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Hurricane Irma Help

sirex said:
Where you at sicman? Outside Tampa right? I'm mainland Cocoa Beach.

We have no power either. They say could be restored by end of weekend. Talk is maybe East Coast be fully restored by end of weekend creeping into next week possibly. The West, which sustained substantial damage could be weeks. Rebuilding grids etc.

Neighbor one street over had a 50ft 7 ft round pine fall. We had a half solid 30 foot oak fall, we fell the rest. Huge pines and oaks down all over the city knocking live wires down. Cars driving all over em...crazy bastards.....
Thanks for the update sirex be careful out there. haha people are crazy just no fear. Would't catch me driving over downed wires.
salsalady said:
I've been AFK but thinking about all y'all in Florida all weekend. 
OldSalty, much love to you for posting your offer of shelter.  
As things start to settle down, now the hard work starts for people in both of these hurricane areas.  I'll be watching for ways to help.  
PS- THP rocks  :cool:
Thank You salsa lady :)  Such great people here makes one humble. 
Power back yesterday, still plenty in town without. We are all good, working on getting the nursery up and running. The last two nights police helicopters have patrolled the area for looters. Shame one day without power and the zombies come out. You really see people for themselves during any kind of tragedy. I personally have changed my mind about a few people and have ensured what I thought about a few others. A kick ass, some what hidden bug out room will be done sooner than later for the wife, Homer the wonder dog and I. Hope all continues to get better for everyone. Bless up and peace.
Still no power. Kids miserable. Lady miserable. Dog-eh- not miserable but not herself considering the neighbor isn't moving the blown down fence in my property until he gets ahold of his insurance so she has no where to run. Will reassess the neighbor and his fence after power returns. I am grumpy and irritated dealing w a 7 and 4 yr old who are miserable. I don't want to take my stuff out in him and be known as the guy who moved in and started shizzzz with the people who've lived here for 30+ years.
Ugg. Yeah wait it out, then, offer to take some detailed pictures you will give him, and move it, if it is a problem. Pics is all is needed. But sure, waiting is cool of you.
It was a crazy storm, but our area is not out of the woods yet. The St Johns river is growing and growing, and flooding properties. Had a massive sinkhole open up as well. Many streets here are flooded completely, with some with five + feet of water, maybe more.
No looting, probably because its known that 95% of us here own guns, and we will use them if needed. Genevians are a tough bunch who don't play around, so many looters look for weaker targets. We have been helping one another, which I feel really good about. In fact I just got done helping someone create a berm around his property to prevent the rising waters from going in the wrong places.
We are still without power, but have a generator powerful enough to run the fridge, fans, tv and internet. I can't complain, others have been hit much harder. Damage wise, we had our carport blown away, and very minor damage on our roof. Its metal so it held up very well. Really just need to get up there and screw down a small part that covers the edge on one side. Only need the right screws that seal, so it will only cost me some time and sweat. Car port roof was ripped off the 6 f 4x4's that held it up, but can be replaced.
Most of the pepper plants are done, so none of my favorites for a quite a while.
I stayed safe even though I was out in the storm for a bit. I was able to get back in before the worst of it really hit. I worked during Hurricane Francis as security, so this is not my first rodeo. Nevertheless, I am still thankful to be safe, and even more thankful that all of my family made it safe. I have quite a few family members scattered around the state, and all are safe with very little damage. Hooray!
OS, thanks for welcoming others, its what a great man would do, and your one of them! Been a little while since I have been on here, as I been quite busy taking care of things, but its nice to see other folks checking on people and caring. Thanks to all!  
sirex said:
Still no power. Kids miserable. Lady miserable. Dog-eh- not miserable but not herself considering the neighbor isn't moving the blown down fence in my property until he gets ahold of his insurance so she has no where to run. Will reassess the neighbor and his fence after power returns. I am grumpy and irritated dealing w a 7 and 4 yr old who are miserable. I don't want to take my stuff out in him and be known as the guy who moved in and started shizzzz with the people who've lived here for 30+ years.
Hang in there sirex you are doing amazing this has got to be the toughest time to keep it together. I hope they get the power up asap any word on when they will have it up? I'm sure the heat is just exhausting on the children and you as well. I agree with the boss can't they or you take pictures for insurance purposes i'm sure it will take some time for company man comes out to look these people have to be resonable . So sorry you have all this to deal with. Stay strong we all are pulling for you. wish i could get my generator to you.
Thank you for keeping us posted again so sorry for all you must deal with.
sirex said:
Power is restored. Kids aren't sweating balls. Neighbor contacted us today said the fence is getting repaired soon.

So not freaking out and being a dick pays off.
Hahaha sorry have been out of touch started my pain management and it makes me loopy for a few days but anyways HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! So happy for you and the family nice to see you Happy :(
Cheers sirex and thanks for keeping us posted.
AaronTT said:
It was a crazy storm, but our area is not out of the woods yet. The St Johns river is growing and growing, and flooding properties. Had a massive sinkhole open up as well. Many streets here are flooded completely, with some with five + feet of water, maybe more.
No looting, probably because its known that 95% of us here own guns, and we will use them if needed. Genevians are a tough bunch who don't play around, so many looters look for weaker targets. We have been helping one another, which I feel really good about. In fact I just got done helping someone create a berm around his property to prevent the rising waters from going in the wrong places.
We are still without power, but have a generator powerful enough to run the fridge, fans, tv and internet. I can't complain, others have been hit much harder. Damage wise, we had our carport blown away, and very minor damage on our roof. Its metal so it held up very well. Really just need to get up there and screw down a small part that covers the edge on one side. Only need the right screws that seal, so it will only cost me some time and sweat. Car port roof was ripped off the 6 f 4x4's that held it up, but can be replaced.
Most of the pepper plants are done, so none of my favorites for a quite a while.
I stayed safe even though I was out in the storm for a bit. I was able to get back in before the worst of it really hit. I worked during Hurricane Francis as security, so this is not my first rodeo. Nevertheless, I am still thankful to be safe, and even more thankful that all of my family made it safe. I have quite a few family members scattered around the state, and all are safe with very little damage. Hooray!
OS, thanks for welcoming others, its what a great man would do, and your one of them! Been a little while since I have been on here, as I been quite busy taking care of things, but its nice to see other folks checking on people and caring. Thanks to all!  
Wow so glad you are safe and armed. Looters are the worst kind of scum. Anyone who takes advantage of those who suffer during a tragedy should be tared and feathered !! I hope the flooding doesn't affect you brother. 
Super nice of you to lend a hand to your neighbor you are one of the good ones my Brother. 
I'm glad to hear you have a generator so many do not and if you live near the coast it's a must. Glad to hear you have had only minor property damage. sorry about the car port though.
You and many other members have lost some our all of there plant"s let us know if you need any seeds we are all here for you Brother. And very happy to hear all family members are safe be strong and thank you for keeping us posted.
sicman said:
Power back yesterday, still plenty in town without. We are all good, working on getting the nursery up and running. The last two nights police helicopters have patrolled the area for looters. Shame one day without power and the zombies come out. You really see people for themselves during any kind of tragedy. I personally have changed my mind about a few people and have ensured what I thought about a few others. A kick ass, some what hidden bug out room will be done sooner than later for the wife, Homer the wonder dog and I. Hope all continues to get better for everyone. Bless up and peace.
YYYYYEEEEEHHHHAAAAA  POWER!!!!!!  Glad to hear my Brother. And good luck on getting that nursery started sending you positive grow vibes. :)
Great idea for a bug out room oh how is homer doing and give lady sic a big hug from us all we are so glad you guys are safe!!!
Thanks again for keeping us posted. worrying minds like to know!! :)
Hope everyone stays high and dry. So glad to hear that most of the community that was struck by this tragedy are safe and on there way to recovery.
Thank you to all that are posting really helps those in the community not worry as much.
To all Heather and i are so glad you are safe thought there are a few members we would like to hear from.
Everyone stay safe and if you need anything please let us know we are here for you so just ask.  :)
Thanks Salty. Floods are coming. The Withlacooche river is cresting. Houses are already flooded. Went to Croom today to shred some trails. Roads you could drive yesterday are closed with flood water. People out that way also still are without power.
Bug out room is already in progress.