn from. He should also consider finding someoe who does set up adversarial walls and looks to work with information seekers.

Read the very first posts in the intro thread.....give us information, not threats and whining. You promoted this Joe, you happy?

Slade I thought you left, I even quoted it so you could not edit it.

More drama
Quit the pissing contests guys.

Hey Noah.
You're right.
It could have all been prevented...I've reported that Dude Armac/Rodney 6 times this week alone.
I don't know if you got my reports or Pookie or another Administrator.
He's been Trolling me and Stalking me for a long time.
Now he's got his few friends chiming in.
I'll continue to keep the mods posted.
Thanks for all you guys do.
:dance: :P :dance: :P :dance: :P
I am sure they seen your threats as well Joe.

Keep up the good work.

Just read what I said Joe, your problems will go away. Information........some of these folks paid for the seeds, inform them.

In the pictures, the pods are ripening, they will all be the same at some point.
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