• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

Seeds just planted
12 choc habs
12 zimbabwe bird
12 thai dragon
4 fatali
12 scotch bonnet jamaican red
12 black pearl
12 mayan love
12 scotch bonnet orange
12 white hab
12 tabasco
6 big sun hab
6 aji amarillo
3 datil yellow
8 scotch bonnet

8 ghost
5 butch t
4 naga viper

6 ghost

Wish me luck!

Yeah I'm not growing the orange hab either. I dont see a reason to grow them because you can get them at any market, big chains to family owned, here in San Diego.
Habs need high germ temps...I kept mine between 85-88 and I got 100% on all I planted. I have planted store bought habs, fresnos (neither this year) and manzanos (4 up and running!)and they all popped for me. The habs have also been really picky on soil. Some of the plants were thriving, but all the habs except the paper lanterns and peruvian whites (too early to tell on those guys) lagged and their color was off a bit. They seem to like soil with a little more peat in it.

Good luck with them! I think your going to love them!
And keeping with tradition...dalil yellow a poppin

Shane the ones that are struggling are my butch t's same soil light everything as my naga vipers amd ghost but they are just starting second leaves amd are yellow. I stopped watering them and no change just odd

Edit, I think I hunted down the cause and it seems to be my pot isnt draining, just watered and dumped out the catch and then when I tipped the pot on its side more water came out. I guess I will need to break out my drill lol
I have also had issues when I over packed soil and it didn't drain as well as the same stuff left a little looser. Glad you found the culprit! Can't wait to see some more pics soon!
It cant be over packed, over half is pearlite! the problem is the pot only has one drain hole in the center and it must be pretty clogged. Ill take some pics when I actually have more visible seedlings, right now most are just so tiny that they really dont show up in the pics so heres kids rocking out after weed wars!. Thanks though!

It cant be over packed, over half is pearlite! the problem is the pot only has one drain hole in the center and it must be pretty clogged. Ill take some pics when I actually have more visible seedlings, right now most are just so tiny that they really dont show up in the pics so heres kids rocking out after weed wars!. Thanks though!

Was talking about mine...I saw you had your issue ironed out. Your kids look to be having a great time! I wish mine were that excited about weeding before, after or during!
Gotcha, not my kids though they just hang out with me alot! The area they weeded didnt need to be weeded yet or actually i would have just taken a weed wacker to it but they made a game out of it and were throwing weeds at each other. At one point they were dogs, another time aliens vs farmer and so forth. just too cute to stop.

edit, guess vids dont work on this site
Gotcha, not my kids though they just hang out with me alot! The area they weeded didnt need to be weeded yet or actually i would have just taken a weed wacker to it but they made a game out of it and were throwing weeds at each other. At one point they were dogs, another time aliens vs farmer and so forth. just too cute to stop. edit, guess vids dont work on this site

Vids work...I posted mine to youtube then hit share and pasted the link provided in the comment area and it worked for me.
Vids work...I posted mine to youtube then hit share and pasted the link provided in the comment area and it worked for me.
I posted it to facebook so i stand corrected. in many cases forums can be configured to only allow embedding from certain sources...maybe ill upload to youtube at some point just too lazy at the moment lol

Ok /end lazy
Ok got me how do you embed? ahhh long linky does it!
Hey Rich, sounds like you are getting lots of varieties
to pop - great! Should give you something to do when
transplant time comes around : )
Did I read something about you possibly moving to the mighty MO? Whole different world of pepper growing compared to San Diego. Best of luck to you Rich.
Did I read something about you possibly moving to the mighty MO? Whole different world of pepper growing compared to San Diego. Best of luck to you Rich.
Wishful thinking at this point, I thought I was a shoe in for a job out there..havent heard back from them in over a week.

What is known is where my peppers are grown they are in escrow for another property that has a climate more like mo anyways but still in sd lol. I any case Ill need to build a greenhouse!

Hey Rich, sounds like you are getting lots of varieties
to pop - great! Should give you something to do when
transplant time comes around : )

Yay, cant wait to get them into the ground so that I can stop babying them and get to eating them!

grrr thought I was careful 1 per...sigh
Hope the job things works out for ya.

One variety a day eh? Got 'em well trained it appears.

How many seeds per jiffy pot did you sow? There is zero nutrients in those pots so I imagine the dying one is starving to death. What you might want to do is seperate them and get them under some lights and feed very sparingly. Go with something in the 2-2-2 neighborhood and then only at 25% strength.

Good luck.
Butch t's are the dying one and they were born on soil and pearlite just like my ghost and vipers that are doing great.
i do use a liquid organic 3-3-3 fert by dr earth right now and just started to fert the jiffy pots. Been using an organic lile 456 or something lile that on the posts every couple of weeks.
as for how many jiffy i planted like 140 seeds of which 60 have popped and ievery day it seems more pop in the same variety filling out the jiffy trays. The first two trays that popped each have 11 out of 12 each that popped. Im looking at putting these in the ground in a month or so and the others in my friends hydro

My sickly butch t

And my ghost planted at the same time
Well storm has past and the the lasting sub zero weather has left its mark. They will recover but...

Should have said sub freezing...silly time spent in poland!