• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

extreme-heat I have aquired some pure 16 crystals ... how shall I eat them??

You know what Shayne --- your right we dont know -- Try it and find out... Sounds like you would rather argue about it like a child holding there breath... physically you are 34 year old grown **ahem** man .... be the sounding board for us.. instead of insulting members Just do it already
You know what Shayne --- your right we dont know -- Try it and find out... Sounds like you would rather argue about it like a child holding there breath... physically you are 34 year old grown **ahem** man .... be the sounding board for us.. instead of insulting members Just do it already

I am not here to argue that its hot but I really don't think the way I am going to try this is all that dangerous.
Further more have you or anyone posting tried pure crystal??

I have not. There are members on other boards that we are friends with that have. Search it... there are discussions on this board previous
Google it for other sites I wont post them ;)
Like I had said be our sounding board and tell of your experiences. You can mix heat right out of it if due to volume. If thats your point. But I would hate waste a chili or soup by making say a gallon and finding it too hot but Im sure in your case it wont be hot enough then what?, will you add more?

I have gone thru these stages now I just want something that is hot AND tastes good.

I dont think we are saying not to try it but just be safe when you do and be smart about it and respect it.

Collectors Item ?? put it with the rest of your saved bottles
I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna do it...

has he done it yet?

no, not yet

do it, do it now, eat them all - please...
I ate almost all of them.
lets just say that they were hot but not like a mouthfull of sauce or extract.
I will have a video here very soon as it is uploading right now.
A piece on my toungue was hot but not what i thought it would be .
I am also getting more to do further testing.
thanks for all of you that added to this post it was fun.
shayneyasinski said:
I ate almost all of them.
lets just say that they were hot but not like a mouthfull of sauce or extract.
I will have a video here very soon as it is uploading right now.
A piece on my toungue was hot but not what i thought it would be .
I am also getting more to do further testing.
thanks for all of you that added to this post it was fun.
Don't wanna be the party pooper, but it doesn't look like the crystals you showed in the picture.
It's much bigger, and not much of a "crystal".
Looks more like sugar or something.
Let's just assume for a minute you can eat capsaicin like candy.
Where's all the fun? I mean, when I eat I love the sweat and tears. :lol:
I guess it's possible for you to be able eating pure crystals, but there's no way it's not as hot some of the sauces.
It's tiny and all, but still... 16,000,000SHU..!..!..!
If thats legit and you sourced true pure cap all I can say is I was wrong... but remember what goes in :onfire: must... you get the idea
Good on you for posting it up.

:clap: Nice one Shayne. Well done documentary of your possible demise. And like a good doco it leaves more questions than answers given the more public results of crystal as being violently hot.

I couldn't help thinking you were about to freebase it when you started putting more into the spoon :lol:
Congrats Shayne you did it....

Considering your source is legit and you didnt get some bunk cap.

Now was it hotter than UI ?
shayneyasinski said:
Any of you guys know what pure cap crystals will dissolve in??


animal fat...
Interesting note I was talking to some cops in the shop tonight and they said that in australia if "they felt the need" you could be charged with having pure cap as it could easily be looked upon as a weapon of sorts. ie if I was to threaten someone with the crystals it would be seen as threatening with a weapon like some one would threaten with a cup of boiling water or whatever.

makes you think ... imagine walking into a all night convienience store armed witha orange habanero ... give me all your money I'd say... I reckon the "clerk" would laugh and kick my arse :lol: