It's getting f**king cold!!!!

Over here we are down to 4°C at night. Still hovering around 20°C during daytime. Clear skies account for the difference.
I know what you mean, kinda confusing here, too. Pretty cold (below 1o°C) in the night and today it was nice and warm - I was working in my garden in a T-Shirt... Tomorrow might be completely different. All one can do is be prepared for the worst case scenario (i.e. frost)!
don't say the f word.. sheesh. yea i know in good news i just chopped back a bs chile plant and transplanted a tom stem on it :) mmm beer gives me so many good ideas!!
Here we continue between 25ºC for the day and 18ºC for the night, average. It's funny because these are the temps that we had all the season long, through Spring and Summer, till now ... I'm beginning to think that Porto is trapped into a perpetual Autumn :(
Hope things are going good for you Chiliac, hate to think of frost getting your pods. How are the plastic covers working? Think it's always a battle at this time of year to see if the peppers ripen before the frost.
Things aren't looking too bad here. I managed to get most of my productive plants into the greenhouses and some of the others got sheets put over them. At least 30 plants were tossed in the compost yesterday since they weren't going to produce anymore. Today its going up to 20C with a low of 10C tonight:cool:

Looks to be about the same across the u.k cant complain at those Temps :cool: