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Ya I am interested to know if this is the hottest one (Carolina reaper) or if there are hotter because taking so long on this one to then reaease hotter seems odd
Still looks remarkably like a primo to me. But honestly who cares now?? 2 years time and we'll have another hotter no better tasting pepper to spout on about. I am going to go and pray all this bollocks is over soon.
Seems to me that you are dodging the questions until the pepper has been released and sold. Your giving us none of the information asked above so why are we to believe you? It just seems fishy to me and a marketing ploy.

Ya I am interested to know if this is the hottest one (Carolina reaper) or if there are hotter because taking so long on this one to then reaease hotter seems odd

More money in releasing a new hottest pepper after you are sold out of Cal. Reaper.
Seems to me that you are dodging the questions until the pepper has been released and sold. Your giving us none of the information asked above so why are we to believe you? It just seems fishy to me and a marketing ploy.

More money in releasing a new hottest pepper after you are sold out of Cal. Reaper.

Makes sense and that's what I thought, but it would be a reputation killer around here cuz people are already in arms about the $15 bucks for seeds..

Either wya, I'd liek to add that while I want to see record proof of it beating the butch t on avg and beating the moruga in peak, you did do a good job at getting a nice looking pod :)
By this community I did not mean those involved in this thread, it's my observation from all the sites and blogs I've seen in general
Floridian here, one day I'll be back, until then the guy in the big white house chooses my home...:)

But thanks for the reply. I have no money invested into tracing the roots of chilis back to the old world. But all the research I have read has shown that peppers came from central/south America and the outlying islands, spread around the continent from birds, and cultivated and sold to merchant ships from Asia/Europe. Since then they spread throughout that portion of the world. I could be completely wrong, but a large body of research seems to support the claim.

As far as the numbers go, I would be immensely interested in a 200k margin. Honestly, that would be remarkable. And the fact that you have spread your grow out lends credibility to the continuation of that possibility. However, what happens to those who use containers, synthetics, hydro, indoor, etc. how will that effect your numbers? That is likely the primary reason people creating the hottest pepper in the world go for the top SHU. You can only control your grow, not mine and not some grower in OZ, so you doing what you are doin is quite impressive, but may not fly for others. I can see you are going the highest avg route, but without a number over 2.1 million, you have a super hot pepper that has a great consistency under "laboratory" growing conditions. What the TSMB has going for itself is the fact that I am not dumb enough to expect 2.1 million SHU from my backyard plants, but according to testing it CAN do those numbers.

Like I said, I am more interested in a consistently smoking pod, not one that had 1 pod blow the top off the scale. But I am still going to want to know what it can do.

The biggest reason for this whole debate is the fact that the claims came first, months, almost years first. If there wasn't so much build up, then we wouldn't have this thread. It has created this almost deity-ism. The ominous Carolina Reaper, which to my knowledge is the first pepper to be marketed so heavily without available evidence. I am not saying it isn't there, it is just a year of talk and nothing to back it up.

I will be patient, you said it is coming and I believe you. I Just wanted to give you an explanation to all the madness, at least from my perspective.
"I hate to say it y'all, but I think this community wants one off wars for the drama." There is the quote of the day ! But that is part of what makes this place beautiful lol. All I know is I can't wait to stick one of these in my mouth and isn't that what its all about ?

- Mega.
genetic variance easy enough. http://www.ndsu.edu/...ntgen/qgen4.htm There can be many genetic possibilities in each pepper that make it unique: for example- even though my twin and I look almost identical, we are two very different people. to say that Ed's peppers are a copy is foolish unless you have done the genetic testing... so give him a break. Have a little more class. Don't go bashing the hottest or (not hottest) pepper. we came here for the love of spicy foods and peppers.. LOVE EVERYBODY

Side Note....... changing the jalapeno pepper to the "don lava pepper" lol. J/P ED! B)
new here to these forums but have been reading for some time.
been following this pepper for awhile after I stumbled upon it on this site.
seems there might be more STRAINS than just one.

Forgot to say Glad to see you here Ed ! Congratulations on "a" culmination of your hard work ! Can wait to see how this peppers influence you already great sauce arsenal.

I would love to see a side by side with a C.R. from yourself and a Primo from... well... Primo lol.

But from what I understand neither of the parent peppers are from the new world ?

- Mega
I guess Guinness can have two records right? World's hottest,and world's most consistantly hot. I think you can pretty much make up your own category correct? Like most finger taps on a marble table in 24 hours.I am not trying to be a smartass here. You only have to do it once to be a record. If MGOLD runs the 100 m. dash in 5sec. flat,then he is the fastest runner in the 100m. He doesn't have to do it consistantly correct? If I grew 1 jalapeno that was tested at 3mil. SHU, it would be the hottest pepper?...singular... not strain. I guess my statements are really questions, because I am not really sure how Guinness recognizes things like this. I do know that they have some pretty quirky records,and more are made on a daily basis. This thread has definitely gotten much better. Thank you MGOLD for your questions,you spoke for a lot of us that feel the same way.
Also, he said that he didn't wanna release the parents out of fear of copycats...really, c'mon Ed, it would take almost 10 generations to copy and at that point it will likely come out different and there will be a slew of new "hottest peppers" crowned. He claimed that the parents were Asian or sub Asian....I am not buying that. If there are two peppers that have been available for the past handful of years, that came out of Asia, that can produce a pod that looks identical to a 7 pot, I would love to see it.

