• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jason's (Plantguy76) 2015 Adventure

So this is my first glog other then the one I am doing at home.
Here's my grow list
Grow List
Capsicum Chinense varieties
Bahamian Goat(Buckeye pepper company)
Moa Scotch Bonnet(pepperlover)
White Fatalii(pepperlover)
My first super hot form seed Peach Bhut Jolokia S S (pepperlover)
Red Mushroom form lake valley seed via local store(I think there seeds are crossed with habanero)
Red Habanero burpee via menards
Cheiro Roxa (pepperlover)
Stuffing Scotch Bonnet (pepperlover)
Capsicum Baccatums
Aji Brazilian Starfish(pepperlover)
Aji Melocoton(pepperlover)
Aji Amarilo (pepperlover)
Aji Cito(pepperlover)
Dulce Sol(pepperlover)
Capsicum Pubescens
Pineapple Rocoto(pepperlover)
Farmers Market aka Potato Skin Jalapeno
Fresno Chili
Santa Fe Grande
Cayenne long Slim lake valley via local store.
Cumra Cherry(pepperlover)
Gold Medal
Japanese Black Trifle
Green Zebra
Golden San Marzano Hybrid Tomato
Chocolate cherry
Purple pear
Black Sea Man Tomato
Flower Swimming Pool raised beds for pollination & beneficial insects
Mixed bed varieties
Queen mixed colors cleome
Crego aster
Calendula pacific beauty
African daisy
Swimming pool bed Dwarf shasta daisy
Swimming pool bed Zinnia semi dwarf pumila mixed colors & Scarlet flame zinnia
Swimming pool bed unknown Cosmos(gets huge blooms like crazy a bird gift)
Swimming pool bed Marigold Dwarf French double and crackerjack mixed colors last year self sown seed
Cosmos dazzler in pots
Tall green leaf castor bean container
Scarlett runner bean by deck
Also plan on ordering form baker creek tamarillo or tree tomato seeds
I planted on February 4 and 5 my capsicum chinense's & baccatum's varieties
Still waiting on some and some have not germinate well the baccatum's did well.
Also my Bahamian Goats but waiting on the Bhut Jolokia Peach S S ,Tobago Seasoning and Pineapple Rocoto
The datil only two all and all can't complain .
I have limited space so maybe those that did not germinate is a blessing in disguise.
In any case will sow seed again Monday if the ghost is not up form the grave so to speak lol
Going to soak them next time
Looks like things are moving along really well!!! Awesome!!!
I sure hope you can find space or a good home for all of your plants...
I have plenty of space, I just don't know if I can keep up with all of my plants...
I don't have cats, but something is always attacking the plants here... :(
It seems like there are lots of bugs and diseases here in Florida... LOL
Best wishes on a continued successful grow this year, Jason...
Plantguy76 said:
Lol Yes Scott the last time but these seeds form Judy will be slated for next year .
You might want to consider storing those in your refrigerator until then.  Pepper seeds aren't very long-lived when stored at room temperatures; even one year old seeds can show decreased germination rates.  On the other hand, I have some Red Bhut seeds I've had stored in the refrigerator for at least five years and 8 of 9 of those germinated for me this year.
Well not much going on just hardening off my first wave of plants .
I am probably going to wait till may 4th to put them out.
Second wave is slowly coming along.
Planted my flowers some are coming up my Klondike Cosmos is coming up thought I planted more form saved seed but it must of been something else or some other flowers are coming up as will its probably cracker jack marigold or a mule marigold form crossing only time will tell

Containers for second wave.

Think this little guy was eating those blasted black surger ants
I went to a local garden shop in cape girardeau today to pick up some plants.
They where loaded with all kinds of plants it was all I could do to restrain myself lol
I almost got a green zebra , pineapple, old german tomato plants .
I had to remind myself that I got green zebra going & while I would like a pineapple & old German tomato plants I got plenty of good varieties going just not as far along.
I did get 3 red San Marzanos & one black cherry plus a red blackeye Susan called Cherry Brandy .
It all came to 19.03
I wanted a Roma type for salsa and sauce but my golden San Mazanos hybrids did not make it .

Here are few pics of some of the plants I am hardening off.

