• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jamison's "Operation Pods" 2013 is a Mission Complete

Well THP, its that time of the year again. I've been anxiously awaiting to give life to these seeds that we all cherish so much. This year I'm gonna focus most of my grow towards Scotch Bonnets, with 14 different strains. Also have a few Supers and 7's with a few others as well. I still have 3 plants that have been overwintering and still doing good after another cutback and a bonide treatment for aphids. Heres the list :party:

MoA Scotch Bonnet
SB Orange
Jamaica SB
FDA Bonnet
Costa Rican Yellow
Trinidad SB Red
Squash Pepper
Jamaican SB Montego
Jamaican Red
SB Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Yellow
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Bonnet Bell

The 7's

Bubblegum 7
7 Pod Orange
Romy's Yellow 7 (OP)
7 Pod Jonah
Brainstrain Yellow
7 Pot Primo (from Primo)
Cappy BrainStrain Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Other Supers

Bhut Brown
Bhut Yellow
Armageddon F-2
Impact F-1
Black Naga
TS Morouga (Bakers Peppers)
Douglah x Butch T
Romy's Douglah (OP)
Chocolate TS
Butch T Mississippi Strain (from Butch T)


Fish Pepper
Caribbean Red
Red Trinidad Hab
Trinidad Perfume
Turks Cap
Maui Purple
Black Pearl
Biker BIlly Jal
White Hab
Fatalii (GURU)
Hawaiin Sweet Hot
Ancient Pepper
Mini Sweet Bell
Goats Weed
Pepper Mania Myster seed.

Jalapeno, Scotch Bonnet, Butch T

I soaked seeds on 12/31/12 and sewed into Burpee coconut fiber pellets on 1/1/13.


I had started one Fatalii plant earlier not sure what day, probably around 12/15/12.

Thats it for now guys. Can't wait til an update!
Looking great man! I am curious to see how that Bubblegum works out for you!

Matt check out my glog. I should be podding in about a month. Mine is budding already :)

Our seed source is from the same guy. 3/5 is also growing from the same source. The guy in England grew it and had the red cap and got me the seeds from that pod. So. Looks hopeful
Jamison, plants and pictures look great! I especially like the overhead shot of the Goatsweed, that’s an awesome shot ^_^ That's not to say the others aren't great too but I love angle shots, hmm I'll have to try that ... thanks for the thought! Have a great week brethren :)
Sweet looking plot and plants dude. I be theyll go gangbusters was they find themselves in that nice, dark soil. And bowhunting? A manly activity, if ever there was one. I'll stick to my sissified boom sticks and paper targets.

Actually, on second thought, if this electric fence I'm about to put up doesn't keep the deer and groundhogs out I might have to retract that statement haha
Looking fantastic there, Jamison! Naga, Bubblegum, Goat's Weed...lather, rinse, repeat! Hoping that Moruga Scorp turns out to be a cross, but it could be a cool annuum, as well! Great job on the Jal/Maui Purple cross! Looking forward to seeing that one grow out next season!
Great list and some very interesting varieties! Any idea how I can get my hands on some Bubblegum 7 and Ice Scream 7 seeds ? I can trade or buy. I didn't read the entire thread how many plants are you growing ?
Happy Birthday bro!

Just went back through the entire GLog, and you definitely have some got some great varieties. Those SBs are great, I have always loved the flavor and production of them. I cant wait to see the MOAs come out, I am guessing that there are a lot of people that are anxious to see them as well. You really have the gift for it man, great stuff!
Belated Happy birthday, J!

Bubblegum very soon! YUM! And wow, that buck . . . NICE!

I think you could have, nobody "should" do anything other than what he/she wishes, but have somebody shooting the dressing, cutting meat: we got kids that can't survive off land, never helped dress a deer, never helped scald a hog, never so much as helped skin a squirrel (and had it not been warm for a while, be doing some that, the jerks--squirrels around here, had they come around last winter); kids never gone giggin' for frogs, never cracked a turtle, or caught, cleaned a fish. And regardless what some "people" say, deer pop is huge in most states, is dying from starvation, best to return them to "nature" less brutally than starvation.

Compost nice score: down here we ain't got enough SENSE to do that but I did go to town crew and demand some last year as they were using it for THEIR gardens. I went, "Hey, I paid for that!" So they gave me some. And damn right, HARD work! Thank you, J!
Everybody thanks. Been super busy, don;t know how many people follow or really care but been super busy lately. Just bought a house in TN, trying to figure everything out. Besides that work really picked up. Been pouring concrete like there is no tomorrow, but can't complain when the money is there. Super sorry to everyone for not keeping up on the Glogs. I promise I';ll get around to everyones! Please bear with me, I honestly haven'[t been this busy in my entire life. On top of that I have to try to harden off like 75 more plants. Ain't enough time in the day. Never thought I'd say that but its the truth! Heres a little teaser for the weekend. I'll def get my glog up to date and for surely check in on everyone elses! Matt is back around on THP! Glad you stayed safe brother! And thanks for your services my friend! I sure i SPEEK for most people here sayin that we really appreciate every little thing you do for us! On with the teaser.

Damn Jamie-son! Plant out time mofo! Your plants are looking stellar buddy. Don't feel bad, I've been busy/lazy/busy/unmotivated to update/check-in on mine and others' glogs too.

What's up? You're moving to TN?? Leaving the great state of WI and all of it's glorious cheese/hillbillies?