That's exactly what I thought when he refused to explain what the parents were! There is no way to copycat, lol. Especially since it appears he put so much work into refining it. He sent Ted so many different strains, giving me the impression a lot of work was put in its selection. I'm also not buying the parents being Asian or sub Asian. It looks like a 7 pot that has been selected for certain characteristics. I'd love to know the breeding aspect of this controversial pepper to be honest. Not to copy his pepper. If it was possible to copycat, I'm not sure who would want to put in the work to reproduce a pepper that already exists. By the time they are done trying to reproduce the pepper, Ed wouldn't be the only vender for the Hp22B seeds.

Are you sure that Trinidad peppers are not Asian decent ? Has anyone beside me put out the money to find out. I have and continue to do genetics as well, many will be surprised when that data is released. I am trying to get a reliable source on a true primo to compare with our genetics, I should be able to have that in the pipeline this fall.

Wow, this sort of information would be great. However, I'm extremely skeptical of Trinidad peppers being of Asian decent. That's a huge claim.
I saw a comment about testing from greenhouses. All of or statistical test are from field grown peppers in north and south carolina. We've aslo mimiced the soils everywhere but the southwest and northwest, growers came on board this year for testing in those soils. We have tested one offs from the green house, they are only to test progress and not included in testing data. I did not grow any of these originally to do anything like this, and I'm doing research with the others, when the data and stuff is done, they'll be released. Ted is my friend and I let hem taste those and other pods of mine because of his HONEST FEEDBACK, he is a man of integrity, a crazy on too. The evidence of our claim was released and published in May of 2011. We submitted to guiness, they wanted back up data, so we've decided to include the whole study on this pepper, down to the part numbers and calibration records on the HPLC we use. Dr Calloway and I are both confident everything will stand up to peer review and will suffice for Guinness. I am not putting down anyone else's claim, I know how hard it is and what it takes to get a field pepper over 2000000, it's quite a feat, but years of data and averages seem like better science to me. I hate to say it y'all, but I think this community wants one off wars for the drama.

Where did you publish the averages? I'm curious about the science side of your chile. Sorry if it comes off as a wanting wars for drama. All I know is a lot of claims were made without any proof.

Floridian here, one day I'll be back, until then the guy in the big white house chooses my home... :)

But thanks for the reply. I have no money invested into tracing the roots of chilis back to the old world. But all the research I have read has shown that peppers came from central/south America and the outlying islands, spread around the continent from birds, and cultivated and sold to merchant ships from Asia/Europe. Since then they spread throughout that portion of the world. I could be completely wrong, but a large body of research seems to support the claim.

I've read a lot of books about peppers and genetics. I even talk to a biologist who studies peppers on a regular basis. That's the origin as far as I know. That's also why a lot of people get wild chiles from places like Brazil. The chiles we get from Trinidad were introduced by Europeans. I fail to see how Asia ties into this. I'd love to read about such a theory though.
My understanding is that chilies began in the new world and then spread to the rest of the world through sea trade then silk road type trade networks with Asiatic peoples. Then after generations reverse diasporasis began.
Herein seems to lie the problem. Somepeople think the single hottest pod should get the claim for hottest pepper, while others believe the statistical average should get it (I'm in the latter). This makes the whole hottest pepper claim rather subjective. If we use this round and round argument, both being legitimate, than there can't be any agreement, and then one side can deride the claimant as being wrong, dishonest, whatever.

I'll go with statistical average because clearly he can not grow one in every person's back yard. That's a ridiculous expectation. He has stated he grew it in many types of soils from different regions, which is about as close as you can get.

If you choose not to believe the claim, that is your right and I'm not saying you shouldn't speak your mind. But why would anyone go through all of the hyping of A CHILE PEPPER, spend all the time to grow, cross, test, collect and pack seeds on a major scale, just to scam a small community of hobby vegetable growers out of $15 bucks for a pepper that's just as hot as peppers already available, and make maybe a coupla hundred thousand dollars, between several partners, who own and run established businesses. Pepper Joe probably isn't going to shut down his website and run away to the Caiman Islands after this. For a large scale scam, the return just isn't there.

Why is it so difficult to believe that the guy worked hard, spent the money, did the research and testing and submitted these results to the proper authorities? When I buy a car I don't completely disassemble it to make sure all the claims the manufacturer made are legitimate. I don't call Consumer Reports and demand that they turn over all their testing data and then retest it. I drive it and if it works, I'm good.

I've never met either of these two men, but the latter explanation just makes more sense to me. If I'm proven wrong then the worst possible outcome is that I paid a little extra for a Bhut jolokia. Then I won't buy from them next year. You know what they promised me? Zilch so far. They claim the testing is done and the results will bear out their claim. When they do the big release this weekend, we'll see what the results are. I'm willing to bet no matter how much paperwork they submit, someone will say it's not as hot as their Morouga or Butch T.
Am I too trusting? It's a risk I'll take for a measly $15 bucks.

From FB:

"EXTRA! EXTRA! Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper Seeds are now available for purchase prior to the launch of the national press release on Monday, August 27. Grow your own Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper and tell us about your experience with it. This beauty AND beast must be handled and consumed very carefully, they are extremely hot!!! Visit our website store and stock up now! Due to demand, limit 5 packs per customer."

My understanding is that chilies began in the new world and then spread to the rest of the world through sea trade then silk road type trade networks with Asiatic peoples. Then after generations reverse diasporasis began.

Hmm, I don't think Trinidad was in the silk roads trade network. Correct me if I'm wrong!

@Pepperhead, I don't think anyone is claiming that Ed is trying to pull a scam on us. Some are skeptical about it being a primo though. You have to admit it resembles a primo. I don't think it is and that Ed put hard work into his strain.
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