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Josh's Pepper Plants '09

imaguitargod said:
Nice harvest!

Thanks. The end of August treated me well and so is September.

Silver_Surfer said:
Pretty harvest and pics Josh. How about a pod index?

Thanks. Sure thing...

patrick said:
Man look at all them Bhuts. You have some serious heat there Josh, congrats.

Thanks. It is a mix of Bhuts and Nagas. The dehydrator is pumping and some will be finding good homes with a few friends.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Beautiful harvest Josh! The Joe's Long cayenne up top are my wife's new favorite. What are the phat red pods on the bottom right, 7 or scorpions? Your Bhut Jolokia will give the standard in all chile, a solid 10. Nice yellow pod next to the T. Douglah, what is it? And what is your source of the Douglah? Great lookin' pods enjoys all the heat.:lol:

Thanks. I actually haven't tasted the Joe's yet. I am thinking about cutting them up, doing a little beer batter, and deep frying them. I haven't tried it before but I figure what the hell.

I assume you meant bottom left? They are 7 Pots/Pods.

The yellow pod next to the Douglahs is a 7 Pot/Pod. The variety AJ had last season.

The Douglahs I was lucky enough to receive from Chris(cmpman1974) last Fall. He was sending me some seeds and he surprised me. I had mentioned how cool the Douglah looked and what do you know he sent me a few. I was blown away. Chris is a really generous guy.
Well...not much to update. As I previously mentioned July went very bad. It really set my plants back. While they have bounced back very nice it has really screwed things up in terms of pod set. The plants have and are currently setting a bunch of pods. The only problem is that I will most likely run out of time before they are usable. Oh well, there is always next season.

Anyway, I just harvested 4 really nice Yellow 7 Pot/Pod pods and figured I would share. I am really excited about growing this one again next season. I can't wait to see how it does when there are no problems. I almost forgot to thank AJ for the seeds. Thanks.


I also harvested a gnarly Douglah pod. I didn't realize it at the time but the pictures aren't all that great. I may try to take more tomorrow.


scoville said:
Great looking pods for having a difficlt year Josh!Props!I'm hoping you get some more to ripen before the dreaded"F"!

Well, I guess I made it sound worse than it was. Didn't go as planned though. The Florida Bird pepper you sent me is doing well. Really cranking out pods. The birds get to them fairly quick though.
Josh I'm sure the Mockingbirds will leave you enough for some nice hot sauce.I have a good recipe if you can get a cup of them dried.It's a Mexican Table sauce with few ingredients,very easy and tasty!
scoville said:
Josh I'm sure the Mockingbirds will leave you enough for some nice hot sauce.I have a good recipe if you can get a cup of them dried.It's a Mexican Table sauce with few ingredients,very easy and tasty!

I somehow missed this. Yea sure PM me the recipe.
Well, it is almost the end of my season. I will probably be pulling my plants on October 17th or 18th. I just figured I would post a few shots. I really wish I had taken a shot of my last Douglah and Red 7 Pod harvest, but anyway...

Here are 3 shots of my plants on June 8.



chillilover said:
Like your new avatar. You looked like Dustin Diamond in the old one.......Not that there's anything wrong with that.:P

Hey thanks. Yea the old one I cropped out of a photo my sister had. The quality was terrible but at the time I was just looking to snag something really quick. I finally got around to updating it a bit.
plants are looking good, im going to have my first frost this weekend so the season is probaly over oh. sauce looks insane too good job.
kylestl said:
plants are looking good, im going to have my first frost this weekend so the season is probaly over oh. sauce looks insane too good job.

Hey thanks. Yea I am overall happy with the sauce. I was surprised at how quick the heat from the Douglahs slapped me in the face. From my previous experiences the heat has had time to build. With the sauce it was a bit different. I don't know why.

scoville said:
Great looking plants Josh,Break out the mover's blankets!

Thanks. Yea I have been considering it. I have a lot of green pods still on the plants. Here are a few shots...

Trinidad Scorpion


Naga Morich




Red 7 Pot/Pod (I don't know what strain. I got the seeds from Cmpman. Thanks Chris)

Your nagas look like Bhuts. I was the other way around, wanted to grow bhuts and ended up with naga morich. Your fatalis look like my naga morich. Have you had any ripe ones yet? Do they ripen red or yellow?