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JayT haz the Douglah, and the Brain!

leaveit to TB to come up with the best idea yet....roflmao
Wheebz has reconsidered and we will be eating them tomorrow night at his bar. I will have camera in hand. Sorry for the delay. I may still go visit his place for a tales from the loo story while he is still at work!
with friends like that~~~

Is it tomorrow yet? (what are you on a Venus time(1 venus day = 243 earth days))

This post has 470+ views, that's the size of my kid's elementary school ...... well, here are a whole bunch of kids just waiting JT! te he!
Zero hour is here. I have the peppers in the box and am heading to Wheebz' bar to begin the destruction. Pics will come later tonight if I survive...
I checked the websites for the local Mountville paper and the papers in Philadelphia and Baltimore... No reports of bar brawls or of two men running through the streets screaming, so I think they are OK. They must just be taking their time ridding the endorphin train back home.

I checked the websites for the local Mountville paper and the papers in Philadelphia and Baltimore... No reports of bar brawls or of two men running through the streets screaming, so I think they are OK. They must just be taking their time ridding the endorphin train back home.

They are still probably wandering the streets in a state of confusion and delerium. :crazy:
No worries. Jay is a highly trained professional and has earned every bit of the title of NAGA OVERLORD! He's fine I'm sure. Wheebz on the other hand.....
I am fine. Other than a little stomach discomfort I am no worse for the wear. I was in no shape to post pics last night when I got home. I couldn't find my computer :drunk:

So here they are. We only got through the Brain this time as it was busy.

Here's Wheebz hard at work before the Brain makes it's ugly face known.


Some of the beers I was drinking.


The evil monster itself:


Ok now here is where it gets interesting, I sliced a little piece off and that is Wheebz' I ate the rest. Here is Wheebz reaction:

