Dude, you gotta quit worrying! Your plants won't get TMV from your mom smoking around them. As long as she's not breaking open unlit cigarettes and smearing wet tobacco all over the plants, you're fine! Hell, there is even some evidence that strains of TMV are plant specific and only produce symptoms and problems on certain plants. That means that the TMV strain that hurts tobacco could be contagious to your peppers, but would likely not hurt production or the health of your plants.
And is your dad breaking branches off your plants? If he's just bumping into them or even knocking them over without causing visible damage, there's really no worry. A bit of stress makes plants stronger, pods hotter, and produces more anti-oxidants in the fruit.
And the disease thing, you've just got to forget about. Most people who grow plants in containers at the level folks on this forum do will never experience devastating diseases (at least in peppers!). Commercial growers have problems with disease because they have tons of plants, and they often don't rotate like they should. Not too much money in cover crops! So they build up diseases in their fields, and plants are bound to contract them. Plants in pots, planted in new potting medium, have a very slim chance of contracting a disease that will put them down for good, ESPECIALLY pepper plants.
So please, relax, have a beer, and just watch them grow! I promise you, if you plant the seeds and give them water and sun, you will get pods. I did my share of worrying about weather, disease, pod drop. I even had plants blown completely over by tornado force winds. And now I'm up to my nuts in pods already, and I'm only harvesting from 4 or 5 of my 30+ plants.
Repeat this mantra: If I plant them, they will burn.... If I plant them, they will burn.....