• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JAB Farms to attempt GLOG for first time!

I've been told for years that my craziness should be documented somewhere. Well, I'm going to attempt it. Each year I like to start at least 3 times what I am planning for myself. I do fill 3 other (neighbors and family) gardens as well but even so have tons of plants. And on average I have 500 hot pepper plants in our garden, with 35-50 superhots in buckets on deck. (along with 75 tomatoes, okra, tons of cucs in garden) This year I started 42 types of HOT peppers, 12 types of sweet (not for me!). I'll attach photo's later - so in some kind of order) as I have several in my 30+ trays of 48 as I am starting transplanting and putting back under lights until they are ready for greenhouse. There are 3 - 5 shelf shelving units inside with lights across and 3 shelving units of 4 shelves in garage as backup.

What's the crazy guy growing this year? In HOT category (for most of us)
Carolina Reaper, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion, Apocalypse Scorpion, White Trinidad Scorpion, Caribbean Red, Datil, Red Savina, Helios, Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange, Thai Culinary, Thai Dragon (2 types), Prik Chi Faa, Bottle Rocket, Kung Pao, Aji Amarillo, Aji Pineapple, Sugar Rush Peach, thunder Mountain Longhorn, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Long Thick Cayenne, Lemon Drop, Devil Serrano, Hot Rod Serrano, Santo Domingo Serrano, Antiplano Serrano, Joe Cayenne, Atomic (Brazilian) Starfish, Big Thai, Orange Spice, Biker Billy, Jalapeno Early, Jedi Jalapeno, Dante Jalapeno, Everman Jalapeno, Inferno Hot Banana, Gochujang King, Cucumber Pepper, Numex Big Jim and JAB Superhot (usually a cross between all my superhots from previous year)

Hope someone can at least laugh at my craziness!

More to come.


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@JAB Farms this is great work, your plants look beautiful! Question about the sugar rush peach-what do you typically use them for (jellies, hot sauces, etc.)? I have quite the harvest of them and can't really decide which way to go regarding processing and using.
@JAB Farms this is great work, your plants look beautiful! Question about the sugar rush peach-what do you typically use them for (jellies, hot sauces, etc.)? I have quite the harvest of them and can't really decide which way to go regarding processing and using.
Hey! It's a lot of work - but rewarding too... Sugar Rush Peach is a new one for me. I haven't made anything with them yet as I'm waiting for more to ripen. I've been storing in freezer until I have enough that peachy (non-yellow) look. I've been eating a lot of those in my salads for lunch too. Interesting flavors! I do think a Hot Pepper Jelly with those would end up good. I will know hopefully soon as plants are loaded with large yellowish pods. If anything like the Aji Pineapple, it will make a great jelly. I just took 3 gallon bags or Serrano's and 1 gallon bag of Jalapeno's out and smoked on my Smokey Joe Weber smoker... finishing them off in dehydrator now. Used Pecan wood and the smell of this is going to be amazing... My garage smells amazing right now! (Didn't smell same when I dried two Carolina Reaper bags day before!! :fireball:)
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Very impressive grow and harvest! Looking good!
Thanks! Harvest is usually larger to be honest, but still good... I missed a window to fertilize and keep plants producing at earlier pace - life/work gets in way! But that has been corrected and OMG is everything loaded again. Superhots are coming in like crazy and Habanero, Scotch Bonnet, Datil are close to filling up all my baskets - and of course my freezers :)
Hey! It's a lot of work - but rewarding too... Sugar Rush Peach is a new one for me. I haven't made anything with them yet as I'm waiting for more to ripen. I've been storing in freezer until I have enough that peachy (non-yellow) look. I've been eating a lot of those in my salads for lunch too. Interesting flavors! I do think a Hot Pepper Jelly with those would end up good. I will know hopefully soon as plants are loaded with large yellowish pods. If anything like the Aji Pineapple, it will make a great jelly. I just took 3 gallon bags or Serrano's and 1 gallon bag of Jalapeno's out and smoked on my Smokey Joe Weber smoker... finishing them off in dehydrator now. Used Pecan wood and the smell of this is going to be amazing... My garage smells amazing right now! (Didn't smell same when I dried two Carolina Reaper bags day before!! :fireball:)

Ok, hadn't realized it had been so long since I updated. We are picking TONS of peppers and over the last week have made triple batches of Kung Pao Pepper Jelly, Aji Pineapple Pepper Jelly, Aji Amarillo Pepper Jelly, and Habanero Jelly. A triple batch of Sweet/Hot Pepper Relish (Jalapeno/Serrano), Pickled Jalapeno/Serrano Slices, Pickled Hot Banana Slices. I've also been drying every day. I have fresh "Spice" of Cayenne, Big Thai, Thai Dragon, Kung Pao, Habanero, Carolina Reaper, Superhot (combo of the 5 I grow), Trinidad Moruga, White Trinidad Scorpion, Thai Hot, Datil and Aji Pineapple. So, JAB Farms has been busy :dance:.
We have had a couple cool nights (unusual for us this early) so expect some things to start slowing - if not stopping all together soon. However, most of what we have is still flowering and producing pretty well! Some just now coming to life like majority of superhots and Datil... Habanero Alley...

I will say the Aji Pineapple and Aji Amarillo are slowing down and getting weathered look like dying - but I've fertilized again with Calcium to see if I can keep going. These two have been crazy good as a new pepper for me this year. Will grow both again for sure. The taller plants (middle to left including the one that is almost 7 feet tall in back) are Atomic Starfish (also known as Brazilian Starfish) - those are still coming in strong.

