• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

So far behind this year, have not even made a list for 2015. This shall be the week to shed the lazy!
Its amazing what you can cram in a small area! I think in a 4x8 area last year i had roughly 28 plants. But i will admit that the peruvian habs and the Thais were a beast to get to!
Islander said:
Its amazing what you can cram in a small area! I think in a 4x8 area last year i had roughly 28 plants. But i will admit that the peruvian habs and the Thais were a beast to get to!
Yeah I had 32 in there and 16 in other :) I love looking at it when they are full of colorful pods! 
Glad to see the square foot garden getting prepped Chris! I got mine raked out, amendments spaded in and about 2/3 planted with brassicas, lettuce and root crops ahead of the rain this week. I'll get the tomatoes, eggplants and beans in when it warm up a little more. Keep on truckin'!
tctenten said:
Love that picture.  Looks like one big giant pepper bush!
Thanks, it was a pleasure to harvest 7 foot plants! Those are 6 foot green stakes. I really cut back the trumpet vines that are just above it in hopes to get more sun and production for the Thai Blend this season. 
Chris that is a phenomenal picture ... The square foot idea has been very rewarding for you ... Was it trial and error when planting or did you have a plan - with the tallest plants in the middle so they didn't over shade/ engulf their neighbours
Trident chilli said:
Chris that is a phenomenal picture ... The square foot idea has been very rewarding for you ... Was it trial and error when planting or did you have a plan - with the tallest plants in the middle so they didn't over shade/ engulf their neighbours
All the plants fight for light and grow up equally, those are all Chinense plants...16 total. 
Can't wait to see some green poking up out of those square feet, Chris!
Those beds look like something out of Sunset magazine or
Better Homes and Gardens!
Wow, looks like it would tough to pick te middle plants. Do you lose some production with the middle plants? Seems like you would only get much from the top of those plants.
PaulG said:
Can't wait to see some green poking up out of those square feet, Chris!
Those beds look like something out of Sunset magazine or
Better Homes and Gardens!
Thank you so much Paul, very much exited to see them grow again. That 4 x 4 is dedicated the Thai blend now but still very fun none the less.
Ozzy2001 said:
Wow, looks like it would tough to pick te middle plants. Do you lose some production with the middle plants? Seems like you would only get much from the top of those plants.
It is only 4 x 4 so very easy to reach in anywhere. The middle plants are where the green stakes are and you can see them branches are loaded with what are and will be tons of pods. This is what most of the plants looked like in there...