• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JAB Farms to attempt GLOG for first time!

I've been told for years that my craziness should be documented somewhere. Well, I'm going to attempt it. Each year I like to start at least 3 times what I am planning for myself. I do fill 3 other (neighbors and family) gardens as well but even so have tons of plants. And on average I have 500 hot pepper plants in our garden, with 35-50 superhots in buckets on deck. (along with 75 tomatoes, okra, tons of cucs in garden) This year I started 42 types of HOT peppers, 12 types of sweet (not for me!). I'll attach photo's later - so in some kind of order) as I have several in my 30+ trays of 48 as I am starting transplanting and putting back under lights until they are ready for greenhouse. There are 3 - 5 shelf shelving units inside with lights across and 3 shelving units of 4 shelves in garage as backup.

What's the crazy guy growing this year? In HOT category (for most of us)
Carolina Reaper, White Moruga Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion, Apocalypse Scorpion, White Trinidad Scorpion, Caribbean Red, Datil, Red Savina, Helios, Scotch Bonnet Freeport Orange, Thai Culinary, Thai Dragon (2 types), Prik Chi Faa, Bottle Rocket, Kung Pao, Aji Amarillo, Aji Pineapple, Sugar Rush Peach, thunder Mountain Longhorn, Long Red Slim Cayenne, Long Thick Cayenne, Lemon Drop, Devil Serrano, Hot Rod Serrano, Santo Domingo Serrano, Antiplano Serrano, Joe Cayenne, Atomic (Brazilian) Starfish, Big Thai, Orange Spice, Biker Billy, Jalapeno Early, Jedi Jalapeno, Dante Jalapeno, Everman Jalapeno, Inferno Hot Banana, Gochujang King, Cucumber Pepper, Numex Big Jim and JAB Superhot (usually a cross between all my superhots from previous year)

Hope someone can at least laugh at my craziness!

More to come.


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Ok, so it's been a few weeks and the JAB Farm is coming in strong. I must say we are in Tomato and Cucumber heaven right now as both are needing to be picked daily. I would say we've already picked 100 tomatoes and still many more to go. And this has been without much rain at all! Here is updated photo of both those areas... I will be adding some shade cloth in near future and will be starting new batches for a second wave of each to stretch farther into the late summer/early fall... it has been hotter than hell here (94 today). Yes it is summer, but normally we don't get mid-high 90's for weeks on end until late July into August. Oh and worth noting - I took this photo when my wife was inside the tomato jungle picking. she's wearing a RED shirt. Can you see her? lol

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Habanero, Scotch Bonnet plants are LOADED. Again, I can say must be new ways of fertilizing with the FoxFarm liquid and dried fertilizer... The 4+ feet tall Helios (Orange Habanero) plants are going to be heavy producers again. Which I love... Not shown here are the Sugar Rush Peach (in back of 3rd row over) - those plants are loaded!!! I had no idea color they would get when ripe - so picked a bunch with the thought of kicking plant into overdrive... and I tried one. Still yellowish - and well, meaty, sweet up front but then came the gut punch of some heat. If this is low end - I'm loving these already...

Superhots are looking great (And have a bunch of peppers already on them) but did have to give them some fertilizer with calcium as leaves started curling up (normal for me in these buckets/containers). Have a foxfarm liquid for that and some gypsum to add for slower dissolving...

Here is my first true weekend "pick". I actually have something to fill display tray 1... (will have 3 and more colors arriving soon!)... Inferno (hot banana), Big Jim, Orange Spice, Jalapeno, Serrano, semi-ripe sugar rush peach and believe it or not a couple habanero already! Few Thai Dragon, Cayenne and one Thunder Mountain... trust me - this is nothing :)

Trying to free up some of the space in our freezer for the upcoming season - and use some of the fresh cucs - we made 2 sweet hot relishes today. One with Jalapeno and Serrano (call is Serrapeno) and one with Jalapeno, Serrano and Habanero (haven't named yet - but has more of a kick for me.) I can no longer eat a hotdog, sausage of any type with anything but one of these... it is soooooo good! Neighbors all love it as well.

On to the other containers. While we were away briefly, the lovely deer decided to attempt pepper plant murder - but they all survived and we put up temporary fence around them (you will see red/orange lines). Everything looking great but like superhots - had to give some the extra calcium this weekend (again - normal for plants in buckets).

OK, hope all are doing well out there. It has been so freaking hot and dry here - it's insane. Until Friday-Saturday when it rained 3 inches! Welcome here for sure. So on to another update...

Here is what we picked Saturday am (in between storms) More colors starting to show and easily the earliest Scotch Bonnet's I've ever had!!! First picture is them drying on towel then in display... Third picture is what those plants looked like prior to me picking. All LOADED. Love it!! Usually don't start picking this many this early so great sign...



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Front garden (picture 1 and 2). Cucs loving the rain and still living/thriving even in all the heat! Normally dead by now but happily they are still kicking... Scotch Bonnet and Habanero (Helios) looking great. Datil, Red Savina all loaded... and 2 rows or Serrano, 2 Jalapeno, 2 Big Thai and Thai Dragon all doing great. Soon to be rolling in these peppers...


We've already made 3 batches of Bread and Butter pickles. One regular batch (6 quarts). One Superhot batch (6 quarts) (regular recipe with superhots added). One Helios (Orange Hababero) and "Friends" batch (6 quarts). Helios and Friends intrigues me as I didn't think were hot enough - so added sliced superhots in it as well. It's hot now :) I wanted a hot pickle for hamburgers... I got it. Superhot pickles are amazing!

update from JAB Farm. We picked a bunch yesterday - early for us - Pic will be below after a few to show the colors starting to show in garden!

Cayenne's coming in great. Last year they didn't do great - which is odd, how do you screw up such a basic pepper? I only had a few. This year appears going to make up for the last... Can see all the Red in these rows...
