Wow, the goods have hit the street.
Sounds like good seed trade ammunition.

lol reread my comment Europeans brought peppers back from the Americas via sea trade and then brought them down overland trade networks and other sea trade routes to the rest of the world lol
i took it as taken from the Americas, then on the reverse diasporasis returned to the modern world being "from" asia / sub-asia.
I thought he said he didn't know but spent money finding out its DNA history ? I dunno. All I know is that peppers taste good where ever they are from.
Sadly at $15 a pack I will be not purchasing this pepper.
Thanks for the fascinating and informative addition to this thread. Anything else you're not buying today you would like to tell everyone about? Nice to see one of my pictures is getting good use as your avatar. That will be $15 please.
Not to thread jack, this is one of the main reasons I think I am going to go back to watermarks. I have noticed a lot of theft recently of many images I post, not peppers really but bugs.Pics on Google images are linked to their original source and are not free. You can link to the hosted pic, otherwise its theft
Purely my opinion.
The market will pay the going rate for the seeds because the seeds are in demand and at the moment there are only 2 suppliers. It is supply and demand - simple economics and I am happy to pay the price to get these seeds early - by the end of next year everyone will be trading them and the price will have to drop.
I do feel however that they are taking advantage by charging $8 to ship to Europe for postage which costs $1.05 on the USPS website