I am White Moses I am from St. Louis as well

I am White Moses I am from St Louis as well.  I see at least two other people here from St. Louis.  Perhaps we will form a group and take over the forum.  I am just kidding. 
I am new to hot peppers.  I tried last year and did not come anywhere close to success.  I germianted indoors begining around February and transplanted after the first frost and they only had one row of leaves and were very small.  They did not grow at all.  Maybe I watered them too much or maybe it was too cold for them to grow even though it did not frost.  I will try again. 
what was your soil my man? what kind of peppers from where? and Welcome to the party. This place is a complete blast.
From Chicagoland
:welcome:  to the THP forums from SC! May your 2015 grow be a success. Over watering is definitely one of the most common mistakes most people make when first growing anything!