• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party:

MoA Scotch Bonnet
SB Orange
Jamaica SB
FDA Bonnet
Costa Rican Yellow
Trinidad SB Red
Squash Pepper
Jamaican SB Montego
Jamaican Red
SB Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Bonnet Bell

The 7's

Bubblegum 7
7 Pod Orange
Romy's Yellow 7 (OP)
7 Pod Jonah
Brainstrain Yellow
7 Pot Primo (from Primo)
Cappy BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Other Supers

Bhut Brown
Bhut Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Impact F-1
Black Naga
TS Morouga (Bakers Peppers)
Douglah x Butch T
Romy's Douglah (OP)
Chocolate TS
Butch T Mississippi Strain (from Butch T)


Fish Pepper
Caribbean Red
Red Trinidad Hab
Trinidad Perfume
Turks Cap
Maui Purple
Black Pearl
Biker BIlly Jal
White Hab
Fatalii (GURU)
Hawaiin Sweet Hot
Ancient Pepper
Mini Sweet Bell
Goats Weed
Pepper Mania Myster seed.

Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Butch T

I soaked seeds on 12/31/12 and sewed into Burpee coconut fiber pellets on 1/1/13.


I had started one Fatalii plant earlier not sure what day, probably around 12/15/12.

Thats it for now guys. Can't wait til an update!
Eating orange habs with no hands will make anyone a slacker ;)
Plants look fat and happy. Look at those side shoots!
Ditto that! Plants looking super fine!
Jamison, love the perspective picture of what you call "seedlings" under the lights, dam dem getting big mon, real big! Great angle and reflections, very nice :)

You guys are awesome! Thank you very much. Also I must thank Steve and GaGrowhead for the awesome packages. Thank you very much! Still got to try that powder. Had a flu for the past couple days and will try ASAP!

Time for an update. I must say dislike FF Happy Frog very much. I have no clue what I was thinking when I bought that for seedlings. I should have stuck to my "usual" mix. Soooo I ran to the garden store today to get some perlite and vermiculite, and I still had a bag of ProMix organic, and mixed some new soil today for some of the strugglers. I guarantee I'll see a difference now. Should have listened to Greg in the first place! Anyways.......

MoA Bonnet :dance:

Top row left to right: Squash Pepper, Jamaican Yellow. Bottom row Left to Right: Bonnet Bell Hot, Trinidad Scotch Bonnet, Scotch Bonnet Yellow

Reaper and Primo, I have to keep these 2 guys separated otherwise they start to fight

Naga Viper, Bonda Ma Jaques, 7Pot Rennie

Mini sweet, Goats Weed, Hawaiian Sweet Hot

Black Pearl, Maui Purple, Maui Purple, I love these 3 plants for aesthetics. Very cool lookin!

I hope you enjoy everyone!
Jamison, great update and beautiful looking plants … Whoa that Trinidad Scotch Bonnet has some humungo large leaves mon, MoA is looking great, love the goats weed and all the rest, very nice! I agree with your statement about your Black Pearl and Maui Purples, can’t wait to see dem all big mon :)
Hey bud! Looks like it would be a one way fight! That Primo is Beastin'!!! MoA looks surreal!

"Should have listened to Greg in the first place!"

I know how you feel....

Anyway, Keep up the great work performance!
Jamison, great update and beautiful looking plants … Whoa that Trinidad Scotch Bonnet has some humungo large leaves mon, MoA is looking great, love the goats weed and all the rest, very nice! I agree with your statement about your Black Pearl and Maui Purples, can’t wait to see dem all big mon :)

Thanks Ramon! I say the same thing to myself every time I look at the Trinidad SB. I don't remember them being so big last year. The purples will be awesome when they are mature, I just know it! Glad you stopped in mon!

Great update. The kids look nice and green. What is it about FF Happy Frog you don't like.

