Iowegian Pepper-Head Says Hello

Iowegian Pepper-Head? Okay, what that really means is that I'm a Iowan who loves the hot stuff. I'm an annual pepper grower and I enjoy tinkering with the produce.

My thinking is that there is a way to put a little heat in most any dish and make it enjoyable. This is a source of some debate between my wife and I.

I'm happy to find a forum devoted to this particular pursuit of pain and, I'm looking forward to cross talk and information exchange.

Those who have never broken a sweat from eating just don't know what they are missing! Pain is our friend.

I suppose that is enough for the moment.

A hearty hello to all members.

Hello Scott and welcome from Australia mate....

Glad to have you on board. after spending a few weeks on here you will no longer be just a pepper head....You'll be a pepper freak....:) It happens to all of us....
Welcome from Fort Worth
Welcome from virginia and a big congrats on your son.have a great one and break him in welllll.
All I can say is...WOW!

I do appreciate the welcome, howdies and general outpouring of good tidings.

As a group, you sure make a stranger feel welcome.

I believe that I have found the right place.

Thank you all!