You can call me crazy, a hater, jealous, or any other ridiculous descriptor that will you sleep better at night. But it is amazing how people just ignore the facts, and blindly accept the word of people whom you have never met as gospel.
How about a few facts...
1. This pepper has been marketed as the "World's Hottest Chili Pepper" without any evidence available at the time of the claim, or in the months to follow.
2. The creator himself stated that the pepper has been CONSISTENTLY hitting a margin of about 200k, that is still a half million below the world's hottest mark.
3. The whole marketing team refuses to release any data to back up claims that this pepper is in fact, the world's hottest. Stay tuned isn't evidence.
4. The creator and marketing team refuse to tell the community about how the pepper was created, in fears that people would "steal" the pepper (which would take at least 5 years and at that point it would be worthless).
5. The "World's Hottest Pepper Record" is for a single pepper, a number hotter than any pepper recorded in the history of the world. I don't care if you think it would be "cooler" or "better" to have the hottest average, THAT ISNT THE RECORD.
6. This pepper was supposed to be rolled out on a set date and time, now we are all debating and asking questions, and BAM it is available, ahead of any evidence mind you.
Listen, I don't care if you agree or disagree, these are the facts, please try and dispute them. I am not some idiot who believes everything that is on the web. The worse case is is NOT that the pepper is hot, but not the hottest, so you are out 15 bucks, it is that now the door is open for any random grower to come around say he has the hottest pepper in the world, sell thousands of seed packets, and then, oh yea, I meant hottest average...
I have spent too much time in this thread, I'm out. But please continue to tell everyone how you "Just bought a pack of seeds and in a year will have some hot pods!", because believe me, that adds something useful to this thread.