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I Am In Love With Rocotos

You can grow them Ed, they just need a little PM shade.

I'm still picking pods from the plants I'm overwintering, got 6 more ripe ones this AM. :)

I have my Orange Rocoto in a better position this season that receives only morning sunlight. It seems to even be setting fruit in temperatures up to the low 33°C.

I've got some new strains from Brazil that are supposed to do better in hot weather that I'm going to try this season. (Thanks Brito)

Do you plan on growing them side by side to allow for a comparison? I'm interested to see the results.

What are Turbo Pubes!? Do they mature faster with the same flavor? Tell me yes!

My hunch is the Turbo Pube (PI 585267) is named as such due to being prolific. I'm also interested in any information about faster ripening varieties.

Had enough yet? :lol:

Rocoto overload. :onfire: I wish I had that many.
Another good one is brown some bulk italian sausage then toss in some small cubed potato,onion and garlic.
Stuff the pod and toss on the bbq topped with romono/parmeson cheese mix.

I also like mixing about 4 or 5 kinds of beans with chick peas,mix oil,wine vinegar,cider vinegar,garlic,onions and tomato together with manzano chunks and let blend overnight.

Stuff whole manzanos/rocotos with the bean mix.pour some of the juice from the bean mix in each pod.

I sometimes add shrimp,crab or lobster to the bean mix too.

Good stuff.
Do you plan on growing them side by side to allow for a comparison? I'm interested to see the results.
Well, I have my overwintered plants from last season to compare with the new seed starts. It's been mentioned several times that pubes do much better their second year and I'm looking forward to testing this and harvesting more pods this season.
Well, I have my overwintered plants from last season to compare with the new seed starts. It's been mentioned several times that pubes do much better their second year and I'm looking forward to testing this and harvesting more pods this season.

I have pods on my large overwintered (not its first) plant and on a plant I grew from seed this season. The weather this season has been less extreme than last season.

Photo of the first Rocoto Orange pod on my large plant, a set of twins and a flower on the young plant

The plant grown from seed is first set fruit exactly three months after it sprouted on the 4th of January. This plant has since dropped the original four fruits after a few hot days. It has however managed to retain some subsequent pods that are growing in size.

I bought a Manzana Yellow plant to grow in the same conditions as my Rocoto Orange. The Manzana Yellow dropped every single flower in the same time period as the young Rocoto Orange plant set fruit. I think the Manzana Yellow plant at the very least needs a better developed root system. The plant was very root bound when I bought it.

I sprouted a couple of PI 387838 at about the same time as the young Rocoto Orange. Alas they both appear to be stunted from a bad batch of potting mix and thus can't be compared to the other plants.
The yellows were the first to ripen for me. Planted seed on Feb 4th and picked the first ripe ones July 19th. (165 days)

Then got a few more July 24th

And some more 4 days later July 28th

Then August's heat shut them down until Fall when I finally got to taste some orange and red pods.
If this was meant for me.... SWEET!

Whatever is easiest for you, I would love some seeds!


I have some red, yellow and orange Manzano seeds, all 3 colors mixed in a bag or can save some from those harvested today if you want a specific color. Shoot me a PM if interested.
Well, I have my overwintered plants from last season to compare with the new seed starts. It's been mentioned several times that pubes do much better their second year and I'm looking forward to testing this and harvesting more pods this season.

I'm overwintering the plant that made me fall in love, so I'm looking forward to it, too. Debating whether I'll put it back in a pot, or in the ground...
What are Turbo Pubes!? Do they mature faster with the same flavor? Tell me yes!

I don't know anything other than they look extra productive and are more of a bullet shape. I'll find out this year how they produce. It won't be a true comparison because I'd like to think my growing skills are improving.

Might as well dig up a few nice shots of my own. They're beautiful plants as seedlings too and the leaves smell spicy.



this thread has my mouth watering

i have had these pickled (from a michoacan recipe)
and there ain't no better pickled pepper

oh and with a stone brew :woohoo:

thanks to you all i am now gonna have to find
some decent red and yellow seeds..... maybe that "el metate market" around the
They were Peach colored when I got them.
White ones were almost Albino too.

Haven't gotten pods off either of their seeds plants.
All my C.Pubescens got killed last season by mites.
I am trying locato this year but its been a month and none of my seeds have germinated. i am hoping these cooler weather plants will better handle my growing environment.
I am trying locato this year but its been a month and none of my seeds have germinated. i am hoping these cooler weather plants will better handle my growing environment.

Two of my three Locato (PI 387838) seeds took about 14 days to germinate roots in a zip lock bag. They emerged in their pots about 9 days later within a few days of my first two Rocoto plants. The difference was a bad batch of potting mix that stunted the growth of every single seed I grew in it.

Rocoto and two Locato (PI 387838) plants:

First Rocoto plant from seed with egg shaped fruit:

Second Rocoto plant from seed beginning to bloom: