You can grow them Ed, they just need a little PM shade.
I'm still picking pods from the plants I'm overwintering, got 6 more ripe ones this AM.
I have my Orange Rocoto in a better position this season that receives only morning sunlight. It seems to even be setting fruit in temperatures up to the low 33°C.
I've got some new strains from Brazil that are supposed to do better in hot weather that I'm going to try this season. (Thanks Brito)
Do you plan on growing them side by side to allow for a comparison? I'm interested to see the results.
What are Turbo Pubes!? Do they mature faster with the same flavor? Tell me yes!
My hunch is the Turbo Pube (PI 585267) is named as such due to being prolific. I'm also interested in any information about faster ripening varieties.
Had enough yet?
Rocoto overload. I wish I had that many.