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Its My Birthday !!!! (so what?)

Friends,Pepper heads, Baboon asses and all,

Today is my 60th Birthday.

Going to celebrate as usual with same routine.

May My Soul Rest In Peppers

This year.May my chilli peppers stock does not diminish.
May My friends send me lots of Peppers.


Happy Birthday NJA. I hope this day brings you all the happiness you deserve and you have a great year.

Happy Birthday NJA...I am right at 5 months older than you...hope yours is as good as mine was....
All you guys, friends, Romans and Countrymen,Pepperheads, et al,

I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for wishing me on my Birthday.

May All of you get all the peppers that you want. (share extra wid me ofcourse please LOL)

Congratulations. How does it feel to be middle aged? :rofl:

We are all dying of curiousity here, I'm with Paul. What is "usual routine'?
De usual routine means nuttin different from what I do daily.
Same to same b/fast
same to same lunch...ok I cheated here. I had Gulab Jamun which is a sweet.
Dinner is hotchpotch and bottle gourd curry.
No other celebration.

About other things, My wife won't let me come anywhere near her.....LOL
