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seeds I need a more organized "seed bank."

My seed collection is small but growing, as I continue to enjoy the hobby. This is my current storage system:

I have around 40 different seed packs. Most are in various size ziplock bags, and some are in the original small brown paper packages that the sellers packaged them in. To keep everything in the same place, and to prevent exposure to light, I have all the packets in a large (8 1/2 x 11) yellow manila envelope, the kind that is used for interoffice communications.

The system works and protects the seeds, as this season, I germinated 2 year old seeds, however, I am looking for something more organized. What kind of "seed banks" do the more experienced collectors use? Are there kits I can buy? I'm also curious if most collectors, "hack it out" like I do, or if they are more organized.
Another hacker right here. :D

I keep seeds in the original envelope they were sent out in and mark it with the year, then I put them in a shoe box for safe keeping.
I need one too. Right now for purchased or seeds received in trade, I use a rubbermaid plastic bin that I keep in the refrigerator. I try to keep them arranged by source, but the packets always seem to get mixed up depending on what I planted, sold or traded last. For my home-grown seeds, they go into coin envelopes into open rubbermaid bins and are sorted alphabetically by variety, so they are pretty easy to find. For long-term storage, once they are good and dry, they go into labeled film canisters or old prescription bottles and are kept in a refrigerator drawer. I have been thinking about a small parts bin though, which would allow the ultimate in organization.
maybe you can try a 3 hole binder with the 3 hole clear baseball card sheets. put them in coin envelopes or something like that and then slip them in the card spot. That is what i intend to do i think ive seen someone on here with the same thing but i forget who..
maybe you can try a 3 hole binder with the 3 hole clear baseball card sheets. put them in coin envelopes or something like that and then slip them in the card spot. That is what i intend to do i think ive seen someone on here with the same thing but i forget who..
Hey, that's not such a bad idea.... too organized for me, but nonetheless a great idea!
I was just lookin for ma nose and the wind changed. :D
Didn't ya ever read that book when you were a little fella...?


Labeled seed packs in an empty peanut butter jar, with silica gel dessicant also inside, kept inside my seed fridge.

Seeds seem to stay viable like this for years.

I use something similar top midwestchilehead. Air tight rubbermaid container in the fridge. Put a bunch of those silica gel things in with them and use index card organizer tabs (A-Z) to keep seeds organized in their little plastic Baggies. All from Walmart about 5 bucks.
Sometimes I just get carried away....:crazy:


That was last year some time I think, now its more than doubled....just can't help myself!!!! :woohoo:
Sometimes I just get carried away....:crazy:


That was last year some time I think, now its more than doubled....just can't help myself!!!! :woohoo:
Grant you are so organised with everything you do! You don't have a bit of OCD do ya? :lol:

I have a few different systems but will one day organise it properly. They are all kept in there original seed packets unless they are ones I have saved and then they are in baggies labelled and dated and anything else special about them. i do have a plastic sleeve file that I put all my superhots in. So I will have one sleeve for 7 Pots and then all the different types of 7 Pots are in that sleeve. Everything is then kept in a dark drawer.
I keep them in small zip-loc baggies which are then organized into 5 groups > Ghost, Scorps, 7s, Habs and other. I also keep track of the harvest year as well.

They’re all keep in a drawer in my home office.

Sounds like a hack system to me.
Mine are all in one big container I pull a couple out and hope for the best - I call it "Russian Roulette" gardening never know what you are going to get - and it keeps it interesting.


I keep alot in baggies or the envelopes that I received in them so I know who they are from and I have some in labled baggies after I harvested - all in a large container.
I'm like most of you.
My seeds are in the original packages in a shoe box in a dark drawer.

I guess my wife wouldn't mind if I was a little more like JR ( awesome organization )!
