• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JAB Farms to attempt GLOG for first time!

I've been told for years that my craziness should be documented somewhere. Well, I'm going to attempt it. Each year I like to start at least 3 times what I am planning for myself. I do fill 3 other (neighbors and family) gardens as well but even so have tons of plants. And on average I have 500 hot pepper plants in our garden, with 35-50 superhots in buckets on deck. (along with 75 tomatoes, okra, tons of cucs in garden) This year I started 42 types of HOT peppers, 12 types of sweet (not for me!). I'll attach photo's later - so in some kind of order) as I have several in my 30+ trays of 48 as I am starting transplanting and putting back under lights until they are ready for greenhouse. There are 3 - 5 shelf shelving units inside with lights across and 3 shelving units of 4 shelves in garage as backup.

What's the crazy guy growing this year? In HOT category (for most of us)
Carolina Reaper, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion, Apocalypse Scorpion, White Trinidad Scorpion, Caribbean Red, Datil, Red Savina, Helios, Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange, Thai Culinary, Thai Dragon (2 types), Prik Chi Faa, Bottle Rocket, Kung Pao, Aji Amarillo, Aji Pineapple, Sugar Rush Peach, thunder Mountain Longhorn, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Long Thick Cayenne, Lemon Drop, Devil Serrano, Hot Rod Serrano, Santo Domingo Serrano, Antiplano Serrano, Joe Cayenne, Atomic (Brazilian) Starfish, Big Thai, Orange Spice, Biker Billy, Jalapeno Early, Jedi Jalapeno, Dante Jalapeno, Everman Jalapeno, Inferno Hot Banana, Gochujang King, Cucumber Pepper, Numex Big Jim and JAB Superhot (usually a cross between all my superhots from previous year)

Hope someone can at least laugh at my craziness!

More to come.


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Transplanted these Helios a little earlier than normal as wanted to see how my new experiment with the dirt was working (in regards to roots). I am making my own seed starting mix for the first time (peat, perlite, vermiculite) and transplant mix (peat, perlite, vermiculite, compost) and wanted to see how things look earlier than normal. In case I need to adjust something. So far so good. These took to the change just nicely and roots looked really good (even for a smaller than normal pepper to transplant)
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Transplants so far are looking good. My germination rate was about normal - somewhere in the 90-92% rate - but will know more once I get the other 14 trays transplanted (4 of those trays are tomatoes) - so 10 more pepper trays to go. Greenhouse will be next for most of these (with heaters as we are still seeing some cooler nights obviously)...
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As you likely noticed, I am using sticks with F and a date on them to keep track of when I fertilized. With nothing in the soil, I started with the FoxFarm Grow Big at very diluted level about a week after initial transplant - then upped some of those last night to about half-to full dose. Being the firs time doing this way, I've been more hesitant to overdo - so have been believe it or not - controlling my brain and not over fertilizing early. Once they get in greenhouse and get that natural sun, they will take off (as long as I keep up this regiment. What and how do you fertilize? I like to wait until I'm putting in ground or buckets, but that was when I used Miracle Grow Garden Soil for everything... course with that came high $ (and keeps going up) as well as fungus gnats... something I have not seen this year and welcome that!

I'll update how things are going, now that I have something started here. Happy Growing!
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I've finished my transplanting. OMG. Took me all weekend plus a few days. I'll upload some more pics when i get a chance. I have 1282 peppers transplanted into larger peat/plastic 3x5" pots and 294 Tomato's. Greenhouse cleaned out and setup with a handful of those farther along (still going to cover with blankets in evenings as it is still getting to low 40's here) with heaters running of course. Both garage and main shelving setup inside completely full at this time. :)
Ok, finally able to update. Here are how things look now 3/24/24. Garage setup and in living room. I don't have pic of greenhouse yet - but I only have a handful out there at this time. Everything seems to love the FoxFarm Grow Big (applying now every 2 weeks - not full strength yet). The spots you see where there isn't a tray - well, those went outside to greenhouse (most of tomatoes are rolling - so 6 trays of those went out).
