• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jason's (Plantguy76) 2015 Adventure

So this is my first glog other then the one I am doing at home.
Here's my grow list
Grow List
Capsicum Chinense varieties
Bahamian Goat(Buckeye pepper company)
Moa Scotch Bonnet(pepperlover)
White Fatalii(pepperlover)
My first super hot form seed Peach Bhut Jolokia S S (pepperlover)
Red Mushroom form lake valley seed via local store(I think there seeds are crossed with habanero)
Red Habanero burpee via menards
Cheiro Roxa (pepperlover)
Stuffing Scotch Bonnet (pepperlover)
Capsicum Baccatums
Aji Brazilian Starfish(pepperlover)
Aji Melocoton(pepperlover)
Aji Amarilo (pepperlover)
Aji Cito(pepperlover)
Dulce Sol(pepperlover)
Capsicum Pubescens
Pineapple Rocoto(pepperlover)
Farmers Market aka Potato Skin Jalapeno
Fresno Chili
Santa Fe Grande
Cayenne long Slim lake valley via local store.
Cumra Cherry(pepperlover)
Gold Medal
Japanese Black Trifle
Green Zebra
Golden San Marzano Hybrid Tomato
Chocolate cherry
Purple pear
Black Sea Man Tomato
Flower Swimming Pool raised beds for pollination & beneficial insects
Mixed bed varieties
Queen mixed colors cleome
Crego aster
Calendula pacific beauty
African daisy
Swimming pool bed Dwarf shasta daisy
Swimming pool bed Zinnia semi dwarf pumila mixed colors & Scarlet flame zinnia
Swimming pool bed unknown Cosmos(gets huge blooms like crazy a bird gift)
Swimming pool bed Marigold Dwarf French double and crackerjack mixed colors last year self sown seed
Cosmos dazzler in pots
Tall green leaf castor bean container
Scarlett runner bean by deck
Also plan on ordering form baker creek tamarillo or tree tomato seeds
I planted on February 4 and 5 my capsicum chinense's & baccatum's varieties
Still waiting on some and some have not germinate well the baccatum's did well.
Also my Bahamian Goats but waiting on the Bhut Jolokia Peach S S ,Tobago Seasoning and Pineapple Rocoto
The datil only two all and all can't complain .
I have limited space so maybe those that did not germinate is a blessing in disguise.
In any case will sow seed again Monday if the ghost is not up form the grave so to speak lol
Going to soak them next time

Judy's (pepperlover.com) Peach Bhut Jolokia Selected Strain

Scotch Bonnet X 7 Pot Jonah Generation Unknown

Things for the most part are looking good out in the garden it has been bug wars aphids,Japanese Beatles, flea beatles & horn worms etc but I am winning the war with organic insectcidal soap plus good bugs .
I also have lots of pollinators so next year any saved seed good chance of hybrids like my peach bj ss & queen laurie but thats ok with me.
The peach congos are so so might have to cull that bed but will give them a little longer theres a runt sb7J but I will pot it before culling it .
The Brazillian Starfish & Aji melocoton are coming out of it but I think they would do better in a container
I transplanted my moa red scotch bonnet into a new container & moved its sibling to the middle of its container also transplanted Hawaii Beach to a permanet home.
Its starting to look like a small jungle out there lol :dance:  :fireball:  :high:

Gypsy My first pod of the season

Red San Marzano

Paul Robeson Thanks Wicked mike for these tomatoes & the SB7J 's plus all the other great seeds you sent also thanks to Cone9 and everything he sent the Queen Laurie is rocken it

Black Beauty

This is ether black seaman or Japanese Black trifle they sure are strange
jcw10tc said:
Very nice pod.  Those are tasty.  Got some from WM this spring and can tell they will become one of my favorites.
This one is peach & is rough with bumps so I don't know if this is a natural variant or some cross its in the freezer now waiting on its brother & sisters

Moa Yellow Scotch Bonnets picked today let these stay on a bit longer.
Bahamian Goats are taking there time ripening but some are slowly starting to ripen.
The red moa are coming along but the bushy red moa Nada might have to pull it if it does not start putting out flowers at lest
jcw10tc said:
Nice pods. MOA I assume.
Yes Justin they are MOA's thanks for the complement ;) 
I have been stockpiling them in my freezer for some Moa pepper jelly I am going to make :dance:
Peter S said:
Those MoA pods look delicious Jason. Plants look great too!
Thanks pepper ;) thanks for the good vibes keeping myself form eating them for the Jelly :onfire: 
They should be nice & juicy with all the rain we been getting :dance:  :high:
These are the 2014 Jamaican Reds pods form the plants mom over wintered these plants are producing pods that look more habanero or Tobago scotch bonnet they normally put out a UFO pheno type & ruby red lakes valley seed company claims they are a type of scotch bonnet & until recently I thought they was just mushroom peppers but after seeing the UFO Pheno of SB7J & these with the habanero heat they have I don't know anymore great peppers whatever the case maybe

OCD Chilehead said:
Great looking pods. Plants looking good too. How did the MOA's taste, or are you saving them for something special? Save some seeds.

Thanks for sharing.
I am saving my Moa Yellows for making a Moa Bonnet Pepper Jelly
I still have Moa seed form Judy but will probably save some of my own OP seed even through it may be crossed with something .
Sounds good. I need to make some more jelly. Nothing likes a good MoA cross. That could be a great thing. Judy does have some good stuff. I need to see what going on with her.
OCD Chilehead said:
Sounds good. I need to make some more jelly. Nothing likes a good MoA cross. That could be a great thing. Judy does have some good stuff. I need to see what going on with her.
I just ordered form her not long ago for next year.
She sure does have a great selection .
Trident chilli said:

Really great looking pods Jason .... please save some of your OP/Cross seed would love to swap/trade for next season's Bonnet grow
John that sounds great I will sure save you some seed form the Moa Yellow & Moa Red.
I have seed form Judy's Trinidad Brown Bonnet for next year if you want some?
Also Lake Valley Jamaican Red (maybe a bonnet or cross  it has put out a UFO pheno & moms are putting out a hab/tobago bonnet pheno)
The Moa Yellow/Orange bulbous Pod is finally ripe but I am keeping it on the vine awhile .