Bahamian Goat

Moa Scotch Bonnet Yellow

Red Brazilian Starfish
I went to a local store today Buchheits & picked up 2 gypsy sweet pepper plants & a package of shallots 8 bulbs.
In other news I think something is coming at night once & awhile an digging in my empty bed preferable the middle one where my Bahamian Goats & Brazilian Starfish are going.
My suspects are one opossum I seen one night that does not have a tail or an armadillo cats have been cleared.
Plantguy76 said:
I went to a local store today Buchheits & picked up 2 gypsy sweet pepper plants & a package of shallots 8 bulbs.
In other news I think something is coming at night once & awhile an digging in my empty bed preferable the middle one where my Bahamian Goats & Brazilian Starfish are going.
My suspects are one opossum I seen one night that does not have a tail or an armadillo cats have been cleared.
You don't have squirrels around do you?  I know they don't strike at night, but they are sneaky sometimes usually digging in the morning.  I have squirrels dig everywhere I soften up the ground.  They really like the holes I dig and fill with the peat mix I make.  I usually don't catch them in the act, but can usually find walnuts where they have dug.  Sometimes I miss them and find a walnut tree sprouting right next to a  pepper plant later on, where I know there was not walnut there when I dug out the hole and planted.
Nope but as I seen that opossum it a good chance it was that tailless critter .
Just hope its not an armadillo looking for grubs .
Well I have this in my status but its kinda sad but a BG got killed sometime by my cat Boo the best that I can figure plant was in tray pot on the floor stump only thing left don't know when it happened sometime after I watered and forgot to put that one back with the others.
Think she must of came in there sometime when the door was open and jump on the table at lest it was not one of my prized big ones .
Rest in peace beloved goat pepper Sigh Oh well it is what it is.
Plantguy76 said:
Well I have this in my status but its kinda sad but a BG got killed sometime by my cat Boo the best that I can figure plant was in tray pot on the floor stump only thing left don't know when it happened sometime after I watered and forgot to put that one back with the others.
Think she must of came in there sometime when the door was open and jump on the table at lest it was not one of my prized big ones .
Rest in peace beloved goat pepper Sigh Oh well it is what it is.
Shame you don't live nearby. I just ended up with two extra B. Goats in one of Jim Duffy's plug sale FB specials. Came in the package I wanted and I already have three going. Jim does sell B. Goat plants on his site but you have to order a minimum of six.
Too bad about the BG. 
If you have extra dried super-hot pepper pods, you can try grinding them up, mixing with coffee grounds and sprinkling where the animals are digging.  That might discourage them.
I have a moa yellow scotch bonnet that has forked like tree do sometimes so its like it has two trunks now it goes up normal then it has this other one .
None of the others are doing this I will take a picture of it Monday before I transplant it outside in a swimming pool bed.
I also have lots of giant red mustard seedlings growing they will need to be thinned out when there older
I have added beefy boy tomatoes and a Japanese variety of egg plant and salsa related I got sweet basil that should go will with my spicy hot oregano .
I don't know if any of the red Thai siam basil is going to come up patience is the name of the game in this phase of things.
My Mexican torch rotunda strain is starting to come up and other flower beds are doing fair
My junk site might pan out as well time will tell on a lot of this.
It took me days of work but I got my garden spot finished everything else will go over to moms.
The cream fatalii will be put in pots at moms the rest the flat of cherry tomato varieties & purple pear , pineapple tomatilo & purple tomatillos along with the flats of remaining peppers will be put in moms old garden spot for better or worse.
I added another raise bed old german tomatoes & parks beefy boy are in it.
I have my 3 goats in big containers & queen Laurie in one as well .
I also have San marzano in a swimming pool bed .
To just name a few things I been doing
The Thai Siam Red Basil did not come up nor did the anise hyssop don't think the chives came up ether but I have loads of Giant Red Mustard growing all together & doing will .
I also think my dill is coming up .
I have some of my tomatoes in that bed as well & there zinnias in there as well.
12 moa yellows & two datils, two white fatalii , two peach bhut jolokia S S actually four but two are going to a pastor friend.
Two gypsy sweet peppers & one cherio roxa to name a few more
Anyway take care y'all best of luck on your grows will try to take a pic or two of the area sometime.

Double trunk moa yellow scotch bonnet

Cherio Roxa

Its not the best pic but everything is planted out but what's going to moms
I think that I am going to save seed form the double trunk bonnet maybe it will pass those gens on to the next gen its the only one out of the 13 that did this my buddy has 1 of the 13 moa yellow bonnets along with the 2 Bahamian Goats , White Fatalii & Datil hope they do well for me I know he will get the word out trying to spread the chilihead love around.
I also plan to hit up some farmers markets .
On another note  someone needs to tell papa Joe that not all peppers are Capsicum Annuum's  :rofl:
Hawaii Beach I find to be a slow growing pepper much like a bonnet.
I am going to transplant them into bigger homes soon maybe that will speed them up.
The SB7J growth rate is similar to the stuffing scotch bonnet .
I have one that leaves are really bonnet like I figure that one will have more of a likely hood of having the pheno type I am hopping for.
The black have are doing well as are the Galapagos habs they do seem more delicate through.
As I said in my status I have an investation of what i believe is aphids or mites .
I got garden safe organic insectsidal soap goinng to spray them today :flamethrower:  as its finnaly going to dry out for a bit .

Peach Bhut Jolokia Selected Strain

Cherio Roxa

Scotch Bonnet Jonah's

Hawaii Beach

Hopefully I can get more pic's up at a later time and catch up on some glogs :!:
The two moa bonnets are coming along as are the yellows but they will feel better once debuged