• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

It is what it is 2023


Under extreme pressure from my peers :lol: I am reluctantly starting my 2023 glog
Haven't actually planted any seeds yet, but it won't be long before I succumb to the gentle scent of compost, the lure of germination and the excitement of seeing a sprout
I am, however, cleaning all my plant tags if that's not commitment I don't know what is
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'bout that pineapple rocoto... does it actually taste like pineapple? Or is it "imaginary" like with the aji pineapple? I have tried the aji pineapple myself and couldn't detect any pineapple taste. I wanted to try growing the pineapple rocoto once too but couldn't find any seeds...
I dont know this was my first attempt at them, all 10 seeds sofar are a bust :(
I have no idea, the temperature thingy hasn't been set up yet, but they're covered with a cloche overnight and seem to be doing fine.
I think it was a bit too early to put Phase 4 out there but they're doing OK, in that they're not dead yet, it will be good to compare them to the ones under the lights.