Seeds I have received in trade, I will keep in original packaging if OK, plus either mark the label or put a piece of paper inside, indicating source & date. If packing or labeling poor (or for seeds saved from pods), I will put seeds into a fresh 2"x3" zip-lock, with a piece of paper inside indicating type, source & date.
For seeds I have saved myself, I put in a 2"x3" zip-lock, with a piece of paper inside indicating type & year.
For organizing, seed I have saved myself are in two large baggies in a dark cupboard - one with newer seeds of each variety (for trading), and one containing older seeds (as back-ups).
For seeds I have received in trade from 7-10 years ago, they are organized but not all together.
Seeds I recently purchased from eBay are all together.
For seeds I have received recently from THP, one of the members was kind enough to enclose his seeds inside a larger double-zip bag, so I have used that to keep the THP seeds organized.
I'm hoping that bag gets a little bit fuller, with some new trades!