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Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party:

MoA Scotch Bonnet
SB Orange
Jamaica SB
FDA Bonnet
Costa Rican Yellow
Trinidad SB Red
Squash Pepper
Jamaican SB Montego
Jamaican Red
SB Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Bonnet Bell

The 7's

Bubblegum 7
7 Pod Orange
Romy's Yellow 7 (OP)
7 Pod Jonah
Brainstrain Yellow
7 Pot Primo (from Primo)
Cappy BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Other Supers

Bhut Brown
Bhut Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Impact F-1
Black Naga
TS Morouga (Bakers Peppers)
Douglah x Butch T
Romy's Douglah (OP)
Chocolate TS
Butch T Mississippi Strain (from Butch T)


Fish Pepper
Caribbean Red
Red Trinidad Hab
Trinidad Perfume
Turks Cap
Maui Purple
Black Pearl
Biker BIlly Jal
White Hab
Fatalii (GURU)
Hawaiin Sweet Hot
Ancient Pepper
Mini Sweet Bell
Goats Weed
Pepper Mania Myster seed.

Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Butch T

I soaked seeds on 12/31/12 and sewed into Burpee coconut fiber pellets on 1/1/13.


I had started one Fatalii plant earlier not sure what day, probably around 12/15/12.

Thats it for now guys. Can't wait til an update!
Well we finally had decent enough weather to do something with the garden over at my father in laws house. THis plot just sat there since he bought the place. I couldn't take it any longer so I forked her up and gave her hell!

Then I went to the city's composting facility and picked up 6 truckloads of FREE BEAUTIFUL compost!

Raked it in really nicely. And now I wait for better weather. Still gonna build some trellis for the tomatoes and other veggies but that can wait for nicer weather.
Awesome, hard to beat "free," hehehe

Thats what I'm saying. I guess I'm just getting a little of my tax money back!

That must have taken some good elbow grease to work that soil. It still looks pretty wet.
What's in the city compost ?

Greg, that took me 7+ hours to turn that over with a fork! I thought I'd have it done in about 4. I think the compost is made up of mostly leaves, wood chips, yard and garden waste. If you get it early in the year its the stuff that has been composting since the last year. It smells super earthy, and its light and fluffy, and its not HOT at all. I took a temperature and it was almost exactly what the outside air was at. I filled all my containers also, just gonna get some perlite and vermiculite and maybe a little peat to amend in for the container plants.
Looks great, Jamison! A lot of work but will be worth it in the end. But was that snow I saw behind the compost pile, or a white brick fence? How far away was the pile! Saw the sign...free! Awesome! Tax dollars, nice!

Thanks Doc! I sure hope it will be worth it. No snow buddy, thats just a concrete block wall. THank god there isn't snow. I actually brought the plants outside today for the first time in their lives They been chillin in the shade all day.

Nice plot and sweet score on the compost J. That garden is gonna kick ass :party:

Awesome right! I hope so bud, thanks for stoppin in Sir Jamie!
Good deal bud! Free compost and a nice plot to grow! I don't believe that plot just sat there...I bet there was a tonna football played there before you decided to build a garden on the 50 yard line! j/k lookin real good man. Keep up the good work.
That's great looking compost, J. You'll have an awesome grow. And 7+ hrs with a garden fork is WORK in my opinion. Your ground looks like it has a good color even with out the compost.We drove through WI last Aug -my first time. Pretty country you have up there.

Our town SELLS compost, 20 bucks for a big yard, but they do load it. I bought a good bit last year. They make ours mostly from chipped tree trimmings and water treatment sludge. This year I'm using the self-serve compost from the local college's horse barn. They do very little management so you have to hunt around for what you want. Last trip I stumbled on to a seam of some really old, good $hi!, It was as good as the stuff from my worm box, very "peaty", and yes, FILLED with baby worms.
Man, that plot is going to be Gold for you. Have you planned out what's going in yet?

Thanks RM! Lots of peppers, tomatoes, a couple pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupe, zucchini, and Sweet Corn, Tons of stuff and probably more.

Weather is being good right now. Gonna get a little cooler next week. I have to go out of town for work the beginning of next week and will have to ask the wifey to help out. I have a feeling I'm gonna get a big fat NO.

Yeah Baby! That's what I'm talkin' about! Great looking plot J... quite a bit of work to get it all dialed in, but if you mulch when you transplant now, you won't have to work as hard later. Cheers mate!

Def gonna put some chips down. They have them for free too! Thanks for checkin in Sticky!

Wow free compost, it looks beautiful! AND it was free! Can't beat that, and the soil all by itself looked good.

I'm sure it will be mas productive. And yes, it looks like you worked your ass off there...

Thanks for noticing Devv! It is some beautiful stuff man, unreal. The soil was chock full of worms man, big fat daddys too. They have plenty to eat now! Feed the soil as Guru says!

excited to see how they turn out. im gunna follow you close. have a good season!

Awesome, glad you found the glog man! Grab a seat!

Good deal bud! Free compost and a nice plot to grow! I don't believe that plot just sat there...I bet there was a tonna football played there before you decided to build a garden on the 50 yard line! j/k lookin real good man. Keep up the good work.

Not so much football as there was messing around on the 4 wheelers and stuff. My son loves to drive through there on his little 50. Gonna have to put a fence up around to keep him out! THanks for stopping SteveO!

That's great looking compost, J. You'll have an awesome grow. And 7+ hrs with a garden fork is WORK in my opinion. Your ground looks like it has a good color even with out the compost.We drove through WI last Aug -my first time. Pretty country you have up there.

Our town SELLS compost, 20 bucks for a big yard, but they do load it. I bought a good bit last year. They make ours mostly from chipped tree trimmings and water treatment sludge. This year I'm using the self-serve compost from the local college's horse barn. They do very little management so you have to hunt around for what you want. Last trip I stumbled on to a seam of some really old, good $hi!, It was as good as the stuff from my worm box, very "peaty", and yes, FILLED with baby worms.

It was def some work Jesse! Yea I must admit its beautiful scenery around here for most of the year, especially fall! Up north over by the Mississippi River is where I hunt and its extremely bluffy! Monster deer, and the most beautiful valleys and bluffs and farm fields you've ever laid eyes on. Just amazing. I love sitting in the tree stand just admiring god's beautiful earth, listening to the birds and the damn squirrels that sound like deer most of the time. Oh yea but first you gotta burn a spliff :P Awesome score on the compost the other year. This stuff is from last year so it's at least a year+ old. NIce stuff. Here's a picture if you look in the background its beautiful. Hope you don't mind the blood.

Black gold, man, black gold.

LOL @ black gold! Thats what I kept saying every shovel I threw into the truck! :dance:
Nice buck! I sure miss bowhunting, and I hear ya, my brother inlaw used to say don't you ever shoot. I just loved to watch em. And of course I was waiting for Mr. big :D

My like are broken today, says I reached my quota, I guess it was a limit of ten today...