Thanks Pia. The thing or things I don't like about it is it's either soggy or completely dry. Its awfully chunky and compacts quickly. Not saying it would be awesome for mature plants, just not for my seedlings anymore. Thanks for stoppin in!

your plants look great, really enjoy seeing your rennie...

Thanks Armac, I love watching that thing grow, has super wide leaves on em. Thing is gonna be a beast!

Hey bud! Looks like it would be a one way fight! That Primo is Beastin'!!! MoA looks surreal!

"Should have listened to Greg in the first place!"

I know how you feel....

Anyway, Keep up the great work performance!

Greg is always right. I tried fixing something that wasn't broke so to speak. I was lookin at my glog from last year and my plants were wayyyyyyyyyy further along than mine are now. No more HF for seedlings. I put them MoA's in some of the good stuff and I will see a humongous difference in a week or so. I cannot wait for them things man! I was gonna make some popcorn later and sprinkle some TFM powder on it. I'm sure it'll be awesome. Thanks again good sir, really appreciate it!

Like WalkGood said, "beautiful looking plants". They're definitely off to a great start.

Thanks Triple J! They should be further along by now but I def can't complain! Glad you stopped in.
Nice plants Jamison!!! You got no reason to sweat mine! Your Goat's Weed looks a lot like the ones I got going this year. Keep 'em green bruddah!

Thanks Shane. I think i got them seeds from the seed train. I only planted 3 strains out of there. Goats weed, TS Moruga, Black Pearl. They honestly could look a little bit better. Thanks for stoppin man!

Hey Jamison,
Your plants are healthy green looking, except the exceptional purple plants...........which Jimi Hendrix would be proud in.

Purple Haze all in my brain! Maybe I'll get some Hendrix playing for them guys!

Wow man, your plants look amazing. At what stage/size do you top off?


Thanks man! I usually top when there is 2 true sets of leaves and the third set is just coming out. Makes em bushy!

Plants are looking really good Jamison, keep up the good work!

Thanks Sticky, I'm trying my hardest!
Dude, things are rockin' there! Those guys in the solo cups will be ready for real pots in no time. Funny about the HP22B and Primo. I have mine side-by-side, as well! I have to keep the knives and guns hidden around them. ;)

Thanks man! I usually top when there is 2 true sets of leaves and the third set is just coming out. Makes em bushy!


That's good to know. Does this apply to all varieties? Just nip that third set of true leaves when you can get a clean shoot?
Is a rabbi or priest required?

Makes especially good sense for an indoor grow with limited space. Make 'em cover the pot top before getting tall.
Dude, things are rockin' there! Those guys in the solo cups will be ready for real pots in no time. Funny about the HP22B and Primo. I have mine side-by-side, as well! I have to keep the knives and guns hidden around them. ;)

LMAO! Too funny. Your prob right on the transplant, I checked one tonight and there is tons of roots in the cup. I have some 1 gal grow bags on the way. I got the square ones and I figured they would pack in a lot tighter than the round bags. I also ordered CaMg+ 1 week ago and it still hasn't got here. Bastards!

That's good to know. Does this apply to all varieties? Just nip that third set of true leaves when you can get a clean shoot?
Is a rabbi or priest required?

Makes especially good sense for an indoor grow with limited space. Make 'em cover the pot top before getting tall.

Too funny! Yes sir sounds like you understand about the topping. I do it with all varieties. Awesome way to get bush plants. And just like you said, once one is getting taller than the rest thats another good time to top em again. But that time you'll have 2 or 3 shoots to top. Some people like to do it, some people don't. It basically tells the plant to grow to grow as much as it can underneath the cut. Its pretty cool to watch em grow back.

That last pic looks like a shot for some kind of a horror film. Everything else is looking great... Maui Purples coming along nicely..

It is def terrifying Spice! Them Maui's are awesome eh. Still got seeds if you need em. ;)

Very cool looking plant & healthy :halo:

Thanks Vlad! I try to keep em as happy as possible my friend!