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extreme-heat I have aquired some pure 16 crystals ... how shall I eat them??

Fromt he people I've spoken with, you'd be better off driving a red hot railroad spike through your tongue. If you are honestly going to do it, I can;t stop you, but highly suggest you look into what this stuff has done to other people. And remember, the human body doesn't assimilate the capsaicin, so what goes in, will eventually come out, quite painfully as well. I would suggest getting a hold of some of The Source first, it's ranked at 7.1 million SHU's, and I've witnessed even the craziest of chiliheads break down into tears. Luckdog is correct, if 90k hurt you, 16 million is a step you should not even attempt.
shayneyasinski said:
I will try one in a pot of soup to see how strong it is but from what i read it takes a while to break down so that is why i was asking about how to eat them.
I am sure it will be hot but 1 tiny crystal in a pot of soup should be a safe way to ingest i would think??

A few thoughts on this...
1) By dissolving it in soup, all you are doing is making very expensive and hot soup.
2) You seem to want to prove something by ingesting this. If that's the case, doesn't diluting it defeat the purpose?
3) It appears you need a primer on concentration/dilution. One tiny crystal represents A LOT of capsacium. That little crystal represents the capsaicin from several chilis, crystalized. The fact that is crystallized is important because crystaline materials are densely packed materials i.e. there are a lot of molecules in a little area. It's like comparing a bottle of beer to a shot of everclear...you can drink a beer and not get buzzed, but a shot of everclear will definately effect you.

I have eaten a teaspoon of daves ultimate insanity and i am in no way immune to heat as it kicked my ass.

That is nothing to be ashamed of...so why risk PHYSICAL HARM to yourself?

This reminds me of a story. I was playing no-limit hold'em at the Borgata with this guy who sat down and raised 8 straight hands, no matter how poor his cards were. He even managed to win his first hand playing 2-9 off. He didn't raise the 9th hand because he lost all his money because he was clueless on how to play poker. He got lucky once, but he proved he was an idiot eight straight hands and no one had an ounce of respect for him when he left.
Kinda like Bentalphanerd is asking this stuff is that hot well what do you use it for consumption wise in a safe mannor?And I have seen someone take a teaspoon of purecap and their throat close(not by my doing) that was scary enough to give me all new respect for capisum...thats nothing compaired to those crystals
stillmanz said:
best served...with the paramedics on speed dial:mouthonfire:

another great advice since what I've read from other people on this forum that told stories about people that ate pure cap.

you say you're not a moron, well theres two sides of the coin ;) (no offense only relating to the point of eating pure cap.) this is just going off those other stories as to what happened to other people & you have Defcon telling you not to try it & it sure sounds like he's very experienced with using pure cap.

& how big is this "pot of soup " anyways ? 10 gallons of soup ?

hey knock your socks off & eat that crazy stuff & at least video tape it so people laugh their ass off at you or at least use the footage as to why you shouldnt eat the stuff.
Wouldn't touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole. Insane. I'll try Scorpions, Nagas, Bhuts, etc., but my common sense prohibits me from suicidal activities! PLEASE be careful.

I just want to try the hottest!!! Is that so bad???
They make this stuff and sell it so why not try it??
This forum has sold over 30 bottles of sauce to me just from reading how good or bad they were .
I only got the crystals as a result of what i read on this forum .
I have nothing to prove I just want to feel what its like to try a crystal .
I think some of you are just pissed that I got this stuff in the first place??
I will eat a crystal and I will post what it was like .
for any of you that think I am a moron or stupid for doing this I suggest you keep pickin cans and bottles and save up for a real bottle of hot.
you guys have seen my last order so you know that I am not some kid that is talkin crap.

I was actually serious when i suggested dissolving a grain in vodka - so maybe you would need a gallon bottle, but it would make great shooters.
bentalphanerd said:
I was actually serious when i suggested dissolving a grain in vodka - so maybe you would need a gallon bottle, but it would make great shooters.

I have never been a shooter guy....
but I would like to disolve it in somthing clear so I can see that its dissolved.
maybe oil ??
Any of you guys know what pure cap crystals will dissolve in??

milk :cool: good one...

why not vineger? or sugar syrup
vodka would definately work but geeze theres a messy evening. Might be good for psycho bloody mary's?
the anticipation is killing me..
stillmanz said:
vodka would definately work but geeze theres a messy evening.

My thoughts exactly. A gallon of scovilled up vodka. Even if your not into it yourself, it's a years worth of nips & more than likely a bunch of new friends.

bentalphanerd said:
My thoughts exactly. A gallon of scovilled up vodka. Even if your not into it yourself, it's a years worth of nips & more than likely a bunch of new friends.


And more than likely one helluva criminal record as well:lol:
dreamtheatervt said:
The cuts from the glass will help you take in the capsacium from multiple entry points ;)

Seriously though - record a video of the event and post it online, either as a warning to anyone else who thinks about doing this or as proof you are god-like in terms of your chemical resistance.

You might want to try the hottest sauce you just bought straight up before you try this, because if you can't handle that, there is no way you can handle the crystal.

Also have someone present and ready to call paramedics no matter how you choose your mode of ingestion.

This reminds me of a short film I saw on the Independent Film Channel...some guy paid another man to shoot him in the arm with a handgun at point blank range because he wanted a bullet wound scar.
Sound advice.
shayneyasinski said:
I just want to try the hottest!!! Is that so bad???
They make this stuff and sell it so why not try it??

They make and sell cigarettes, but I would vociferously suggest against taking up the habit.

I have nothing to prove

I think that, perhaps, you've backed yourself into a corner. Please consider what a lot of people who have intimate knowledge of hot peppers, hot sauces, and their interactions with the human body are telling you. Don't be stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. These guys aren't spewing macho bullshit, they're concerned that you are insisting on doing something that could be medically dangerous. Not stupid, not funny, not macho; but straying into "call 911!" territory.

I just want to feel what its like to try a crystal .
I think some of you are just pissed that I got this stuff in the first place??

If they were childish enough to be annoyed that you acquired something that they wish they could get, they would have been childish enough to keep silent before, and gloat at your misfortune afterwards. Instead they've been concerned enough about your safety to continue offering advice despite your snide little digs.

It's so easy to misread tone in text formats, please consider rereading what you've been told through a "they're concerned for my safety" filter.
I also look at it like this.
I teaspoon of daves UI all by itself when taken is hot and for 15 to 20 minutes later starts to go away.
that teaspoon is rated at lets say 1 million scovel units just to make my point.
the crystal at 16 million.
but I am only eating 1 tiny piece dissolved into a pot of soup that in the end will be 16 ounces or about 100 teaspoons .
If I try 1 teaspoon and feel heat like I do with 1 teaspoon of dave's I will be surprized.
That was 90k scovilles from what is on the web and what you have, is over 175 times hotter

http://www.scorchio.co.uk/daves-ultimate-insanity-sauce-p-399.html this echoes the same rating.

i've eaten two pork chops (well 1.75..my roommate couldn't do it so i ate the rest) that were marinated in straight dave's uis..it was pretty damn hot..but i would still heed the warnings here.

nobody is gonna stop you if you really want to do it.

not sure how much it will dilute into one can of soup..i've never used the stuff myself. i ate a bhut jolokia which is only 1 million..can't imagine 16 times that.

you've had the stuff for a couple days now, have you made the soup? :hell: