I don't need any of the Yellow Bhuts but what else you got to trade. here are some of the Habs I have and some are in short supply.
Hab #44
Hab Amarillo
Hab Big Sun
Hab Black Congo
Hab Brown
Hab Cancun
Hab Cappucino
Hab Caribbean Red
Hab Condor’s Beak
Hab Fogoso
Hab Fransisco
Hab Giant White (did not ripen White)
Hab Golden
Hab Guadaloupe
Hab Ivory
Hab Lemon
Hab Little Finger
Hab Long Chocolate
Hab Manzano
Hab Martinique
Hab Mustard
Hab Neon Yellow
Hab Paper Lantern
Hab Peach
Hab Punta Giallo
Hab Red Dominican
Hab Red Savina
Hab Rojo
Hab Rosso
Hab St. Bart’s
Hab Surinam
Hab Tasmanian
Hab Tree
Hab White Bullet
Hab Yellow
Hab Yellow Pointed
Hab #44
Hab Amarillo
Hab Big Sun
Hab Black Congo
Hab Brown
Hab Cancun
Hab Cappucino
Hab Caribbean Red
Hab Condor’s Beak
Hab Fogoso
Hab Fransisco
Hab Giant White (did not ripen White)
Hab Golden
Hab Guadaloupe
Hab Ivory
Hab Lemon
Hab Little Finger
Hab Long Chocolate
Hab Manzano
Hab Martinique
Hab Mustard
Hab Neon Yellow
Hab Paper Lantern
Hab Peach
Hab Punta Giallo
Hab Red Dominican
Hab Red Savina
Hab Rojo
Hab Rosso
Hab St. Bart’s
Hab Surinam
Hab Tasmanian
Hab Tree
Hab White Bullet
Hab Yellow
Hab Yellow Pointed