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Hurricane Safe Haven

The time to evacuate was three days ago. Which was before this sucker went into beast mode. At that point it didn't even look likeit was going to hit us, much less be a category 4.
There's really only three ways for major amounts of people to leave Florida: I-95, I-75 and I-10 which goes west. They are all bumper to bumper.
Wicked Mike is feeling it right now, Then me and solid7 are about to get crunched tonight. While Student of Spice will feel it shortly after us. GM, will feel it as well as will may others, but it looks like  me and solid better grab the lube.
Thanks for all the well wishes!
sirex said:
The time to evacuate was three days ago. Which was before this sucker went into beast mode. At that point it didn't even look likeit was going to hit us, much less be a category 4.
There's really only three ways for major amounts of people to leave Florida: I-95, I-75 and I-10 which goes west. They are all bumper to bumper.
Wicked Mike is feeling it right now, Then me and solid7 are about to get crunched tonight. While Student of Spice will feel it shortly after us. GM, will feel it as well as will may others, but it looks like  me and solid better grab the lube.
Thanks for all the well wishes!
     I can't f**king believe you're going to be in your house during 100 - 150 mph winds. I just don't even know where to put that.  :shocked:

     Please be safe!
sirex said:
There, quite literally, can be no place to go if you dont make it out in time. People got to work etc.
Thank you!
     I understand completely. My previous comment wasn't supposed to mean I'm amazed that you're staying. (After I read it, I thought I might have worded it poorly.) I just literally can't fathom sitting in my basement listening to one hundred and fucking fifty mile per hour wind upstairs. 
     I've been in a few tornado scares during my life in the midwest. The most recent was last summer when an EF3 ruined a town about 12 miles away from me. Luckily, the storm veered. I had about one hour's warning to get the cats, important papers and guns into the basement. That's one thing, but I can't begin to imagine the anxiety of looking down the barrel of a category 4 hurricane that I know is going to hit me. 
I certainly am not a weatherman, but I am almost certain that you are not looking at 150 mph winds, more likely half that, so hang in there, we are all with you.
Nah nah Hybrid, didn't take it that way at all. Saul good bruthah!
JayT, directly around the eye is the eyewall, the worst part of the storm. That's where the sustained winds stay. 140 ain't no joke my brethren!!!!
That's worst case scenario when it makes landfall. Wherever that eye is, which I believe is around 17 Miles in diameter up to around 45-47 miles surrounding you'll experience those higher sustained winds. 
This storm is experiencing, well in the process of developing actually, a secondary eyewall, a double eyewall.
It'll be a bruiser fer sure.
Supposed to, but you never know bro. The tiniest little movement west could have it slam into the coast. I hope, hope, hope it stays off. Shit, even twenty miles off we still get jacked but thats's better than nuthin.
JayT said:
I certainly am not a weatherman, but I am almost certain that you are not looking at 150 mph winds, more likely half that, so hang in there, we are all with you.
     Earlier today, NWS was predicting gusts up to 145 for Melbourne. That estimate was reduced since then, but now they're saying up to 130 for Titusville.
     Sure, the wind won't be sustained at those speeds, but gusts certainly will be up there. And I know that as far as trees go (my area of expertise) it's the sudden gusts that do the most damage during a storm.
Also remember that if he doesn't make landfall and cross, he'll just ride that eye up the coast *most likely* . Which will really suck. then the eye just chills in that warm, shallow water churning the engines up.
Right, just saw a weatherman describe that as a buzzsaw up the coast.
No one should be saying this won't be serious. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst is how you deal with any hurricane. They are unpredictable and even with low winds can demolish a city with water and wind as well.
I think Sandy was Cat 1 when it plowed through here. You don't worry over the Cat #. 
They are kind of South of it - already past them, unless it shifts dramatically all of a sudden ...

I checked in with Wicked Mike, and he's down there ...

sirex is closer to the main action ...

Oldsalty is def not out of the woods ...

I think solid7 is in a rough area, too ...