So true. However, since moving to OH, I've seen some very different birds from when I lived in TX and CA. You can frequently find blue jays and cardinals here, for example, but I only ever rarely saw them in TX, and don't recall seeing any in southern CA. Great blue heron frequent the water hazards on the golf courses, and there is something which is a screaming yellow and black (not a goldfinch, but not sure what it is, most likely a warbler or prothonotary.) Occasionally an eagle can be found, which seems unusual. The one that takes me by surprise the most, though, is the wild turkeys. I've only seen them around here in the fall, but they're actually quite colorful, unlike the kinds I've seen on farms. I live on the border between suburbia and farmland, but still the houses are pretty tightly packed together. It still surprises me to occasionally look out the bay window in the front of the house and see deer antlers striding down the middle of the street, let alone big wild turkeys.
I do miss the egrets and hummingbirds that were in TX and CA, though. Just stunning birds, though the egrets are pretty dumb. Actually, quite dumb. An entire flock took themselves out on the wind shield of my car as I was driving down the highway one year when I lived in TX. (Which was horrifying and weirdly strange, all at the same time.)
I've always thought sloths were cool, though I've never seen one outside of a zoo. Very nice to be able to scratch the head of a wild one!