IGG (Passow) Grow Log 03-07-2008

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
IGG, place something under your tray to get your plants closer to your light since you cannot lower your light. Grats on the tobacco sprouts, sounds really cool growing your own smoke. Sounds like spring is still weeks away in Ohio.

Ya, spring is far away right now, looks like I am going to plant things in the ground come June first.....UGH!!!!!

I just have the light there to...encourage the seeds to sprout. The tobacoo is a good week away from being exposed to light (notice I have those cells covered).

Once something non tobaco sprouts I'll get the tray higher. You think 5 inches from the light is sufficiant for baby pepper sprouts?
I run mine no more than 3" from the tops IGG........

Well, I've now added two things to the grow list, "Monster" Asain Birdseye (thanks goes to Bent for that one), and Fatalii. I soaked the both overnight in a Superthrive/water solution and the freakin Fatalii's had started to sprout when I went to plant them today. Had to be extra careful as to not break that root while putting them in the dirt.


The tobacco sprouted yesturday and today they are showing green. Was able to get a pic this time. They are circled in red (sorry for the cruditiy, didn't feel like making boxes so I used the paint tool)

First I would like to gro wit, then cure it.

DrHavanger said:
Are you going to cure your tobacco?

Whoa whoa whoa, getting ahead of ourselves here. First I've gotta see if these things don't die on me out here in this climate ;)

But if and when harvest time comes, yes, I will be curing them.
imaguitargod said:
Well, I've now added two things to the grow list, "Monster" Asain Birdseye (thanks goes to Bent for that one), and Fatalii. I soaked the both overnight in a Superthrive/water solution and the freakin Fatalii's had started to sprout when I went to plant them today. Had to be extra careful as to not break that root while putting them in the dirt.
the fatalii's grow like goddamn weeds, somehow i ended up with five of them, i managed to unload one on my sister but i seriously fear for its wellbeing...

imaguitargod said:
Whoa whoa whoa, getting ahead of ourselves here. First I've gotta see if these things don't die on me out here in this climate ;)

But if and when harvest time comes, yes, I will be curing them.
why don't you just buy cuban cigars? ooooh right ;)
GrumpyBear said:
why don't you just buy cuban cigars? ooooh right ;)
Actually, you can still get them. There's a loop whole in the embargo. You just have to have an order placed before the embargo and you will be able to cach it in any time to get cigars.
Day three for the Havana Tobacco seedlings. They are moving fast! I now have moved them much closer to the light.


Also transplanted some into a bigger pot just to get them really going. They are quite easy to transplant at this stage.
Igg, that is really cool do you have to keep them seperated or can they be grown together? Tobacco plants get rather large don't they?

thepodpiper said:
Igg, that is really cool do you have to keep them seperated or can they be grown together? Tobacco plants get rather large don't they?

To my knowledge they need to be sperated. Their root structure is similar to tomato plants (which is quite thick and branches out a little bit).

Eventually when I see who's the fittest, I'll cut it back down to one plant per cell. And yes, they do get quite large, 6-7 feet.
Ok, so I got antsy and planted some more Piqrano and Naga seeds (soaked them for 24 hours in Superthrive/water solution). I planted them in the same cells as the other ones I started two weeks ago.

So far, only the tobacco has come up.....

Why would you want to thin your tobacco plants? They are already as thin as hair on a bald man's head. If we couldn't pull up at least 150 plants per square foot, the bed was not very good. Even the trays that are used today have 100 plants per square foot.

We use to sow beds that were 10 feet wide by 100 feet long. I think the fewest beds we sowed was two, the most 10.

IGG....answer your PM..........
I think I found the reason why nothing sprouting....not warm enough. So now I'm doing searches for coupons at Sears. Going to buy one of those nifty heating mats.
No reponses...huh...guess nothing worth while to respond to yet

imaguitargod said:
I think I found the reason why nothing sprouting....not warm enough. So now I'm doing searches for coupons at Sears. Going to buy one of those nifty heating mats.

Well, that heating pad seems to be working. It's drying the cells out much faster.
OH! A response!

klyth said:
*nod* I had to water the heated peat pots every 36 hours.
Ya, It's about every 36 hours for some of them. 48 for the rest.

Just thinned the rest of the Tobacco plants. They are starting to pick up speed now that they don't just have embrionic leaves.