jal. peppers

Nice looking jalapenos. Do you prefer to pick them ripe or green?

Hey JayT...When you get your package from AJ are you planning on doing a live eating again? Be sure to get some video this time around.
Josh said:
Nice looking jalapenos. Do you prefer to pick them ripe or green?

Hey JayT...When you get your package from AJ are you planning on doing a live eating again? Be sure to get some video this time around.

Yeah I probably will. And yeah, next time it will be on video.
Yea I hear that. It was difficult for me to wait for the first batch to ripen this season. It takes so long to get to that point you start to get anxious. At least I do. I sampled a few green ones myself.
JayT said:
Yeah I probably will. And yeah, next time it will be on video.

Nice. Too bad we couldn't set up a streaming video in a thread. Well I am sure it can be done but I sure couldn't.
Josh said:
Nice. Too bad we couldn't set up a streaming video in a thread. Well I am sure it can be done but I sure couldn't.

Was thinking of setting a webcam in my greenhouse next year and run a 24 hr feed for a bit of fun,And Welcome redeyes lovely jal`s you have there buddy :)

There ya go Redeyes
Welcome from Fort Worth neighbor...

good looking japs there...

I use my japs mature green for pico...
jalpenos look tempting, i just had some with pepporcini's on a sub... adds a nice little kick to whatever you are eating; welcome to THP
talas said:
Was thinking of setting a webcam in my greenhouse next year and run a 24 hr feed for a bit of fun

That's a cool idea but eventually you will forget the cameras are there and we might catch you scratching your ass. Hahha
Welcome from Pennsylvania!
I didn't put down any jals this year, and really regretted it. So much flavor in those little beauties.