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seeds I need a more organized "seed bank."

If you are going to store your seeds in ziplock baggies, and are unsure of how dry they are, then please add some silica gel sand to them to help keep them dry.

I got some seeds last year in a trade and went to use them this year and I hadn't added any silica to the baggie, and the had seeds molded.
Seeds I have received in trade, I will keep in original packaging if OK, plus either mark the label or put a piece of paper inside, indicating source & date. If packing or labeling poor (or for seeds saved from pods), I will put seeds into a fresh 2"x3" zip-lock, with a piece of paper inside indicating type, source & date.

For seeds I have saved myself, I put in a 2"x3" zip-lock, with a piece of paper inside indicating type & year.

For organizing, seed I have saved myself are in two large baggies in a dark cupboard - one with newer seeds of each variety (for trading), and one containing older seeds (as back-ups).

For seeds I have received in trade from 7-10 years ago, they are organized but not all together.

Seeds I recently purchased from eBay are all together.

For seeds I have received recently from THP, one of the members was kind enough to enclose his seeds inside a larger double-zip bag, so I have used that to keep the THP seeds organized. :)

I'm hoping that bag gets a little bit fuller, with some new trades! ;)
Grant that is awesome and very organized. I am more like nova, I keep everything together and dump it all out on the floor when I am looking for something.
I have two containers. One for isolated and store bought seeds. The other for everything else. Whether bought or traded for I print labels and re-bag all my seeds. My baggies are generally smaller so they save me space. I also throw a few desiccant packets in each container.