

Miy name is Ryan Spruill, I am a thirty year old rroofer located in Arkabsas and am typing by muscle memory only. I grow every pepper known to mankind and wallow in the fact that creamy chicken noodle ramen noodles where made for any kinda pepper, with cilantro, sriracha sauce:mouthonfire: and shrimp added at the end of the cooking cycle.. I use peppers in everything, and my family distrusts and compliments my cooking at the same time.
Welcome from Fort Worth
DEFCON Creator said:
Greetings from Defcon HQ...

Hey, did you know that capsicum is actually fatal at high enough doses? I have not found 'High Enough' yet, but I'm working on it.

The only problem is, I won't be able to get back to yall once I find it. Unless maybe yall use a weejie board so I can share my results.

I thought Bhut Jolokia would do the trick, but after one pepper my tolerance adapted and it has no more effect like the first time.
Hello and welcome from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!

I live in Stuttgart, AR. USA. We are a sister city to Stuttgart, Germany. My old brother in law's family, the Buerkles, founded this place. And you know what?
Not one German restaurant. Maybe I'll open one one day.
And Rainbowberry, my surname comes from a priory there in England, cira 1200 a.d., even though we are Scots. I have an old dream of visiting one day, but I break stuff and cause situations when I go on vacations, so I just go to work and go home. That Prince Charles fellow pisses me off just looking at him. Don't know what it is. Must be in my blood. But I am sure if I came to visit and ran across him, there would be trouble. So I'll just stay home and mind my own business.
I didn't even know there was a Stuttgart, AR! It is actually surprising that nobody had the idea to open a German restaurant there, might be a good idea if the town is big enough. I have seen a few so called German restaurants when I was in the U.S., they all looked the way most people would think a restaurant in Bavaria looks like, very cliché, as if that was all German kitchen is about, hehe. I'm sure you'd do much better! Too bad hot food is not exactly typical German food! :)
Very cliche'. Complete with the white curtains and waiters in tuxedos. But the food in most I've visited is awesome. Just lacks red pepper. Red pepper just seems to fit your food like a glove. There is no German food that isn't brought to new levels of life by red pepper. Sauerkraut, cabbage, sausage, just add red pepper and it comes alive.
Glad you like it although I always tend to try new foreign food, but the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence I guess! :)
RJS said:
That Prince Charles fellow pisses me off just looking at him. Don't know what it is. Must be in my blood. But I am sure if I came to visit and ran across him, there would be trouble. So I'll just stay home and mind my own business.

:lol: not all the English love the royal family either.