• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

IXII 2011, packing more heat than a summer blockbuster

Seeds just planted
12 choc habs
12 zimbabwe bird
12 thai dragon
4 fatali
12 scotch bonnet jamaican red
12 black pearl
12 mayan love
12 scotch bonnet orange
12 white hab
12 tabasco
6 big sun hab
6 aji amarillo
3 datil yellow
8 scotch bonnet

8 ghost
5 butch t
4 naga viper

6 ghost

Wish me luck!

Damn man! Just curious is that Kellogg soil??? I had that same exact problem when mine were in Kellogg. Looks almost identical. Regardless I would screen out some of the big wood chunks and add a little peat and a bit more perlite to it and it should do better...or buy new soil. A few of the plants (mostly the annuums) did ok in it, but the chinenses hated it. Once switching soils they all did much better...The problem was all the good stuff in the soil washed out and settled to the bottom, so it was dry as a bone up top and a soggy mess at the bottom.
its not kellogg, I would have to look next time im at the nursery to see the brand. Its just that one variety which is only 2 plants and honestly i dont care about that one variety, my friend gave me them for christmas sooo, but I am curious about them.

The mix im using I added about 50% perlite to it, all the other varieties seem to dig it although im always willing to change. basically my intent is just to harden them and then in a couple of weeks plant them in the ground but maybe for my next batch Ill switch soils and probably just mix my own.

I'm off tomorrow, maybe ill take your advise and head down and get more soil. good to know there is a possible reason.
You know the odd thing about the nagas is i transplanted them from the big pot to the cup and they had a root system like nothing else. Damn roots were a couple of feet or so but they never had more than 4 little seedling leaves.
I had a few like that...they grew real slow and stunted. Didn't even think about potting them up, then when I checked them they were root bound??? I transplanted them and they took off! Looking good outside in the sun...you ready for a little weather?

Stc as for being a little wet they are doing fine. I may take the effort and move them to cover for the first time just to keep them from getting more wet tonight but thats assuming ill go out of my way lol. Just glanced at them and the bigger ones seem to have added an inch or so since a couple of days ago...
holy hale batman...and lightning and thunder and monsoon weather. streets are now rivers!

This is one of the heaviest storms i have witnessed in this area since the 80's wow
Booming here to. Knocked out power to wally world while we were in there.
Leading into a nice warm dry week for us though! Even warmer nights!
Yeah the rain was really coming down. Though I wasn't getting the wind that I did from the last storm. Lightning startled me a bit when I was getting out of my car to go in to the house. Flash, crack. Made me step it up a bit to shelter lol.
We must be channeling your weather, we had the same here yesterday!
Booming here to. Knocked out power to wally world while we were in there.
Leading into a nice warm dry week for us though! Even warmer nights!
Heck up until today a few of the traffic lights were still offline!

Anywho good news, mah seedlings grew a bit, wont really notice in a pic as there is no real reference but some are now about 6 or so inches tall. bad news is my established ghost look worse after this storm then the last one poor guys just cant get a break.

Pic of seedlings. Heck even the naga is growing a leaf and i thought the stem was dead lol.
Not much going on. Ive been told i have a bunch of ghost peppers developing so yay. Seedlings are developing more leaves and not much to look at. So some seedlings.
Ok its been a tough spring but finally some good news

first seedlings are almost ready to transplant!!!

Flowers of established ghost peppers are finally opening up (some bone meal on the leaves teehee)

and the first ghost pepper fruit of the season! a low hanger!

yay spring!
Hey I see at least 2 in that pic! Plus you can see the pepper poking through the flower on the previous pic! Awesome man! Great job!
Hey I see at least 2 in that pic! Plus you can see the pepper poking through the flower on the previous pic! Awesome man! Great job!
Hey I see at least 2 in that pic! Plus you can see the pepper poking through the flower on the previous pic! Awesome man! Great job!

I didnt look to closely but I think there are three in that pic...just a month late for fruit. Ive been looking at the plants with100's of flower pods on it for going on a month -1.5 months but the two cold storms we had just froze the plant in time until this last week when they finally woke up, slowly but waking up!

Getting excited as i miss the taste of them and soon Ill be able to brew my beer as well! yay beer
So transplant day. Bought in bulk so here is what $15 of potting soil looks like!

Ran out of soil lol!

And the seedlings
Up close!

Argh up close

And argh most of them but ran out of soil...stupid smart phones!

Where'd you get the bulk soil? Looks pretty good! Have to watch them grow in it, but if it works it looks like a great deal!
the mix looks good, the organic matter is finer than the potting soil I was using and they use pumas instead of pearlite. It doesnt have all the nifty adds like worm castings so you have to add that or whatever you want. Its $36 for a yard and Im sure they would have told me to bugger off if they were busy as I could only hold less than 1/2 a yard due to all my ladders and equipment in my bed.

Anywho the place is in escondido on rock springs at washington. Im sure theres a place in poway or other parts of the county as well.

Also if you need manure konyn dairy in san pasqual on old san pasqual valley road is a pretty good place.

anywho at $36 a yard sure beats $10-15 per foot or two