Hey! It's a lot of work - but rewarding too... Sugar Rush Peach is a new one for me. I haven't made anything with them yet as I'm waiting for more to ripen. I've been storing in freezer until I have enough that peachy (non-yellow) look. I've been eating a lot of those in my salads for lunch too. Interesting flavors! I do think a Hot Pepper Jelly with those would end up good. I will know hopefully soon as plants are loaded with large yellowish pods. If anything like the Aji Pineapple, it will make a great jelly. I just took 3 gallon bags or Serrano's and 1 gallon bag of Jalapeno's out and smoked on my Smokey Joe Weber smoker... finishing them off in dehydrator now. Used Pecan wood and the smell of this is going to be amazing... My garage smells amazing right now! (Didn't smell same when I dried two Carolina Reaper bags day before!! :fireball:)

Beautiful harvest and some great preparations! BTW I went with making Sugar Rush Peach jelly. It was delicious!!
Beautiful harvest and some great preparations! BTW I went with making Sugar Rush Peach jelly. It was delicious!!

AWESOME! I will have to try that next. We have enough to use for sure. We've tried several in the past and fan favorites (friends/family/neighbors) have been Habanero, Kung Pao and Datil so far. Datil for the Lemon tasting habanero level heat. Kung Pao (really some call Joe Cayenne) amazing flavor low heat... and Habanero which if you put on grilled chicken at the end of it's cooking and let it crystalize over... you will never be able to eat it another way :) Also will blow your mind to put over Vanilla ice cream. You get the cold, creamy, sweet and then a heat and your brain will not know how to comprehend. Try dribbling some of your Sugar Rush Peach over ice cream... you will be surprised :)
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AWESOME! I will have to try that next. We have enough to use for sure. We've tried several in the past and fan favorites (friends/family/neighbors) have been Habanero, Kung Pao and Datil so far. Datil for the Lemon tasting habanero level heat. Kung Pao (really some call Joe Cayenne) amazing flavor low heat... and Habanero which if you put on grilled chicken at the end of it's cooking and let it crystalize over... you will never be able to eat it another way :) Also will blow your mind to put over Vanilla ice cream. You get the cold, creamy, sweet and then a heat and your brain will not know how to comprehend. Try dribbling some of your Sugar Rush Peach over ice cream... you will be surprised :)

Oooh I'm having a vision of apple pie a la mode with pepper jelly strewn over it. Sounds so good, I'll check that out. I've used scotch bonnet pepper jelly as a glaze for ham. When the sweet and spicy hits the salty and smoky, wow.

Have you ever used powdered pectin for reduced sugar jellies? That's my next endeavor. The amount of sugar in regular jelly is borderline criminal, I'm looking for a recipe that still tastes great but won't raise someone's a1c after a few nibbles.
Oooh I'm having a vision of apple pie a la mode with pepper jelly strewn over it. Sounds so good, I'll check that out. I've used scotch bonnet pepper jelly as a glaze for ham. When the sweet and spicy hits the salty and smoky, wow.

Have you ever used powdered pectin for reduced sugar jellies? That's my next endeavor. The amount of sugar in regular jelly is borderline criminal, I'm looking for a recipe that still tastes great but won't raise someone's a1c after a few nibbles.

I have also been thinking of making another way as you are 100% correct. It takes a TON of sugar... but i use sparingly so haven't jumped on changing that recipe just yet. If I do however, I'll certainly post results. Sure you will do the same. I haven't tried glazing ham but now I am intrigued!
Things have calmed down on the pepper pick front. However, don't tell the superhots on our deck :) They are going nuts. It has been VERY dry (no rain for 36 days until a .13 inches last night). So things are naturally wiltering as most love natural rain vs rain barrel water (even though those 5 barrels provided us water for plants the entire month... just not the same!). This is the pick from Saturday. That is 2 baskets of Carolina Reaper! Late to the party are the Datil peppers which those plants are now loaded as well.

We made 4 jellies yesterday. More of the Aji Pineapple, Sugar Rush Peach, Atomic Starfish and Scotch Bonnet. We had made the Aji Pineapple a while back but had a "tasting" where friends/neighbors/pepper fans came by to try things... And we sold all of those quickly. Love the Sugar Rush Peach as a jelly too. But all 4 of these taste amazing.

Like most of you as things slow down in today's garden, I'm hot on planning for next year. Few things are off the list from the past and a few new ones are going to be tried again. I'm planning on growing new next year (well, starting in a couple months!) California Reaper, Dragon's Breath, Thors Hammer Peach, Leopard Reaper Gold, Puma, Cienfuegos Red, Scotch Bonnet Yellow, Santaka, Sugar Rush Stripey and the Aji White Fantasy. Out are Caribbean Red, Red Savina (neither produced very much for 2nd year in a row) and a few superhots that will be replaced as well.
Of course my list is still ~50 different pepper types started, but I will update on that as I finalize that list :) I know, my craziness is showing.:dance:
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Like most of you as things slow down in today's garden, I'm hot on planning for next year. Few things are off the list from the past and a few new ones are going to be tried again. I'm planning on growing new next year (well, starting in a couple months!) California Reaper, Dragon's Breath, Thors Hammer Peach, Leopard Reaper Gold, Puma, Cienfuegos Red, Scotch Bonnet Yellow, Santaka, Sugar Rush Stripey and the Aji White Fantasy. Out are Caribbean Red, Red Savina (neither produced very much for 2nd year in a row) and a few superhots that will be replaced as well.
Of course my list is still ~50 different pepper types started, but I will update on that as I finalize that list :) I know, my craziness is showing.:dance:

Great stuff on this thread! Glad you liked that Sugar Rush Peach jelly! Let me know how you like that Cienfuegos red? I saw the three from the Cienfuegos series offered on Tomatogrowers.com and I was curious about them.